On one day in his childhood ...
via macos
I do not know if any of my readers are those who have never heard of Artek - a huge children's camp on the Black Sea. For many older people to get there was a pipe dream, in Soviet times, there turned out to be the best of the best. Those who were lucky enough to visit Artek, as a rule, remembered "that summer" for life.
I rested in Artek a few years after the USSR collapsed. The camp was on the territory of Ukraine, part of the received vouchers to the public, the world around is changing rapidly. Fortunately, Artek then it has not had time to touch, and I did not become a pioneer in the "normal" life in the twenty-one day was the best camp of the Soviet Union.
After a decade and a half, I was back here, even if only for one day. Let's see how the lives Artek today. Those who once rested here is something to remember, and the rest can find something to learn.
Artek 1. My day started early in the morning: already at eight o'clock I went to the children's camp "Marine". While I parked car and admire the sea, a little late on the rise and charging
2. "Sea" is now greatly changed, seven years ago, housing renovated inside and out to make alterations. And it is - the first of Artek camp (there are ten), was built in 1925 and looked like a few canvas tents. Then, when we'll go to the museum Artek, I'll show you what they look like.
3. In the "sea" of five buildings: three small, right on the beach, and two huge, a little further away.
6. All more or less significant events take place at a camp fire area. Bonfires are lit here now rare (fire safety), but there is a rostrum, a ladder stretching up and the bottom - an improvised scene. Here we show movies under the open sky, and every morning goes charging.
7. After charging all go into the dining room. One of the groups, in turn, is assigned to duty. Children watch others to wash their hands, help set the table. At least it was before.
8. Breakfast is usually given a variety of dishes from around this range eggs, sausages, omelets, casseroles, of course cereals
10. Required attribute Artek breakfast - muffins. However, now they are quite different. We were given round white rolls, which must be attached (on a separate plate) butter, sausage and cheese. We had to dig a hole in the plug side roll and put in the ingredients. It was very tasty, and we sometimes changed with the guys: serving breakfast on sandwich "kit»
11. In the summer we went after lunch on the beach or in the clubs, but in March the sea is still cold, and the school year is in full swing. To the guys did not lag behind their peers in the three weeks of rest in Artek, every day they go to learn.
14. From the "Marine" will go to the camps of the complex "Mountain", through the alley Samantha Smith. Once there was an American schoolgirl who at the height of the "cold war" took not so wrote a letter to someone, and to the Secretary-General - Yuri Andropov, asking honest and direct question as only children can, "Mr. Andropov, tell Will the Soviet Union to start a war with our country? »
April 26, 1983, exactly 27 years ago, the Smith family received a letter from distant Russia.
Dear Samantha! I got your letter, like many others, coming to me in these days from your country, from other countries. I think - I judge by the letter - that you are brave and honest girl, resembling Becky, girlfriend of Tom Sawyer in the famous book of your compatriot Mark Twain. This book is known and loved in our country by all boys and girls. You write that you are very concerned about whether there will be a nuclear war between our two countries. And asks whether we do anything to prevent war break out. Your question - the most important of those that would ask every thinking person. I will answer you on it seriously and honestly. Yes, Samantha, we in the Soviet Union tried to do everything to avoid war between the two countries that did not have the war on the ground. We want peace - we have much to do: to grow wheat, building and inventing, writing books and flying into space. We want peace for ourselves and for all peoples of the planet. For our children and for you, Samantha.
Andropov invited the girl "stay" in the Union, to meet with their peers from our country and the rest in Artek. Media Soviet Union, the United States and around the world watched her every move, for each phrase. Before leaving home July 22 Samantha smiled at the cameras with a smile shouted in Russian: "We will live!" And in his book, "Journey to the Soviet Union" Samantha concluded that "they are just like us».
Two years later, Samantha Smith died in a plane crash. After the death of Samantha's her name was immortalized in many books, songs. In Artek also opened an alley in memory of this brave girl.
