And the people were waiting for a comedy ...
I love old Soviet movies, but one film now will not seem to me such a cheerful and sparkling.
Those who like this film, better stop reading ...
From the book M. Mogilev "Striped flight»:
"Striped flight" - the film, of course, fun. But I was on the set and very dark episode involving the death of a lion Vasey. In the scene where the sailors dragged on a stretcher from the infirmary sleeping lion, the scenario Vasya had to sleep after eating luminal. But the lion did not want to eat sleeping pills - either in pure form or with meat. And a prick he could not do - special cells clamps on the ship was not. And this is the last day of shooting! Time was no more money for further work - too. And then the decision was made: the lion, the old and the sick, to shoot. Pyromancer group agreed to do it, after accepting a glass of vodka. And dosnimali already dead lion, very quickly, until numb. Margarita (Nazarov) wept.
Like this. There was a special cell, still the old lion, and it is necessary to shoot. People are waiting for a comedy ...
via black-mile
Those who like this film, better stop reading ...
From the book M. Mogilev "Striped flight»:
"Striped flight" - the film, of course, fun. But I was on the set and very dark episode involving the death of a lion Vasey. In the scene where the sailors dragged on a stretcher from the infirmary sleeping lion, the scenario Vasya had to sleep after eating luminal. But the lion did not want to eat sleeping pills - either in pure form or with meat. And a prick he could not do - special cells clamps on the ship was not. And this is the last day of shooting! Time was no more money for further work - too. And then the decision was made: the lion, the old and the sick, to shoot. Pyromancer group agreed to do it, after accepting a glass of vodka. And dosnimali already dead lion, very quickly, until numb. Margarita (Nazarov) wept.
Like this. There was a special cell, still the old lion, and it is necessary to shoot. People are waiting for a comedy ...
via black-mile