Banana history
A short story about bananas !!!
Before packing bananas spend 20-30 minutes in the pool with water to stop the allocation of latex fresh fruit slices on the crown.
Cut the fruit hung on the cable car for transport to the packing station.
Banana "tree" brings only one crop in their lives.
During harvest time, or to put it correctly, "slice", bananas lay special sponge, so they are not damaged during transport to the packing station.
Machete - an instrument of labor, there are in almost every home in Costa Rica.
After cutting the plant stem is cut down, and in its place, a number already grows new.
The fruit plantations so heavy, that the fear of falling with plastic tape.
Slice bananas - hard physical labor.
So get on the banana packing station.
Waiting line for packaging.
Of all the banana, which fell to the packing station, control Merchant fails only 5-6%. Unsuitable for export fruit is sold on the local market.
Selection of fruit (in fact the division into clusters, so-called "clusters") is performed mainly by women.
Production of bananas - not just a process, it's history, culture formed on the basis of which grew more than one generation in many countries of Latin America.
The final stage - packing.
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Before packing bananas spend 20-30 minutes in the pool with water to stop the allocation of latex fresh fruit slices on the crown.
Cut the fruit hung on the cable car for transport to the packing station.

Banana "tree" brings only one crop in their lives.

During harvest time, or to put it correctly, "slice", bananas lay special sponge, so they are not damaged during transport to the packing station.

Machete - an instrument of labor, there are in almost every home in Costa Rica.

After cutting the plant stem is cut down, and in its place, a number already grows new.
The fruit plantations so heavy, that the fear of falling with plastic tape.

Slice bananas - hard physical labor.

So get on the banana packing station.

Waiting line for packaging.

Of all the banana, which fell to the packing station, control Merchant fails only 5-6%. Unsuitable for export fruit is sold on the local market.

Selection of fruit (in fact the division into clusters, so-called "clusters") is performed mainly by women.

Production of bananas - not just a process, it's history, culture formed on the basis of which grew more than one generation in many countries of Latin America.

The final stage - packing.

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