16. And here is the set of "Mountain", it consists of three camps - "Crystal", "Amber" and "Diamond." The camps were originally designed as a year-round ("Sea" takes children in winter only from 2004, the year after the reconstruction & quot ;. These camps (in Soviet times they were called "squads") consists of one large building, where there is everything and rooms accommodation and dining, and all sorts of other areas.
20. At the beginning I wrote that in Artek ten camps. Now it is only nine. Post-Soviet Artek has lost one of them - the camp "Diamond." Two of his "mountain" brothers have been renovated, "Almazka" always remained the same in the past, housing closed and all abandoned because of the threat of landslide.
23. The old building Artek school. Now there is another educational institution, even for adults - Humanities Institute "Artek»
24. And this is a new school.
26. After breakfast clubs and children go to the pool. Since the sea is cold, do not swim, or what? By the way, the pool water also sea, salt.
27. Some time off, and eat chips instead of swimming.
28. The geographical center Artek - a huge square with a giant monument to Lenin. He seems almost the biggest in the world. In the monumentality of the monument nicknamed "King Kong."
30. Complex Leader is in an almost derelict state, a recent birthday in the new reality was no use, and to bear a pity, after all it is our history. But teams are now going to bypass, but before that - certainly by Lenin.
32. We move to another part of Artek, the territory squad Azure. There is a palace Suuk-soo, a memorable place for every Artek, no matter which camp he was resting.
33. It is in Suuk-Su is a museum of Artek. It was opened 36 years ago, to the day of the fiftieth anniversary of the camp.
34. The museum contains documents, shape Artek, newspaper clippings, badges, gifts from the camp of the USSR leadership and foreign delegations. In fact, the history of Artek closely and inextricably linked with the history of our country.
37. And this is a portrait of Samantha Smith, written by one Artek in 1986.
40. Such was the first Artek tent, the sample of 1925. Bust left - a small monument to the founder of Artek, Zinovy Petrovich Soloviev.
41. In the palace Suuk-Su have and auditorium. As a child, he seemed to me a huge, but now I was very surprised: the room size is the same as in modern cinema, that is quite small.
42. Children are ready for the competition performances.
43. But the most interesting thing in the palace - a museum space. It was opened by Yuri Gagarin in 1967.
44. By the way, the first cosmonaut in Artek rested after his flight in the summer of 1961 year. Certainly not in the squad, because he was already an adult. Then it six more times to come here to visit, communicate with the guys. If there is a desire - about the museum can write a separate post.
45. In the "Azure" and "Cypress" is somewhat like these korpusov- "barrels". This so-called "eleventh" Artek camp, home to children of employees.
46. One of the classic types of places - Pushkinskaya area. Next - a children's playground and a monument to the poet, and from the lookout overlooking the sea, Ayu-Dag and almost all camp Artek. Pay attention to the color of the water, in this place it is always such
47. Now you know why the camp called Azure?
48. One day is too short, to avoid all the guards and crannies Artek, where each stone has its own legend and history. So I went to "their" camp in the Forest, which, of course, closest to me.
49. As I wrote in Artek two complex and three "separate" camps. In the Offshore and condos we have been to Cypress (closest to the village Gurzuf), we have not reached. The complex of camps "Coastal" - four squads of architecture buildings alike as two drops of water. "Forest", "field", "Lake" and "River».
In the picture, as it were common housing complex, is come here buses with future Artek, where they are distributed on orders, wash and give form. There is also a storage room for things and public telephone booth, calling parents here. When the change of ends, the guys also leave this area.
50. In any of the camps "Coastal" five residential buildings. Two dining rooms, "half of" the camp.
51. On the first and second floor of the room, and the third, which is essentially a shell roof, called "solarium". There are company officer duties, activities, or simply to the "solarium" excellent views.
52. Rooms are small, they live for twelve people. As a rule, a detachment of two rooms, located on different floors - one for girls and one for boys.
53. Someone is bound to say in the comments that the rooms cramped and uncomfortable, well, poor children. Some guys, too, at the beginning of the change think so. In fact Artek schedule is so tight that the "pioneers" only spend the night here. By the way, the body was put into operation in 1963.
53/1. Photo from the album about Artek, published just in 1963
56. Who is the camp "Riverside" only work in the summer as there is no heating in buildings. I'm sure in a few years, and also "ennoble" will be the same as in the Sea (third photo).
