Two drawings, two destinies
Chapter 1. Very short.
- Come on, for February 23! For the defenders of the Fatherland!
- Come on! For us! Where do you nadybal booze? You Well yesterday was bare, to drink beer gave toad strangled.
- When I'm sorry, you bastard? Yuri gave me yesterday, came back, brought a letter from the son of the orphanage. Over-and-a-shook his advice. I told him that the pipes are lit, and he gave me all the treats and treats! Compassionate, damn it! Fuck me his lectures - it is that my life bomzhatskuyu can understand? Yesterday soften - tossed, like a dog a piece of paper. He is a piece of paper, and I - on the bottle! Ha-ha-ha!
- Fuck you did! Nah ... you his sop, hiking in the park, there is today in honor of the holiday under every bush on the bottle, surrender, we will not be humiliated!
- Correctly! Pride must have! Well, for us, for the former soldiers!
- Your health!
Vovk helped paint a wall newspaper in the games room of the orphanage. He finally decided to become an artist. For 13 years, we must be determined. Zinaida V. All of his drawings shows another example of how extraordinary talent. Looking at the sparrow sitting on the windowsill, he immediately grabbed a pencil and drew an eagle soaring in the sky. Drawing lessons were the main outlet for him.
Since the name of the newspaper was "On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, dear Yuri!" (The only person in their men's national shelter), Vladimir decided to once again turn to him to deliver a letter to his father. Though they live in the same city, but had not seen for five years. Uncle Yura always says that he does not get a response from the pope, do not write it anymore. Or maybe his father money to handle even there.! Vovk remembered how shabbily they once lived. My mother was still alive then.
Artist Vovk timidly approached the electrician orphanage after the holiday, "Uncle Ure,
Well, in honor of the holiday ... please ... for the last time ... ».
"Ues!" - Happy jumped Volodya, - "In honor of the holiday never fail»!
Chapter 2. Long
- Children of tomorrow - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. This is a holiday when you want to congratulate all the men. Tell the parents, so that tomorrow you will look beautiful and elegant. In the morning we will come to the theater, and after sleep will draw holiday cards to your dad. Do not forget?
- No, - discordant squeaky children chorused, smiling in anticipation of a fun-filled event.
Kristinka also squeaked her "no", although, unlike the other six-year group fifth, she immediately lost the mood.
- I do not want tomorrow to go to kindergarten. Mom, please, can I have a head like sick? - The first thing she blurted mother Dasha, as she, all hung with bags - briefcases, entered the vestibule of the group.
- And what, my daughter happened?
- I told you, Mom, tell the house - trembling lips whispered the girl, pulling her tights, which did not want to listen.
- Tatyana S., Khrystyna someone hurt? What is she so upset today?
- Yeah, no, we do well. Christina today, in general, well done - all ate for lunch. Tomorrow naryadnenkaya let him come - we will have a holiday.
Christina House for a surprise - came to my mother's friend's uncle Denis with small presents, as always. He usually gave a toy, waiting for the girl distracted and went into the kitchen with my mother. They're talking and drinking tea or coffee, sometimes champagne, then he smacked his left and Christine. And she could not understand - well, why he was leaving, because they have a sofa in the hallway, and would have to stay. Christina is quite adult, she sees that her mother Dasha really like him. And she, too, Christine, he is cute. It is a pity that he does not live with them, it would be much more fun. And he could make from just once to protect her. Vaughn, Nastkin dad walked on the court to this fool, said something to him severely, Mark even wept. I cry, but no more than Nasty touch or even name-calling.
This time, Uncle Dennis spent most of the evening with Kristen. He presented puzzles, great big, and the two of them, until my mother was preparing dinner, folding the tale of Alice.
Then Uncle Dennis also honored several pages of "Alice in Wonderland", and then Christina does not remember, she fell asleep, I guess.
Dasha and Denis sat until one o'clock in the kitchen. She did not resemble her daughter about to spoil the mood, but, as it bothered her much, they talked with Dennis again on "Well, what can I do?».
Dasha, after going through a bunch of instances, overcome all "but" in the Regional Department of Education, to prove that a single woman, and able to become a good mother realized her dream - to adopt a girl from the shelter. She did not choose it Christine, but everything was decided by itself. When Dasha was sitting in the waiting room the director of children's home, waiting for her arrival with the ordinary meeting of the executive committee, a nurse led the little girl down the hall with bloody knees. Door infirmary someone accidentally slammed on the button, and Dasha was asked to look after the girl until they find a locksmith.
