Funny sex rites
As it turned out, Africa is very rich in sexual rites. And that you now see.
In some African tribes have a custom: before marrying, chosen must prove their insistence parents of his bride. The groom comes to the Father, who examines him, feels the muscles, ass, he looks into his mouth. Then hear the sentence: "17 times." It is many times a guy will deliver satisfaction of the mother of the bride! And the number may be any high level well over a hundred, and the guy will have to do it almost without interruption! Some do not stand up and run away, and who will stand the test - will be her husband, and be respected by the entire tribe. Here is a difficult test.
Here spirit smells
In Morocco, a passerby (foreigner) has seen such an unusual for us the scene. Monk on the street, at all, fuck with the girl. It would - nothing special. But the catch is that the husband of a woman standing in front and looked pretty happy. And her friends congratulated guy with so much success. I do not know what he was pleased, but if some kind of monk tried to do the same with my wife, it would be greatly hurt the ass, because as a woman spoke to him, but as a man - a baseball bat. But apparently, they considered it a rare success.
But in Egypt, before marrying the girl, check her virginity. To do this, take a handkerchief wrapped around his finger (the one) and puts it in the same place. After that, if all goes as it should, it turns out handkerchief in the blood, which means chastity darling. Shawl demonstrated to all members of the family, and they give consent to marriage.
Do not have a $ 100
Sometimes being different is cool African. The fact that they have practiced the following custom: the bride is removed to the groom's house, and then she runs out and tries to hide. Friends find her future husband, withdrawn mother's house chosen and made love to her for five days! Then the happy bride back to his beloved wife and becomes legitimate.
I hope you learned in school geography and remember where this is the South Pacific is located? So, this is the South Pacific is not even behind Africa and even outperforms it. It is a haven for perverts.
I sharpened my ...
In this rite again involved friends, but not only. The main character of this rite - a stone knife, with which she is deprived of chastity. But all in order. So, his beloved bride trusts their friends (about three), after which they take her into the woods, deprived of her virginity by a stone knife, then raped (now referred to as "making love") and pulled back into the tribe. But that's not all. Within three days, all the men of the tribe can make love to a woman, and only after that it remains forever with her husband.
via geidrich.livejournal.com/373598.html
As it turned out, Africa is very rich in sexual rites. And that you now see.
In some African tribes have a custom: before marrying, chosen must prove their insistence parents of his bride. The groom comes to the Father, who examines him, feels the muscles, ass, he looks into his mouth. Then hear the sentence: "17 times." It is many times a guy will deliver satisfaction of the mother of the bride! And the number may be any high level well over a hundred, and the guy will have to do it almost without interruption! Some do not stand up and run away, and who will stand the test - will be her husband, and be respected by the entire tribe. Here is a difficult test.
Here spirit smells
In Morocco, a passerby (foreigner) has seen such an unusual for us the scene. Monk on the street, at all, fuck with the girl. It would - nothing special. But the catch is that the husband of a woman standing in front and looked pretty happy. And her friends congratulated guy with so much success. I do not know what he was pleased, but if some kind of monk tried to do the same with my wife, it would be greatly hurt the ass, because as a woman spoke to him, but as a man - a baseball bat. But apparently, they considered it a rare success.
But in Egypt, before marrying the girl, check her virginity. To do this, take a handkerchief wrapped around his finger (the one) and puts it in the same place. After that, if all goes as it should, it turns out handkerchief in the blood, which means chastity darling. Shawl demonstrated to all members of the family, and they give consent to marriage.
Do not have a $ 100
Sometimes being different is cool African. The fact that they have practiced the following custom: the bride is removed to the groom's house, and then she runs out and tries to hide. Friends find her future husband, withdrawn mother's house chosen and made love to her for five days! Then the happy bride back to his beloved wife and becomes legitimate.
I hope you learned in school geography and remember where this is the South Pacific is located? So, this is the South Pacific is not even behind Africa and even outperforms it. It is a haven for perverts.
I sharpened my ...
In this rite again involved friends, but not only. The main character of this rite - a stone knife, with which she is deprived of chastity. But all in order. So, his beloved bride trusts their friends (about three), after which they take her into the woods, deprived of her virginity by a stone knife, then raped (now referred to as "making love") and pulled back into the tribe. But that's not all. Within three days, all the men of the tribe can make love to a woman, and only after that it remains forever with her husband.
via geidrich.livejournal.com/373598.html