57. But I think that tens of thousands of Artek, vacationing here once, "nicer" It is such an old body.
58. Campfire Camp Forest Area. Objectively - the biggest in Artek. Subjectively - it offers one of the most beautiful views of the Ayu-Dag. Fact - the "historical" campfire, before there were all significant events, international shifting, festivals, including the famous Film Festival. Now the big event is held on the central stadium.
59. Tell all Artek legends in one post is not possible. I'll tell you one of them on the rocks Adalary.
Legend of the two twin brothers, who once lived in a beautiful castle on the beach. The brothers were rich, beautiful and rather clever. All his days they spent in carefree games, training military and hunting cases.
Once these parts traveled sorcerer, known by the name of Black Sea coast. In fact, no one knew his real name, but as a sorcerer lived at the bottom of the Black Sea, the people called him Black Sea coast. Warlock was not that angry, but not so good. Sometimes he did minor mischief people, and sometimes it has found generosity, and he generously bestowed someone their magical underwater gifts. In one of those happy days sorcerer I met with two brothers, and after a short conversation took from his old trunk, two magical gifts.
One brother he gave silver wings, which could rise into the sky above the clouds and carry, and the second - the rod Gives Way to whom any sea or river. Leaving, Chernomor willed brothers use these magical gifts just for good deeds - or else waiting for their trouble ... With these words, the sorcerer entered the sea and disappeared under the water.
Several years passed. The brothers turned into handsome young men, and soon fell in love with the beautiful sisters who lived in the neighboring village. It has never been in those parts of the wondrous beauties. One of them shone like the moon midnight, the other shone like the morning star. But, no matter how trying the brothers, they failed to win the hearts of girls. Neither wealth brothers or their beauty, nor even their eloquence and decent mind is not made any impression on beautiful women. And then the rumor first beauty one brother: "Only then I will love you, red, boy, when you learn to fly like a bird, and vzmoesh into the sky above the clouds." And said another sister of his brother: "Only then I will love you, red, boy, when you parted for the Black Sea, and you will pass along the bottom of it, to the shores of partite." Raspechalilis and zakruchinilis twins, because they may not know how to fly, nor to enter into the sea ... they could only ride on horseback, singing songs, but wine drink. But suddenly remembered the brothers about gifts sorcerer Chernomor got them from an old closet and ran more to the sea, where at this time walked two beautiful sisters.
"Again, you have come ... Do not we love you" - the rumor sister, turning them. Then the first brother waved his silver wings and soared into the sky, above the clouds and birds ... admire the first sister, a girl's heart trembled, and she ran home to prepare for the upcoming wedding. He took the second brother Rod Chernomor, waved it, and suddenly parted before him wide sea, and they went together with his brother at the very bottom of his second sister ... gazed at this miracle wonderful, melted, and her fragile heart, and she ran home, the first sister vosled , and to prepare for her wedding. But at the very moment they were out of sight, sound of thunder, fire flashed lightning, and sea again closed its waters over the earth. And the two brothers have become two stone cliff standing next to each other near the shore. This was the price paid for the fact that they have broken the covenant, and the sorcerer tried to use his gifts in a purely personal purposes. Soon the girl beauty returned to the shore and began to search and click the brothers. But to no avail ...
Only gulls screaming in darkened skies, but cold waves beating against the rocks ...
60. If you want to learn more about the history of Artek and its legends - I recommend you a site "Artekovets."
I do not know if any of my readers are those who have never heard of Artek - a huge children's camp on the Black Sea. For many older people to get there was a pipe dream, in Soviet times, there turned out to be the best of the best. Those who were lucky enough to visit Artek, as a rule, remembered "that summer" for life.
I rested in Artek a few years after the USSR collapsed. The camp was on the territory of Ukraine, part of the received vouchers to the public, the world around is changing rapidly. Fortunately, Artek then it has not had time to touch, and I did not become a pioneer in the "normal" life in the twenty-one day was the best camp of the Soviet Union.
After a decade and a half, I was back here, even if only for one day. Let's see how the lives Artek today. Those who once rested here is something to remember, and the rest can find something to learn.