Christine quietly crying, crying to himself, not out loud, but Dasha ached as if the child was sobbing bitterly. Dasha did not know then how can the children of the orphanage crying - silence, silent, not to beat. She is not afraid to get dirty with blood, she pressed to her crumbs. Christine wiped her tears and sopelki to hem Dasha Indian general krasivennoy skirt, looked up somewhere up, looked even in the face a strange woman, and deeply, quietly, knowing the negative response, asked: "Are you my mother?" < br />
This pause was not long. And she did not seem to Dasha said. Behind her a voice said, confidently and very softly: "Your dear, of course, yours».
They did not leave. Issues that can be said, and it was not just occasionally Dasha lost on what a child she "bore" of five years, the gap in education made itself felt. Dasha sat at night in the Internet, ask advice from people in the very foreign adopters forums, read a lot, listen very carefully co-workers talk about their children. In general, she tried. And no wonder - the girl has long ceased to call her "mother Dasha", told in a whisper before bedtime my childhood secrets. Even stopped to ask this vexing question: "Why have not you picked up earlier? I called you on the phone to children ».
Festival in the auditorium was so interesting! He came grandfather with medals and decorations on his chest and told me a long time, how terrible it was in the war. Although the children did not know what war is, some even crying - because it was a pity that an old Granddaddy. Then singing and dancing, the boys were given mugs and chocolates. Let them be on this holiday and ended ...
Christina could not sleep, because I heard the noise Tatiana S. softly, laying on the table sketchbooks and pencils.
Christina drew perhaps the best in the group. She wanted to become an artist for a long time - even in the shelter. She decided for the first time to represent the aircraft. It turned out exactly like the real thing. On the wing bright spot emerged order, exactly as that of his grandfather, whose name was veteran. A pilot's face for some reason so resembled his uncle Denis.
- All right, guys, finish! Now here in the right ugolochke write "Dear daddy!" Now, look, as I have.
Christine has dorisovyvat bold exclamation mark when Mark pulled out her drawing and ran to Tatyana Sergeyevna, "And do not write to Christina, she does not have the pope»!
She was waiting for this moment and feared that fell to the floor and became hysterical. The teacher, pushing Mark rushed to comfort the little girl. How many times have kids poking her is a sore point. It is unlikely that parents understand how important it is who leads - removes the child in the garden. If Dashi was even a brother or father, she would have asked at least sometimes appear in the group to plug this gap in their relationship with the "full-fledged" children. Alas ...
Until six o'clock Kristinka barely survived - soon to her mother took her out of here!
Nanny has come clean up, I went into the bedroom through the game room, then turned "Kristinka there after you have arrived, I almost forgot. Come to dress mom and dad climb the ladder ».
Christine jumped! She wanted to cry, as they near the infirmary. But she restrained herself, went to the table Tatiana Sergeyevna, took his picture, turned sharply, and all without saying 'goodbye', briskly walked into the hallway.
Children who are not paying attention to the governess, marched in single file behind Christina.
Mom and Uncle Dennis put things in order in her locker.
- My father! This is for you! Congratulations! - Loudly, turning to the crowd "comrades," said Christina.
- God! You're a real artist Well, my daughter! - Said, and for some reason winked Uncle Denis - Who is here offends you?
Mark a second retreated, elbows pushed aside everyone who stuck out from the doorway.
Christina woke up very early. She quickly jumped out of bed, she stumbled on the slippers fell, opened the heavy door and froze in frustration ...
She midnight listening to their conversation in the kitchen. She heard her mother's uncle Dennis said: "I do not go anywhere from here! Stop thinking! No, she is not used, she loves me. Pope has called, I offer a second time will not do. I love both of you, how do you not understand ?! She had a-dap-ti-po-wa-las! Tomorrow kindergarten Christine go with me, it's my decision ».
Why sofa in an empty hall?
Christine noisily opened the door of my mother's bedroom .... And ... it quietly closed!
He Said: «Yes!», Making a gesture with his hand from the top down as in a movie, happily.
She did not even jealous, because it is very beautiful mother slept, covered with fluffy blankets and dad hugged her tightly around the waist, as if afraid to let myself.
-Vlyubilis - Thought Christina. So she went to the kitchen to put the kettle on. -Prospali ... Burn my! Cooked breakfast itself. And Mark - a fool! Actually, he was not afraid of a drop! I also have a dad! Hooray!
© vesnyanka2007 Natalia Kornilova
- Come on, for February 23! For the defenders of the Fatherland!
- Come on! For us! Where do you nadybal booze? You Well yesterday was bare, to drink beer gave toad strangled.
- When I'm sorry, you bastard? Yuri gave me yesterday, came back, brought a letter from the son of the orphanage. Over-and-a-shook his advice. I told him that the pipes are lit, and he gave me all the treats and treats! Compassionate, damn it! Fuck me his lectures - it is that my life bomzhatskuyu can understand? Yesterday soften - tossed, like a dog a piece of paper. He is a piece of paper, and I - on the bottle! Ha-ha-ha!
