We have for the environment, our nature, your mother!
question: Why we still do not go to electric cars? Development of electric complete, but I do not know a single friend who owns an electric car. Although the wait, remember enthusiast who gathered under the name of electric electronics. You can still remember the trolley, they are also the electric. But they are tied to wires. And like the freedom of movement.
And so meet: Electric hands.
Now about impressions ...
I have the impression that on this machine, you can just "break" any type pukalki VAZ 2106, 2110, REMUS silencers and stickers Street Racer on the board. Well, maybe not "break", but look sooo dignity. Gear is fast and clear. When driving do not hear nearly no sound is heard only at the beginning of a soft squeak. So ... in the stream, if you do not say it's electric, you are able to understand it only perismotrevshis to the place where should the exhaust pipe. Now for the batteries. Since the battery is One dead for a long time we did not have to drive, drive just 2-3 kilometers, and as the road was uphill and downhill. Especially worth mentioning nehily acceleration of the car, during its ascent up the hill at an angle somewhere in the 300 to the horizon. The weight of the battery is now 570 kg. When will come the new batteries, their weight is about 460 kg, with the same total capacity.
Engine 50 KW series excitation.
I was most tormented by the question of economic feasibility Electronics. At first glance, it seems that much less battery charging 5 liters of gasoline. But we need to count the cost of the entire period of operation, including the petrol car oil changes, filters, etc., for an electric vehicle - replacement batteries (they stand about 300 cycles).
And so meet: Electric hands.

Now about impressions ...

I have the impression that on this machine, you can just "break" any type pukalki VAZ 2106, 2110, REMUS silencers and stickers Street Racer on the board. Well, maybe not "break", but look sooo dignity. Gear is fast and clear. When driving do not hear nearly no sound is heard only at the beginning of a soft squeak. So ... in the stream, if you do not say it's electric, you are able to understand it only perismotrevshis to the place where should the exhaust pipe. Now for the batteries. Since the battery is One dead for a long time we did not have to drive, drive just 2-3 kilometers, and as the road was uphill and downhill. Especially worth mentioning nehily acceleration of the car, during its ascent up the hill at an angle somewhere in the 300 to the horizon. The weight of the battery is now 570 kg. When will come the new batteries, their weight is about 460 kg, with the same total capacity.
Engine 50 KW series excitation.

I was most tormented by the question of economic feasibility Electronics. At first glance, it seems that much less battery charging 5 liters of gasoline. But we need to count the cost of the entire period of operation, including the petrol car oil changes, filters, etc., for an electric vehicle - replacement batteries (they stand about 300 cycles).

