I vernulso!
Dear YaPovtsy! How am I for you all soskulilsya!
That seems to have recently said goodbye, I was back
I want to talk about his service. Maybe someone out to serve soon and suddenly someone this story will help. [Next =]
It all started with a call-up. The same place where it ends civic life.
We arrived with a hangover after the wires into the army. Can not understand anything. A crowd of bald people, all teeming like an anthill. Half day Honey Commission fingerprinting.
I saw a friend at school. To ask where you are coming here. Got that is not defined in the command will free labor. In the evening, sweeping the territory. We slept in the barracks where soldiers dvuyarusnye bed, which in addition to smelly old mattress nothing.
The second day was more interesting. They called to talk to the officer. Knowing only the army exercises on life safety and serials soldiers realized that talking to Lieutenant Colonel Airborne. He asked not afraid of height whether if we can run 15 kilometers and a number of general questions about the family and health. Then there was the question is not whether struhnem serve in intelligence. I thought that it would be difficult and perhaps then I regret, but I will ask it in exploration.
At the end of the day I was told that I was assigned to the team at Tambov. Coming to the team saw that same lieutenant colonel. He was glad that was selected and my candidacy considered worthy of exploration.
After 2 days the road was waiting for the train to Moscow. There waiting for trains to Tambov.
While we were all made friends. The mood was on the rise. But what got in the Urals and drove around the city, the mood began to fall. After passing the gate PPC saw how in spite of us guys in berets carried finger across his throat. "Now I'm in the army fuck 'flashed through my head.
Climbing up to the 4th floor we have built. We met two. Lieutenant and Sergeant contractor. (Later it turned out that it was the commander of a platoon of young recruits and company foreman young recruits.) Said that we like service, the main thing to be a man and do not commit acts pidorskih.
Once introduced to the deputy commander of a platoon. Corporal B. It was in vest and shorts. Seeing his muscles in my head and climbed only one thing: "shandets us».
The first day in the army of occupation and immediately laying parachutes. They explain intelligibly, but many can not. I got a couple of splash. It's a shame, but did not get upset. It is an army, not a kindergarten.
Every day, a few hours of drill. After 2 weeks of the first shooting. Dali 15 rounds. After shooting feel Rambo. Cool it with a machine gun shoot. Once you realize that doing a man's job - to serve their country.
Issued new vests and berets. Immediately you feel a warrior. Many parents came. Standing in the line saw my mother. Very pleased, though not seen her only 3 weeks. After taking the oath were released into the city. Overeaten sweets. Ahead of waiting for transfer to the company. I wanted to get it in the intelligence, but did not ask anything. I decided to let things go on as usual, and come what may.
They said that the distribution fall into the 11 company and that I should enjoy it. The service will be difficult, but interesting, said the sergeant.
In the company of
I came to the landfill with the guys. They constantly live in the woods 10 and 11 companies. It was a school of junior specialists (SMB), and after 4 months, we must give the title of corporal pain, went to serve in another company and put in a senior position.
We went to the barracks, we began to ask our names and say what squad we have identified. When my turn came, it turned out that the list I have. After a couple of calls to the brigade became clear that I was not distributed in the company of 11, and 10. When he arrived he saw the guys with whom he was in the company of young recruits.
In the company had 3 platoons. 1 - reconnaissance platoon, 2 - and 3 communications platoon - a platoon of central communication.
I got reconnaissance platoon, which was very happy.
Classes began. Great emphasis was placed on mine-explosive training and Fizeau. Incidentally Fizeau was tough. 3 km cross-country in the 30 degree heat it was not easy.
Separately recall curse toward the RD-54. Backpack paratroopers did not seem particularly heavy, but terribly pressing on his shoulders and is going to the shooting range (6 km) curse it all the way. A fire had been every week
From cool chips that will teach, I can remember that when you clean out of his orange peel takes off the juice bitter. And if you bring it to the skin of the lighter, then in contact with a jet of juice when cleaning the fire turns out very showy large flame. The chip is cool but useless
In the autumn started to leave for the day in the woods and equipped secrets and pit traps. In general, it was interesting.
