Here it is - the resourcefulness!
In many Western hotels give electricity rationing. That is, it is necessary to stick the card (magnetic key) from your room in a special slot. Then in the room is electric.
But when you leave, the card it is necessary to take with you - otherwise you will get back dick. At the same time, of course, the room is not current. This means that you can not leave the laptop battery and charging.
The way out is simple. It is necessary to plug the gap in any flat garbage. For example, a piece of magazine cover (always in the room). Or a business card. Or a bag of saccharine.
No bitch will not dare to open the resourceful chain. Cleaners are too stupid and without initiative for this, and the general manager will not run for the sake of such garbage on the floor to make a decision.
I believe that paid for electricity in the room, even when I was in a room no.
© tema
But when you leave, the card it is necessary to take with you - otherwise you will get back dick. At the same time, of course, the room is not current. This means that you can not leave the laptop battery and charging.
The way out is simple. It is necessary to plug the gap in any flat garbage. For example, a piece of magazine cover (always in the room). Or a business card. Or a bag of saccharine.
No bitch will not dare to open the resourceful chain. Cleaners are too stupid and without initiative for this, and the general manager will not run for the sake of such garbage on the floor to make a decision.
I believe that paid for electricity in the room, even when I was in a room no.
© tema