The best ways to avoid disease
In general, we all know that this match is not only unpleasant, but almost impossible in our time - when sick if many projects are not yet completed, customers are waiting, and at work without you all just stop. Nevertheless, many people get sick at the wrong time. Let's see how you can avoid such surprises here. Of course, you can not prevent all kinds of diseases, but all sorts of colds, flu and other acute respiratory diseases accurately.
Give yourself a holiday
Have repeatedly said that the dream - the best medicine. But if you do not give yourself enough sleep, start problems - in fact applied to blow the nervous system, the circulatory system, which, in turn, "hits" on everything else. As a result of lowered immunity, and we can get sick, having picked up the most banal colds. A cold can develop into something more, that will make you sit at home and be treated, losing precious minutes.
Drink water
In general, it is necessary to replenish stocks of fluid in the body - and not have to do it by drinking three liters of beer a day or a liter of coffee. As is known, alcohol and coffee "thrown out" fluid from the body, so it is best to drink plain water. Plus, every day there is soup, borscht - something liquid and hot. If you do not consume enough water, you can not get sick, but will itself constantly feel tired / incapable of serious work. All this will affect the work efficiency.
Eat colored fruits and vegetables
Doctors claim that colored fruits and vegetables give us the maximum amount of vitamins and other substances the body needs. No need to stick to one of the colors, all the better to have a "rainbow colors". This allows for your own body with all necessary. Naturally, a strong body able to defeat many diseases, to prevent the development of serious problems.
No matter how much talk about the benefits of exercise is extremely a lot of people who just do not understand, why do sports. But those who understand, lazy, promising himself is about to join the gym and start training. It is clear that all this is postponed for more long term. In general, do not delay the exercise - if we decide to do, you do, and not invent excuses for himself.
Exercise, like nothing else can heal the body, making it stronger.
Do not touch frequently to face
In your hands is much more pathogens than you would imagine. However, many of us did not hesitate to transplant these viruses and bacteria on the face, touching it with his hands. Try not to do it, but if they have developed a persistent habit touching your face, get rid of it. Doctors claim that the person - the place where the bacteria enter our body, of course, for your eyes, mouth, nose - open road in our body for germs.
Wash your hands
Yes, this advice is hanging in every child and adult clinic, it is repeated to us since childhood. And yet, we forget to wash your hands. As a result, hordes of malicious organisms sit on the palms, fingers, and other places, waiting is already possible to break in. If this happens - we get sick. Of course, no need to turn in handwashing pathology, but three or four times a day to wash hands need.

Give yourself a holiday
Have repeatedly said that the dream - the best medicine. But if you do not give yourself enough sleep, start problems - in fact applied to blow the nervous system, the circulatory system, which, in turn, "hits" on everything else. As a result of lowered immunity, and we can get sick, having picked up the most banal colds. A cold can develop into something more, that will make you sit at home and be treated, losing precious minutes.
Drink water
In general, it is necessary to replenish stocks of fluid in the body - and not have to do it by drinking three liters of beer a day or a liter of coffee. As is known, alcohol and coffee "thrown out" fluid from the body, so it is best to drink plain water. Plus, every day there is soup, borscht - something liquid and hot. If you do not consume enough water, you can not get sick, but will itself constantly feel tired / incapable of serious work. All this will affect the work efficiency.
Eat colored fruits and vegetables
Doctors claim that colored fruits and vegetables give us the maximum amount of vitamins and other substances the body needs. No need to stick to one of the colors, all the better to have a "rainbow colors". This allows for your own body with all necessary. Naturally, a strong body able to defeat many diseases, to prevent the development of serious problems.
No matter how much talk about the benefits of exercise is extremely a lot of people who just do not understand, why do sports. But those who understand, lazy, promising himself is about to join the gym and start training. It is clear that all this is postponed for more long term. In general, do not delay the exercise - if we decide to do, you do, and not invent excuses for himself.
Exercise, like nothing else can heal the body, making it stronger.
Do not touch frequently to face
In your hands is much more pathogens than you would imagine. However, many of us did not hesitate to transplant these viruses and bacteria on the face, touching it with his hands. Try not to do it, but if they have developed a persistent habit touching your face, get rid of it. Doctors claim that the person - the place where the bacteria enter our body, of course, for your eyes, mouth, nose - open road in our body for germs.
Wash your hands
Yes, this advice is hanging in every child and adult clinic, it is repeated to us since childhood. And yet, we forget to wash your hands. As a result, hordes of malicious organisms sit on the palms, fingers, and other places, waiting is already possible to break in. If this happens - we get sick. Of course, no need to turn in handwashing pathology, but three or four times a day to wash hands need.
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Traffic policemen fired because of the video appeared on the Internet