The currency crisis
In times of fervent dances of the Belarusian ruble to panic and attacking Belarusians can only buy in stores remains of household appliances and products, or to laugh at sharply higher purchasing power of his countrymen
Internet users do not miss the opportunity to make fun of the king in the country the financial chaos that inspired the creation of thematic demotivators, fotozhab, jokes, and sometimes just "talking" pictures.
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Someone even compared Belarus with the Slovak Bratislava in the form in which the city saw the Americans in the comedy "Eurotrip».
In the story, a group of American teenagers, traveling in Europe, accidentally wandered in Bratislava, which is so "high" standard of living, that the railway and the station "already started to build." In the pocket of the guys about two dollars at all, but it turned out that the foreign currency in Slovakia is valued so highly that the waiter to give 5 cents a tip, do not hesitate to quit in order to open his own hotel ... So, for my two dollars teenagers managed to notably relax in a European capital.
Of course, this is just fiction, making fun of stereotypes Americans about going into the socialist camp of Europe.
The unspoken (and now also the official) devaluation was the muse for many Belarusian cartoonists and fans of Photoshop, and the chairman of the National Bank Piotr Prokopovich and Belarusian ruble became the hero of Bynet.
Internet users do not miss the opportunity to make fun of the king in the country the financial chaos that inspired the creation of thematic demotivators, fotozhab, jokes, and sometimes just "talking" pictures.
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Someone even compared Belarus with the Slovak Bratislava in the form in which the city saw the Americans in the comedy "Eurotrip».
In the story, a group of American teenagers, traveling in Europe, accidentally wandered in Bratislava, which is so "high" standard of living, that the railway and the station "already started to build." In the pocket of the guys about two dollars at all, but it turned out that the foreign currency in Slovakia is valued so highly that the waiter to give 5 cents a tip, do not hesitate to quit in order to open his own hotel ... So, for my two dollars teenagers managed to notably relax in a European capital.
Of course, this is just fiction, making fun of stereotypes Americans about going into the socialist camp of Europe.

The unspoken (and now also the official) devaluation was the muse for many Belarusian cartoonists and fans of Photoshop, and the chairman of the National Bank Piotr Prokopovich and Belarusian ruble became the hero of Bynet.