We passed the first teaching and first skydiving. Each new day is very similar to the previous, tired army routine.
Gone 4 months of service and the time has come to the final. Tactical and special training, engineering training, bacteriological chemical radiation protection drill, the test firing.
Passed a total score of 4. Mainly in the platoon were 5 and 4. Well, a couple of threes. True big unpleasant surprise was that we did not give anyone any corporal. They said that we do not ... it's a shame, a shame, okay.
We all got "normal" phones. That is all there was the Internet and ICQ.
A new round of service.
I fall into the team. Serve on 4 1 reconnaissance exploration company. Efreytorskuyu put on the position of senior scout sniper. With a salary of 725 rubles efreytorskoy. Normal intelligence at this time received 625 rubles.
I learned that a company is fixed for the first parade. How evil it snowed and we went to the cleaning. Almost 6 hours to clear snow scrapers and shovels. All subsequent service of the phrase: "the snow is gone," sounded like a death sentence.
In December, it was the first field output. We lived at the site in tents. How to hit home. The first 4 months of service in ShMSe affected. We knew which side the village. It is only 2, 5 km away from the camp located village where he lived entrepreneur who sold products.
Night raids before him were more and more and soon "huckster" there is not a lemonade without cookies are not instant noodles to eat.
But the field was coming to an end. The only thing that bothered, it's a constant firewood. Two two-handed saw and ax 2, this is what our company possessed for harvesting. It was decided that from the next paycheck resets the whole company and buy a chainsaw.
Immediately after charges were snipers field instructors who were trained in the training center of the city S.
At the training camp very much. I learned many interesting things and adjust their AGI. By the way a lot of shooting in these 2 weeks. About 200 rounds of all fees. Many snipers in the entire service so do not, and we are so lucky.
New Year
We met in 2012 almost almost warm family circle. He chipped in on the table, reluctantly, for 300 rubles. Everyone got a plate of mashed potatoes, 2 apples, a little sausage, grilled quarter chicken, a slice of cake. The floor 12 at the location he went brigade commander Colonel B. congratulated everyone on the occasion wished health and success in the development of military skills.
Then everyone congratulated staff on coming.
In general, celebrated more or less normally.
Service continues
After the Christmas holidays over the field. We reached very tough. In addition to standard Colson, vest, white sturgeon, cotton and pea jacket wore camouflage coveralls and vests. By RD tied sleeping bag on top of the RD night sight in pouches, mask and SVD. Walking on ice 18 kilometers. 8 of which are along a narrow slippery snow-covered path in the woods.
We reached safely, but very tired. With a chainsaw field passed easily. Classes were very interesting. Ambushes, raids, sabotage, finding objects, masking caches.
By force of circumstances had to go on a business trip to another part. Just go to the field. They were taken to the other end of the Tambov artelliriysky division. 20 days there doing nothing. I watched as the staff training in place to make repairs in the barracks, I was very surprised.
In early February, came the salary. She was very surprised. Instead of 725 rubles it turns out 2000 conscripts raised wages. In the tea immediately emptied the shelves.
He returned to the team
After the trip was difficult to integrate into a rhythm. 20 days prozhiraniya wages in tea and lack of physical activity go far to benefit. Somewhere a week it was hard to run a standard 3 kilometers. On the march from the shooting range in the team I felt vyzhitym lemon, but not dead, and did not depart from his comrades. "You're a scout! Be patient! "I said to myself then.
After firing it snowed. It was 4 days without stopping and really vtuhla company on the parade ground. Divided into 2 groups. First 2 hours snow removes group 1, the second 2:00 second. Rested only meal at night. And it was not a retreat in the 10 and 11 that morning to work less. The rise of 5 and immediately forward to the parade ground ... Snowdrifts should be regular square shape. So they had to work even harder. Align snowdrifts was harder than it seemed at first glance. The end of this long snowstorm received with great enthusiasm, than the New Year. I recall the cleaning of the parade ground until the end of service.
