A resident of Tambov surpassed all expectations.
While living in Russia ceases to surprise many, but you violently surprised again and again. Well, today anyone can be surprised by reports of fishermen who claimed on the ice. Year by year, "floats" the same amount, it seems the same fishermen. But residents of Tambov surpassed all expectations: it is not claimed on the ice - he built for himself an ice raft and went traveling on the river. Look what came out of it in the continuation of the post.
Alexander Ivanov decided not to wait until the summer and open swimming season now. According to thrill, such plans had matured since last spring. Then he outlined for himself two goals:
- Dips in clothing under the ice, to feel what it
- Ride on the ice to feel mammoth from the movie
Alexander Ivanov finally decided to translate plans into reality. In the journey he took germoryukzak with some things, a thermos of tea, neoprene socks, shovel and ax. To the place of departure - on the coast of the Sea of Tambov - Extreme came to three o'clock in the afternoon.
Before we get to the strong ice, a man had to overcome two meters of cold slurry. Feeling solid "ground" under his feet, he began the creation of the vehicle. Shovel to chip ice floe did not work, but the ax with case managed.
All the way to row was not necessary, after some time, Alexander Ivanov decided to drink tea, sat on germoryukzak, took out a thermos.
Meanwhile Tezikov approaching the bridge. On it the conqueror of the water element waited curious tambovchane.
From the words of Ator: "On the bridge was a crowd of onlookers, and when I swam closer, they started asking stupid questions, such as: why I chipped a piece of ice floe? where I swim? What is the water temperature? why do I have a thermos of tea, not a bottle? and stuff. »
Alexander Ivanov planned to swim at least until the Bridge lovers. However, the voyage had suddenly interrupted. Man on an ice floe rescuers noticed.

Alexander Ivanov decided not to wait until the summer and open swimming season now. According to thrill, such plans had matured since last spring. Then he outlined for himself two goals:
- Dips in clothing under the ice, to feel what it
- Ride on the ice to feel mammoth from the movie
Alexander Ivanov finally decided to translate plans into reality. In the journey he took germoryukzak with some things, a thermos of tea, neoprene socks, shovel and ax. To the place of departure - on the coast of the Sea of Tambov - Extreme came to three o'clock in the afternoon.
Before we get to the strong ice, a man had to overcome two meters of cold slurry. Feeling solid "ground" under his feet, he began the creation of the vehicle. Shovel to chip ice floe did not work, but the ax with case managed.
All the way to row was not necessary, after some time, Alexander Ivanov decided to drink tea, sat on germoryukzak, took out a thermos.
Meanwhile Tezikov approaching the bridge. On it the conqueror of the water element waited curious tambovchane.
From the words of Ator: "On the bridge was a crowd of onlookers, and when I swam closer, they started asking stupid questions, such as: why I chipped a piece of ice floe? where I swim? What is the water temperature? why do I have a thermos of tea, not a bottle? and stuff. »
Alexander Ivanov planned to swim at least until the Bridge lovers. However, the voyage had suddenly interrupted. Man on an ice floe rescuers noticed.
