About zheneI of his wife ...
- A well-aaaaaaaa!
I was sitting directly on the floor and howled like a wolf, who lost his mother.
- A-AA-A !!!
In the room "Gentle Giant" in 1974, «Aspirations» ... bolt from the night sky, thunder in the middle of the heart patient ... Zhenya, Zhenya, my whom now I'll listen to it? !!! I loved you with this music, under these incredible play ritma.Eta song blanketed us as this very night, dark, winter, impenetrable ... Kissed face the laid volosami.Dazhe not taking them ...
And the doctors said - pozdno.Rak stomach third stepeni.Metastaz in pecheni.Operirovat - currently dorozhe.Tolko chemotherapy without any garantiy.Ya tried to present you, pale like Death itself, with dropped out hair from chemotherapy and could not ... I could not! When Lena, about which I told you vsё.Posle shot straight into the entrance brata.Ya could not accept such a loss ... And your Dad, and brother, relates very cool to the idea of our union, were shoke.Ya called Semyon Alexandrovich himself .Glotaya snot half with slezami.Esli tell me that Mister does not have the right to cry, in principle, I spit in his mug. "Death ... What do you know about death!" Remember, Oliver Stone in "Platoon" Sergeant Barnes said that? Old Man Simon came just half an hour after zvonka.No I already knew that the battle proigran.Vrachi give a maximum of four months, if all the conditions strictly.
What are you silent all this time, you bastard? !!! She is deathly pale, my last thing my wife and I have acquired ...
-Dyadya Simon! Yes, they all taldychili "Ulcer ulcer" She took everything that he polozheno.Ya lady's finger with stazhem.Da who knew? !!!
-Edem Seychas.Zabiraem immediately.
-Dyadsemёn! Do not let go! Ten o'clock already!
- Yes, for x * th! I'm the father! I poperegryzu their throats!
We took the same den.Potomu tebya.V arrived Boris, your brat.Afganets.Bolshoy and groznyy.Dezhurny doctor babbled something about the rules of the extract, about the heavy condition of the patient ... "TT", to put him in the forehead was more than compelling argument ...
- Earrings, and I was waiting for you tomorrow ...
- Today we go, right now, Dad Boria fit.
- Do not touch me, bitch! Do not dare! I myself !, - Uncle Simon growled so on medic that he jumped like a scalded cat. - Sergei, gave him a hundred for your trouble!
"Volga" -pikap.Chudnoe construction of a Human Mind.
- Dad, I'm going to Seryozha ...
- Docha, well, he is in the hands of his mother, what are you? Well, he will not pull you two ...
Borka! I'm sorry, I thought I'd hurt me vseh.Lyubyaschie brothers understand menya.Sleza giant kapnuvshaya seems unnoticed ... If it were not for the light of lanterns, highlight your wet eyes ...
- Boris ...
- Shut up, bitch! I have a sister you trust! You, like a fool, x * k even glass can not be trusted, not that sister!
- Shut up, both of you! Eugene, girl, you just thought? Maybe to us? Still quieter and quieter will.
- No, pap.K Serёzhe.Znayu so luchshe.Ne offense, pozhaluysta.I you, Boris, do not yell at him.
Creaked at the entrance.
- Leksandrych, I'll carry himself! Like a feather (which you become light) as my sun, trusting no one, no one ... Boris, the key in my pocket, open.
Dry click the shutter ... My life, my sun ... laid out just as you like, so with lavender ...
-I now, dear ...
I hate our lamp on kuhne.Svet some ... How in the henhouse, or something.
- Sergei, every day in the morning and call-back vecherom.Kak shtyk.Eto not an order. It - please ottsa.Ponyal?
- Clear.
- Do not go on a job, you work here hvatit.O money does not boil.
- Thank you.
- All right, we're family, for friends - who can pomozhet.I your "scientific" developments in accounting berёm.Idi, pospi.Hotya chasov.Inache a couple who take care of her.
- Thank you, Leksandrych.Vodki want?
- Well, it now does to lishnee.Idi Zhenke.Ty Now everything for her.
Wicked komnaty.Nesmotrya void that it has chelovek.S eto.Otlichat life begin to feel the presence of a living person on nezhivogo.Zhenya was almost nezhivoy.Ona died after three nedeli.Rasskazyvat the agony I went through it budu.Ya ranshe.Moya grandmother died of the same.
I cried, burying his father Valery knees.
- Father, but where is she, His holy justice?
- Sergei, you yourself said at the time: "Either Orthodox wife, or no." And did not fulfill the promise.