Artek 1. My day started early in the morning: already at eight o'clock I went to the children's camp "Marine". While I parked car and admire the sea, a little late on the rise and charging

2. "Sea" is now greatly changed, seven years ago, housing renovated inside and out to make alterations. And it is - the first of Artek camp (there are ten), was built in 1925 and looked like a few canvas tents. Then, when we'll go to the museum Artek, I'll show you what they look like.

3. In the "sea" of five buildings: three small, right on the beach, and two huge, a little further away.



6. All more or less significant events take place at a camp fire area. Bonfires are lit here now rare (fire safety), but there is a rostrum, a ladder stretching up and the bottom - an improvised scene. Here we show movies under the open sky, and every morning goes charging.

7. After charging all go into the dining room. One of the groups, in turn, is assigned to duty. Children watch others to wash their hands, help set the table. At least it was before.

8. Breakfast is usually given a variety of dishes from around this range eggs, sausages, omelets, casseroles, of course cereals


10. Required attribute Artek breakfast - muffins. However, now they are quite different. We were given round white rolls, which must be attached (on a separate plate) butter, sausage and cheese. We had to dig a hole in the plug side roll and put in the ingredients. It was very tasty, and we sometimes changed with the guys: serving breakfast on sandwich "kit»

11. In the summer we went after lunch on the beach or in the clubs, but in March the sea is still cold, and the school year is in full swing. To the guys did not lag behind their peers in the three weeks of rest in Artek, every day they go to learn.



14. From the "Marine" will go to the camps of the complex "Mountain", through the alley Samantha Smith. Once there was an American schoolgirl who at the height of the "cold war" took not so wrote a letter to someone, and to the Secretary-General - Yuri Andropov, asking honest and direct question as only children can, "Mr. Andropov, tell Will the Soviet Union to start a war with our country? »
April 26, 1983, exactly 27 years ago, the Smith family received a letter from distant Russia.
Dear Samantha! I got your letter, like many others, coming to me in these days from your country, from other countries. I think - I judge by the letter - that you are brave and honest girl, resembling Becky, girlfriend of Tom Sawyer in the famous book of your compatriot Mark Twain. This book is known and loved in our country by all boys and girls. You write that you are very concerned about whether there will be a nuclear war between our two countries. And asks whether we do anything to prevent war break out. Your question - the most important of those that would ask every thinking person. I will answer you on it seriously and honestly. Yes, Samantha, we in the Soviet Union tried to do everything to avoid war between the two countries that did not have the war on the ground. We want peace - we have much to do: to grow wheat, building and inventing, writing books and flying into space. We want peace for ourselves and for all peoples of the planet. For our children and for you, Samantha.
Andropov invited the girl "stay" in the Union, to meet with their peers from our country and the rest in Artek. Media Soviet Union, the United States and around the world watched her every move, for each phrase. Before leaving home July 22 Samantha smiled at the cameras with a smile shouted in Russian: "We will live!" And in his book, "Journey to the Soviet Union" Samantha concluded that "they are just like us».
Two years later, Samantha Smith died in a plane crash. After the death of Samantha's her name was immortalized in many books, songs. In Artek also opened an alley in memory of this brave girl.


