Bivvis and Bathead Delite Site

Listen, I've figured out how to make beer!
- Let's create a website!
- Cho?
- Well, the web page. We'll put some commercials on her and make a lot of money!
- Really? What about the page?
I don’t know if there are any jokes...
- Cho?
- A site where jokes will be placed, eroticism and all sorts of stuff.
Fuck, jokes, eroticism... think fast, stupid!
- Aah. What, we got a lot of fun?
- It doesn't matter if you look at us - you can take it from other sites, they just steal everything from each other.
Do you know how to make websites?
- A little bit. We need a professional website in PHP, so we will make more money!
Where will we put this page? Now, I'm here a great site told, just the pages in the Internet to place... crowd, what, or...
- People, sheep. People.ru. Excellent service, but it does not suit us, unfortunately. Don’t ask me why, explain it three times. That's it. I'll do the technical part and you'll be the designer. I'll paint pictures.
Dude, I had a three-man painting at school. And then, with a stretch - lucky that the teacher took that nonsense about the volume of the black square at face value.
- I don't care! You'll still be drawing on the computer.
- I'll teach you.
*** after two days ***
- Yo, cormorant! I got a free engine! It'll be easier now!
- Didn't you sell your penny?
- Oh, asshole, I mean the site.
- Have you forgotten about him yet? We sat normally yesterday...
- We'll get rich! I'm going to put the engine on. Make me some tea.
- I can do it on your forehead.
- Vicious!
*** three hours later ***
- A pig's engine! What kind of crooked invalid wrote it?! And even these, on the forum - I show them a glitch, the engine is actually not working, and they are in response to me as a "search"!
- Well, use a search or something.
- Why?
As an option, find a solution to your problem.
Do you think anyone has found this glitch before me? I don't believe it.
Think for yourself, if you were told to use search, you should use it.
- Hmm.
*** another hour ***
- Uh, put in... In short, it needs to be made beautiful. Do this, this and this. I'm going to the market, I'm going to buy a CD with our first wareze. When I get there, at least draw a logo.
Are you sure that logos for super-duper-mega sites are made in Paint?
- So we don't have anything else. Yes, lan, he will. We don't need a super-duper-mega site. It's just super... More than two or three thousand visitors a day are not necessary.
*** in a day ***
- And? In 24 hours, you wrote in red letters on a green background, “Come in once and stay forever”?
Well, I sprayed four more spots...
- Great! Shit, we're gonna get lines, it's gonna be okay.
*** three more days ***
- So today is a big day! We're opening!
- Can I open the baltic oude?
- Early, at 18:00 we'll open...
- It's 18:02.
- Excuse me? Why isn't the site bugging?
- It's just someone here is definitely crooked!
* Opening the bottle against the table *
- Oh, thank God I did. I'll go to the forum and let them know.
*** two days later ***
- No, why are you sitting? Add the news, the jokes...
- What's the use? We have two visits a day, guess who.
- This is just the beginning! It's gonna be a lot better in a month or two!
And on the forum, we were fucked...
* Went to the forum *
- Template... creators are dumb downs...
- Yeah.
- What do they understand? I don't think she's in that one. In general, they don't work in Myrosoft!
- Short. As you know, I have enough beer, without any sites.
- Then to hell with all this!
Let's drink to that.