- But also said, "And two sparrows sold for a penny ..." Is my Zhenya disappear there? I know, adultery - a mortal sin ... But is not present and there is a higher justice? She had tears of blood ...
-Sergei, My spiritual son ... You did everything to make it the way you would est.Terpi.Ty- silnyy.Chto there currently any dumal.Zhenka - Jewish, right? But she was not consecrated by rites, even secretly baptized? Thus saved, if you are believing!
- And if there are no forces?
- God can not ask - ask the Mother of God! Saints ask! Knock on the door to the last!
- Forgive me, Father! - I was shaking so that stole (cover, rely on the one who confesses), batters, sliding down from my shoulders.
I came out of no less than hrama.Boli stalo.Prosto she became a little drugoy.Prishёl domoy.Zhenya subsided after ukola.Kak ten.Bozhe mine, you were not such ?! Hands become thinner almost vdvoe.Ya not slept three sutok.Prosti, native, at least for a couple of hours I will put your head near sidelkoy.Ya your ruki.Ya your faithful dog ...
You died, putting his hand on my head while I did not want to wake spal.Ty.
Forgive me, orthodox Jews ... Zhenya was a Russian mother and secretly kreschenoy.Poetomu have the right ...
- Simon Leksandrych! I'm sorry, but this is her last zhelanie.Prochti.
- "Buried under the cross as mamu.Papa not throw obizhaysya.Ne Serge and aunt Rayu.Ya there looking at you, remember.»
Jack lies on Novoarhangelskom.Borka through their own channels found out that all my tam.I est.Ryadom me a place with her ... over her grave stone krest.I only one phrase after mandatory. "Jack, ZhDI.ya'll be right." < br /> A-A-A-A !!!! "Gentle Giant" in the ears, an empty bottle in his hand ... Go away, hide it! I did not protect her, not save!
- Enough to howl! Are you a man or a man? Above me was Semyon Alexandrovich. - Wipe the snot, soldier! Come on, a glass - and then burn spat.a Swedes at Poltava!
We went on for kuhnyu.Vrezali stopyatdesyat.
- Sonny, you son of me now, as it was not bylo.A otets.Mir I'm around?
- Yes, Dad ...
- Well vsё.Idi, spi.Ne drink more - will not help.
- Well, Dad ...
© PECCATOR 2006.07.17
ZY.Ne like about lichnom.No so flooded ...
I was sitting directly on the floor and howled like a wolf, who lost his mother.
- A-AA-A !!!
In the room "Gentle Giant" in 1974, «Aspirations» ... bolt from the night sky, thunder in the middle of the heart patient ... Zhenya, Zhenya, my whom now I'll listen to it? !!! I loved you with this music, under these incredible play ritma.Eta song blanketed us as this very night, dark, winter, impenetrable ... Kissed face the laid volosami.Dazhe not taking them ...
And the doctors said - pozdno.Rak stomach third stepeni.Metastaz in pecheni.Operirovat - currently dorozhe.Tolko chemotherapy without any garantiy.Ya tried to present you, pale like Death itself, with dropped out hair from chemotherapy and could not ... I could not! When Lena, about which I told you vsё.Posle shot straight into the entrance brata.Ya could not accept such a loss ... And your Dad, and brother, relates very cool to the idea of our union, were shoke.Ya called Semyon Alexandrovich himself .Glotaya snot half with slezami.Esli tell me that Mister does not have the right to cry, in principle, I spit in his mug. "Death ... What do you know about death!" Remember, Oliver Stone in "Platoon" Sergeant Barnes said that? Old Man Simon came just half an hour after zvonka.No I already knew that the battle proigran.Vrachi give a maximum of four months, if all the conditions strictly.
What are you silent all this time, you bastard? !!! She is deathly pale, my last thing my wife and I have acquired ...
-Dyadya Simon! Yes, they all taldychili "Ulcer ulcer" She took everything that he polozheno.Ya lady's finger with stazhem.Da who knew? !!!
-Edem Seychas.Zabiraem immediately.
-Dyadsemёn! Do not let go! Ten o'clock already!
- Yes, for x * th! I'm the father! I poperegryzu their throats!
We took the same den.Potomu tebya.V arrived Boris, your brat.Afganets.Bolshoy and groznyy.Dezhurny doctor babbled something about the rules of the extract, about the heavy condition of the patient ... "TT", to put him in the forehead was more than compelling argument ...
- Earrings, and I was waiting for you tomorrow ...
- Today we go, right now, Dad Boria fit.
- Do not touch me, bitch! Do not dare! I myself !, - Uncle Simon growled so on medic that he jumped like a scalded cat. - Sergei, gave him a hundred for your trouble!