The longest field
All the usual fees, cleaning weapons, choice of sleeping bag for civilian ... Upcoming Field 2 weeks. Suddenly the bed and said transfer tumbochkina 3rd floor. No sooner said than done. Moved. Then the property office and the storeroom. In the end everything was moved to the 3rd floor. We did not understand why this is, after only 2 weeks in the forest ...
Gone March 3. A week later, we were told that on the 4th floor and began repairs we stay a little longer than planned. So week after week we still did not allow the team to return to the team. Already all the snow has melted, the leaves began to blossom.
The order came, about the transfer unit back into the team. We began to gather, but then comes refinement. 1 company is still in the field camp.
All are gone, and we stayed. Before dinner just went and collected garbage in the camp. After lunch, we played football, slept, ran through the forest, engaged in the sports town. Someone ran up a chip huckster ...
We returned to the field May 12. I had to get used to the team, but quickly adapted. Although I had to live on the 3rd floor, sharing arrangement with a company communication. Very closely. And in the morning, and before lights laver resembled an anthill.
Last spurt
That's already the summer began. Home soon. The guys started doing dembelki. I did this I can not understand. Why dress up like a Christmas tree and go home so? I just bought a new camouflage size and patrupeyu. I think that was right.
The days drew closer to muster. Please come down to zero months, then weeks, and finally today. Call Spring 2011 goes to the reserve. One guy said that even a little bit afraid. So much, he used the army, he could not imagine life in the civilian world.
I asked many homes have no regrets I that went into the army. I always answer that I do not regret. This man should be able to defend their country. Complete this school life. Understand what you can do and grow up in the end. Rightly said as that Major Sh service is not just a word, it is an abbreviation
while the p and s p
m h h l m of
s w a n a and
m and I
m m
That seems to have recently said goodbye, I was back
I want to talk about his service. Maybe someone out to serve soon and suddenly someone this story will help. [Next =]
It all started with a call-up. The same place where it ends civic life.
We arrived with a hangover after the wires into the army. Can not understand anything. A crowd of bald people, all teeming like an anthill. Half day Honey Commission fingerprinting.
I saw a friend at school. To ask where you are coming here. Got that is not defined in the command will free labor. In the evening, sweeping the territory. We slept in the barracks where soldiers dvuyarusnye bed, which in addition to smelly old mattress nothing.
The second day was more interesting. They called to talk to the officer. Knowing only the army exercises on life safety and serials soldiers realized that talking to Lieutenant Colonel Airborne. He asked not afraid of height whether if we can run 15 kilometers and a number of general questions about the family and health. Then there was the question is not whether struhnem serve in intelligence. I thought that it would be difficult and perhaps then I regret, but I will ask it in exploration.
At the end of the day I was told that I was assigned to the team at Tambov. Coming to the team saw that same lieutenant colonel. He was glad that was selected and my candidacy considered worthy of exploration.
After 2 days the road was waiting for the train to Moscow. There waiting for trains to Tambov.
While we were all made friends. The mood was on the rise. But what got in the Urals and drove around the city, the mood began to fall. After passing the gate PPC saw how in spite of us guys in berets carried finger across his throat. "Now I'm in the army fuck 'flashed through my head.
Climbing up to the 4th floor we have built. We met two. Lieutenant and Sergeant contractor. (Later it turned out that it was the commander of a platoon of young recruits and company foreman young recruits.) Said that we like service, the main thing to be a man and do not commit acts pidorskih.
Once introduced to the deputy commander of a platoon. Corporal B. It was in vest and shorts. Seeing his muscles in my head and climbed only one thing: "shandets us».