16. And here is the set of "Mountain", it consists of three camps - "Crystal", "Amber" and "Diamond." The camps were originally designed as a year-round ("Sea" takes children in winter only from 2004, the year after the reconstruction & quot ;. These camps (in Soviet times they were called "squads") consists of one large building, where there is everything and rooms accommodation and dining, and all sorts of other areas.




20. At the beginning I wrote that in Artek ten camps. Now it is only nine. Post-Soviet Artek has lost one of them - the camp "Diamond." Two of his "mountain" brothers have been renovated, "Almazka" always remained the same in the past, housing closed and all abandoned because of the threat of landslide.



23. The old building Artek school. Now there is another educational institution, even for adults - Humanities Institute "Artek»

24. And this is a new school.


26. After breakfast clubs and children go to the pool. Since the sea is cold, do not swim, or what? By the way, the pool water also sea, salt.

27. Some time off, and eat chips instead of swimming.

28. The geographical center Artek - a huge square with a giant monument to Lenin. He seems almost the biggest in the world. In the monumentality of the monument nicknamed "King Kong."


30. Complex Leader is in an almost derelict state, a recent birthday in the new reality was no use, and to bear a pity, after all it is our history. But teams are now going to bypass, but before that - certainly by Lenin.


32. We move to another part of Artek, the territory squad Azure. There is a palace Suuk-soo, a memorable place for every Artek, no matter which camp he was resting.

33. It is in Suuk-Su is a museum of Artek. It was opened 36 years ago, to the day of the fiftieth anniversary of the camp.

34. The museum contains documents, shape Artek, newspaper clippings, badges, gifts from the camp of the USSR leadership and foreign delegations. In fact, the history of Artek closely and inextricably linked with the history of our country.



37. And this is a portrait of Samantha Smith, written by one Artek in 1986.



40. Such was the first Artek tent, the sample of 1925. Bust left - a small monument to the founder of Artek, Zinovy Petrovich Soloviev.

41. In the palace Suuk-Su have and auditorium. As a child, he seemed to me a huge, but now I was very surprised: the room size is the same as in modern cinema, that is quite small.

42. Children are ready for the competition performances.

43. But the most interesting thing in the palace - a museum space. It was opened by Yuri Gagarin in 1967.

44. By the way, the first cosmonaut in Artek rested after his flight in the summer of 1961 year. Certainly not in the squad, because he was already an adult. Then it six more times to come here to visit, communicate with the guys. If there is a desire - about the museum can write a separate post.


45. In the "Azure" and "Cypress" is somewhat like these korpusov- "barrels". This so-called "eleventh" Artek camp, home to children of employees.

46. One of the classic types of places - Pushkinskaya area. Next - a children's playground and a monument to the poet, and from the lookout overlooking the sea, Ayu-Dag and almost all camp Artek. Pay attention to the color of the water, in this place it is always such

47. Now you know why the camp called Azure?

48. One day is too short, to avoid all the guards and crannies Artek, where each stone has its own legend and history. So I went to "their" camp in the Forest, which, of course, closest to me.

49. As I wrote in Artek two complex and three "separate" camps. In the Offshore and condos we have been to Cypress (closest to the village Gurzuf), we have not reached. The complex of camps "Coastal" - four squads of architecture buildings alike as two drops of water. "Forest", "field", "Lake" and "River».
In the picture, as it were common housing complex, is come here buses with future Artek, where they are distributed on orders, wash and give form. There is also a storage room for things and public telephone booth, calling parents here. When the change of ends, the guys also leave this area.

50. In any of the camps "Coastal" five residential buildings. Two dining rooms, "half of" the camp.

51. On the first and second floor of the room, and the third, which is essentially a shell roof, called "solarium". There are company officer duties, activities, or simply to the "solarium" excellent views.

52. Rooms are small, they live for twelve people. As a rule, a detachment of two rooms, located on different floors - one for girls and one for boys.