"Volga" -pikap.Chudnoe construction of a Human Mind.
- Dad, I'm going to Seryozha ...
- Docha, well, he is in the hands of his mother, what are you? Well, he will not pull you two ...
Borka! I'm sorry, I thought I'd hurt me vseh.Lyubyaschie brothers understand menya.Sleza giant kapnuvshaya seems unnoticed ... If it were not for the light of lanterns, highlight your wet eyes ...
- Boris ...
- Shut up, bitch! I have a sister you trust! You, like a fool, x * k even glass can not be trusted, not that sister!
- Shut up, both of you! Eugene, girl, you just thought? Maybe to us? Still quieter and quieter will.
- No, pap.K Serёzhe.Znayu so luchshe.Ne offense, pozhaluysta.I you, Boris, do not yell at him.
Creaked at the entrance.
- Leksandrych, I'll carry himself! Like a feather (which you become light) as my sun, trusting no one, no one ... Boris, the key in my pocket, open.
Dry click the shutter ... My life, my sun ... laid out just as you like, so with lavender ...
-I now, dear ...
I hate our lamp on kuhne.Svet some ... How in the henhouse, or something.
- Sergei, every day in the morning and call-back vecherom.Kak shtyk.Eto not an order. It - please ottsa.Ponyal?
- Clear.
- Do not go on a job, you work here hvatit.O money does not boil.
- Thank you.
- All right, we're family, for friends - who can pomozhet.I your "scientific" developments in accounting berёm.Idi, pospi.Hotya chasov.Inache a couple who take care of her.
- Thank you, Leksandrych.Vodki want?
- Well, it now does to lishnee.Idi Zhenke.Ty Now everything for her.
Wicked komnaty.Nesmotrya void that it has chelovek.S eto.Otlichat life begin to feel the presence of a living person on nezhivogo.Zhenya was almost nezhivoy.Ona died after three nedeli.Rasskazyvat the agony I went through it budu.Ya ranshe.Moya grandmother died of the same.
I cried, burying his father Valery knees.
- Father, but where is she, His holy justice?
- Sergei, you yourself said at the time: "Either Orthodox wife, or no." And did not fulfill the promise.
- But also said, "And two sparrows sold for a penny ..." Is my Zhenya disappear there? I know, adultery - a mortal sin ... But is not present and there is a higher justice? She had tears of blood ...
-Sergei, My spiritual son ... You did everything to make it the way you would est.Terpi.Ty- silnyy.Chto there currently any dumal.Zhenka - Jewish, right? But she was not consecrated by rites, even secretly baptized? Thus saved, if you are believing!
- And if there are no forces?
- God can not ask - ask the Mother of God! Saints ask! Knock on the door to the last!
- Forgive me, Father! - I was shaking so that stole (cover, rely on the one who confesses), batters, sliding down from my shoulders.
I came out of no less than hrama.Boli stalo.Prosto she became a little drugoy.Prishёl domoy.Zhenya subsided after ukola.Kak ten.Bozhe mine, you were not such ?! Hands become thinner almost vdvoe.Ya not slept three sutok.Prosti, native, at least for a couple of hours I will put your head near sidelkoy.Ya your ruki.Ya your faithful dog ...
You died, putting his hand on my head while I did not want to wake spal.Ty.
Forgive me, orthodox Jews ... Zhenya was a Russian mother and secretly kreschenoy.Poetomu have the right ...
- Simon Leksandrych! I'm sorry, but this is her last zhelanie.Prochti.
- "Buried under the cross as mamu.Papa not throw obizhaysya.Ne Serge and aunt Rayu.Ya there looking at you, remember.»
Jack lies on Novoarhangelskom.Borka through their own channels found out that all my tam.I est.Ryadom me a place with her ... over her grave stone krest.I only one phrase after mandatory. "Jack, ZhDI.ya'll be right." < br /> A-A-A-A !!!! "Gentle Giant" in the ears, an empty bottle in his hand ... Go away, hide it! I did not protect her, not save!
- Enough to howl! Are you a man or a man? Above me was Semyon Alexandrovich. - Wipe the snot, soldier! Come on, a glass - and then burn spat.a Swedes at Poltava!
We went on for kuhnyu.Vrezali stopyatdesyat.
- Sonny, you son of me now, as it was not bylo.A otets.Mir I'm around?
- Yes, Dad ...
- Well vsё.Idi, spi.Ne drink more - will not help.
- Well, Dad ...
© PECCATOR 2006.07.17
ZY.Ne like about lichnom.No so flooded ...