The first day in the army of occupation and immediately laying parachutes. They explain intelligibly, but many can not. I got a couple of splash. It's a shame, but did not get upset. It is an army, not a kindergarten.
Every day, a few hours of drill. After 2 weeks of the first shooting. Dali 15 rounds. After shooting feel Rambo. Cool it with a machine gun shoot. Once you realize that doing a man's job - to serve their country.
Issued new vests and berets. Immediately you feel a warrior. Many parents came. Standing in the line saw my mother. Very pleased, though not seen her only 3 weeks. After taking the oath were released into the city. Overeaten sweets. Ahead of waiting for transfer to the company. I wanted to get it in the intelligence, but did not ask anything. I decided to let things go on as usual, and come what may.
They said that the distribution fall into the 11 company and that I should enjoy it. The service will be difficult, but interesting, said the sergeant.
In the company of
I came to the landfill with the guys. They constantly live in the woods 10 and 11 companies. It was a school of junior specialists (SMB), and after 4 months, we must give the title of corporal pain, went to serve in another company and put in a senior position.
We went to the barracks, we began to ask our names and say what squad we have identified. When my turn came, it turned out that the list I have. After a couple of calls to the brigade became clear that I was not distributed in the company of 11, and 10. When he arrived he saw the guys with whom he was in the company of young recruits.
In the company had 3 platoons. 1 - reconnaissance platoon, 2 - and 3 communications platoon - a platoon of central communication.
I got reconnaissance platoon, which was very happy.
Classes began. Great emphasis was placed on mine-explosive training and Fizeau. Incidentally Fizeau was tough. 3 km cross-country in the 30 degree heat it was not easy.
Separately recall curse toward the RD-54. Backpack paratroopers did not seem particularly heavy, but terribly pressing on his shoulders and is going to the shooting range (6 km) curse it all the way. A fire had been every week
From cool chips that will teach, I can remember that when you clean out of his orange peel takes off the juice bitter. And if you bring it to the skin of the lighter, then in contact with a jet of juice when cleaning the fire turns out very showy large flame. The chip is cool but useless
In the autumn started to leave for the day in the woods and equipped secrets and pit traps. In general, it was interesting.
We passed the first teaching and first skydiving. Each new day is very similar to the previous, tired army routine.
Gone 4 months of service and the time has come to the final. Tactical and special training, engineering training, bacteriological chemical radiation protection drill, the test firing.
Passed a total score of 4. Mainly in the platoon were 5 and 4. Well, a couple of threes. True big unpleasant surprise was that we did not give anyone any corporal. They said that we do not ... it's a shame, a shame, okay.
We all got "normal" phones. That is all there was the Internet and ICQ.
A new round of service.
I fall into the team. Serve on 4 1 reconnaissance exploration company. Efreytorskuyu put on the position of senior scout sniper. With a salary of 725 rubles efreytorskoy. Normal intelligence at this time received 625 rubles.
I learned that a company is fixed for the first parade. How evil it snowed and we went to the cleaning. Almost 6 hours to clear snow scrapers and shovels. All subsequent service of the phrase: "the snow is gone," sounded like a death sentence.
In December, it was the first field output. We lived at the site in tents. How to hit home. The first 4 months of service in ShMSe affected. We knew which side the village. It is only 2, 5 km away from the camp located village where he lived entrepreneur who sold products.
Night raids before him were more and more and soon "huckster" there is not a lemonade without cookies are not instant noodles to eat.
But the field was coming to an end. The only thing that bothered, it's a constant firewood. Two two-handed saw and ax 2, this is what our company possessed for harvesting. It was decided that from the next paycheck resets the whole company and buy a chainsaw.
Immediately after charges were snipers field instructors who were trained in the training center of the city S.
At the training camp very much. I learned many interesting things and adjust their AGI. By the way a lot of shooting in these 2 weeks. About 200 rounds of all fees. Many snipers in the entire service so do not, and we are so lucky.