53. Someone is bound to say in the comments that the rooms cramped and uncomfortable, well, poor children. Some guys, too, at the beginning of the change think so. In fact Artek schedule is so tight that the "pioneers" only spend the night here. By the way, the body was put into operation in 1963.

53/1. Photo from the album about Artek, published just in 1963


56. Who is the camp "Riverside" only work in the summer as there is no heating in buildings. I'm sure in a few years, and also "ennoble" will be the same as in the Sea (third photo).

57. But I think that tens of thousands of Artek, vacationing here once, "nicer" It is such an old body.

58. Campfire Camp Forest Area. Objectively - the biggest in Artek. Subjectively - it offers one of the most beautiful views of the Ayu-Dag. Fact - the "historical" campfire, before there were all significant events, international shifting, festivals, including the famous Film Festival. Now the big event is held on the central stadium.

59. Tell all Artek legends in one post is not possible. I'll tell you one of them on the rocks Adalary.
Legend of the two twin brothers, who once lived in a beautiful castle on the beach. The brothers were rich, beautiful and rather clever. All his days they spent in carefree games, training military and hunting cases.
Once these parts traveled sorcerer, known by the name of Black Sea coast. In fact, no one knew his real name, but as a sorcerer lived at the bottom of the Black Sea, the people called him Black Sea coast. Warlock was not that angry, but not so good. Sometimes he did minor mischief people, and sometimes it has found generosity, and he generously bestowed someone their magical underwater gifts. In one of those happy days sorcerer I met with two brothers, and after a short conversation took from his old trunk, two magical gifts.
One brother he gave silver wings, which could rise into the sky above the clouds and carry, and the second - the rod Gives Way to whom any sea or river. Leaving, Chernomor willed brothers use these magical gifts just for good deeds - or else waiting for their trouble ... With these words, the sorcerer entered the sea and disappeared under the water.
Several years passed. The brothers turned into handsome young men, and soon fell in love with the beautiful sisters who lived in the neighboring village. It has never been in those parts of the wondrous beauties. One of them shone like the moon midnight, the other shone like the morning star. But, no matter how trying the brothers, they failed to win the hearts of girls. Neither wealth brothers or their beauty, nor even their eloquence and decent mind is not made any impression on beautiful women. And then the rumor first beauty one brother: "Only then I will love you, red, boy, when you learn to fly like a bird, and vzmoesh into the sky above the clouds." And said another sister of his brother: "Only then I will love you, red, boy, when you parted for the Black Sea, and you will pass along the bottom of it, to the shores of partite." Raspechalilis and zakruchinilis twins, because they may not know how to fly, nor to enter into the sea ... they could only ride on horseback, singing songs, but wine drink. But suddenly remembered the brothers about gifts sorcerer Chernomor got them from an old closet and ran more to the sea, where at this time walked two beautiful sisters.
"Again, you have come ... Do not we love you" - the rumor sister, turning them. Then the first brother waved his silver wings and soared into the sky, above the clouds and birds ... admire the first sister, a girl's heart trembled, and she ran home to prepare for the upcoming wedding. He took the second brother Rod Chernomor, waved it, and suddenly parted before him wide sea, and they went together with his brother at the very bottom of his second sister ... gazed at this miracle wonderful, melted, and her fragile heart, and she ran home, the first sister vosled , and to prepare for her wedding. But at the very moment they were out of sight, sound of thunder, fire flashed lightning, and sea again closed its waters over the earth. And the two brothers have become two stone cliff standing next to each other near the shore. This was the price paid for the fact that they have broken the covenant, and the sorcerer tried to use his gifts in a purely personal purposes. Soon the girl beauty returned to the shore and began to search and click the brothers. But to no avail ...
Only gulls screaming in darkened skies, but cold waves beating against the rocks ...

60. If you want to learn more about the history of Artek and its legends - I recommend you a site "Artekovets."
