Caution Your farts will be recorded!
The essence of the matter: General Director of "TBN Energoservice" says that smart meters for hot and cold water on Gorvodocanal transmit not only information on consumed volumes H2O, but also all conversations, which are conducted in the apartment! Although the meter is installed in the bathroom, high-tech microphone records all the sounds at a distance of 15 meters and transmits them wired or wireless way to the center, and then they are stored in a supercomputer (obviously with the super-hard disks). This system is called SORM-3 and is a continuation of the already running phone records and Internet surfing.
Generally I'm enthusiastic about the idea - in millions of bathrooms are smart meters, translating all the sounds in a supercomputer ™. Can you imagine what a year this store will drop dead collection of farts?
via ibigdan
Generally I'm enthusiastic about the idea - in millions of bathrooms are smart meters, translating all the sounds in a supercomputer ™. Can you imagine what a year this store will drop dead collection of farts?
via ibigdan