New Year
We met in 2012 almost almost warm family circle. He chipped in on the table, reluctantly, for 300 rubles. Everyone got a plate of mashed potatoes, 2 apples, a little sausage, grilled quarter chicken, a slice of cake. The floor 12 at the location he went brigade commander Colonel B. congratulated everyone on the occasion wished health and success in the development of military skills.
Then everyone congratulated staff on coming.
In general, celebrated more or less normally.
Service continues
After the Christmas holidays over the field. We reached very tough. In addition to standard Colson, vest, white sturgeon, cotton and pea jacket wore camouflage coveralls and vests. By RD tied sleeping bag on top of the RD night sight in pouches, mask and SVD. Walking on ice 18 kilometers. 8 of which are along a narrow slippery snow-covered path in the woods.
We reached safely, but very tired. With a chainsaw field passed easily. Classes were very interesting. Ambushes, raids, sabotage, finding objects, masking caches.
By force of circumstances had to go on a business trip to another part. Just go to the field. They were taken to the other end of the Tambov artelliriysky division. 20 days there doing nothing. I watched as the staff training in place to make repairs in the barracks, I was very surprised.
In early February, came the salary. She was very surprised. Instead of 725 rubles it turns out 2000 conscripts raised wages. In the tea immediately emptied the shelves.
He returned to the team
After the trip was difficult to integrate into a rhythm. 20 days prozhiraniya wages in tea and lack of physical activity go far to benefit. Somewhere a week it was hard to run a standard 3 kilometers. On the march from the shooting range in the team I felt vyzhitym lemon, but not dead, and did not depart from his comrades. "You're a scout! Be patient! "I said to myself then.
After firing it snowed. It was 4 days without stopping and really vtuhla company on the parade ground. Divided into 2 groups. First 2 hours snow removes group 1, the second 2:00 second. Rested only meal at night. And it was not a retreat in the 10 and 11 that morning to work less. The rise of 5 and immediately forward to the parade ground ... Snowdrifts should be regular square shape. So they had to work even harder. Align snowdrifts was harder than it seemed at first glance. The end of this long snowstorm received with great enthusiasm, than the New Year. I recall the cleaning of the parade ground until the end of service.
The longest field
All the usual fees, cleaning weapons, choice of sleeping bag for civilian ... Upcoming Field 2 weeks. Suddenly the bed and said transfer tumbochkina 3rd floor. No sooner said than done. Moved. Then the property office and the storeroom. In the end everything was moved to the 3rd floor. We did not understand why this is, after only 2 weeks in the forest ...
Gone March 3. A week later, we were told that on the 4th floor and began repairs we stay a little longer than planned. So week after week we still did not allow the team to return to the team. Already all the snow has melted, the leaves began to blossom.
The order came, about the transfer unit back into the team. We began to gather, but then comes refinement. 1 company is still in the field camp.
All are gone, and we stayed. Before dinner just went and collected garbage in the camp. After lunch, we played football, slept, ran through the forest, engaged in the sports town. Someone ran up a chip huckster ...
We returned to the field May 12. I had to get used to the team, but quickly adapted. Although I had to live on the 3rd floor, sharing arrangement with a company communication. Very closely. And in the morning, and before lights laver resembled an anthill.
Last spurt
That's already the summer began. Home soon. The guys started doing dembelki. I did this I can not understand. Why dress up like a Christmas tree and go home so? I just bought a new camouflage size and patrupeyu. I think that was right.
The days drew closer to muster. Please come down to zero months, then weeks, and finally today. Call Spring 2011 goes to the reserve. One guy said that even a little bit afraid. So much, he used the army, he could not imagine life in the civilian world.
I asked many homes have no regrets I that went into the army. I always answer that I do not regret. This man should be able to defend their country. Complete this school life. Understand what you can do and grow up in the end. Rightly said as that Major Sh service is not just a word, it is an abbreviation
while the p and s p
m h h l m of
s w a n a and
m and I
m m