- Fuck you did! Nah ... you his sop, hiking in the park, there is today in honor of the holiday under every bush on the bottle, surrender, we will not be humiliated!
- Correctly! Pride must have! Well, for us, for the former soldiers!
- Your health!
Vovk helped paint a wall newspaper in the games room of the orphanage. He finally decided to become an artist. For 13 years, we must be determined. Zinaida V. All of his drawings shows another example of how extraordinary talent. Looking at the sparrow sitting on the windowsill, he immediately grabbed a pencil and drew an eagle soaring in the sky. Drawing lessons were the main outlet for him.
Since the name of the newspaper was "On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, dear Yuri!" (The only person in their men's national shelter), Vladimir decided to once again turn to him to deliver a letter to his father. Though they live in the same city, but had not seen for five years. Uncle Yura always says that he does not get a response from the pope, do not write it anymore. Or maybe his father money to handle even there.! Vovk remembered how shabbily they once lived. My mother was still alive then.
Artist Vovk timidly approached the electrician orphanage after the holiday, "Uncle Ure,
Well, in honor of the holiday ... please ... for the last time ... ».
"Ues!" - Happy jumped Volodya, - "In honor of the holiday never fail»!
Chapter 2. Long
- Children of tomorrow - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. This is a holiday when you want to congratulate all the men. Tell the parents, so that tomorrow you will look beautiful and elegant. In the morning we will come to the theater, and after sleep will draw holiday cards to your dad. Do not forget?
- No, - discordant squeaky children chorused, smiling in anticipation of a fun-filled event.
Kristinka also squeaked her "no", although, unlike the other six-year group fifth, she immediately lost the mood.
- I do not want tomorrow to go to kindergarten. Mom, please, can I have a head like sick? - The first thing she blurted mother Dasha, as she, all hung with bags - briefcases, entered the vestibule of the group.
- And what, my daughter happened?
- I told you, Mom, tell the house - trembling lips whispered the girl, pulling her tights, which did not want to listen.
- Tatyana S., Khrystyna someone hurt? What is she so upset today?
- Yeah, no, we do well. Christina today, in general, well done - all ate for lunch. Tomorrow naryadnenkaya let him come - we will have a holiday.
Christina House for a surprise - came to my mother's friend's uncle Denis with small presents, as always. He usually gave a toy, waiting for the girl distracted and went into the kitchen with my mother. They're talking and drinking tea or coffee, sometimes champagne, then he smacked his left and Christine. And she could not understand - well, why he was leaving, because they have a sofa in the hallway, and would have to stay. Christina is quite adult, she sees that her mother Dasha really like him. And she, too, Christine, he is cute. It is a pity that he does not live with them, it would be much more fun. And he could make from just once to protect her. Vaughn, Nastkin dad walked on the court to this fool, said something to him severely, Mark even wept. I cry, but no more than Nasty touch or even name-calling.
This time, Uncle Dennis spent most of the evening with Kristen. He presented puzzles, great big, and the two of them, until my mother was preparing dinner, folding the tale of Alice.
Then Uncle Dennis also honored several pages of "Alice in Wonderland", and then Christina does not remember, she fell asleep, I guess.
Dasha and Denis sat until one o'clock in the kitchen. She did not resemble her daughter about to spoil the mood, but, as it bothered her much, they talked with Dennis again on "Well, what can I do?».
Dasha, after going through a bunch of instances, overcome all "but" in the Regional Department of Education, to prove that a single woman, and able to become a good mother realized her dream - to adopt a girl from the shelter. She did not choose it Christine, but everything was decided by itself. When Dasha was sitting in the waiting room the director of children's home, waiting for her arrival with the ordinary meeting of the executive committee, a nurse led the little girl down the hall with bloody knees. Door infirmary someone accidentally slammed on the button, and Dasha was asked to look after the girl until they find a locksmith.
Christine quietly crying, crying to himself, not out loud, but Dasha ached as if the child was sobbing bitterly. Dasha did not know then how can the children of the orphanage crying - silence, silent, not to beat. She is not afraid to get dirty with blood, she pressed to her crumbs. Christine wiped her tears and sopelki to hem Dasha Indian general krasivennoy skirt, looked up somewhere up, looked even in the face a strange woman, and deeply, quietly, knowing the negative response, asked: "Are you my mother?" < br />
This pause was not long. And she did not seem to Dasha said. Behind her a voice said, confidently and very softly: "Your dear, of course, yours».
They did not leave. Issues that can be said, and it was not just occasionally Dasha lost on what a child she "bore" of five years, the gap in education made itself felt. Dasha sat at night in the Internet, ask advice from people in the very foreign adopters forums, read a lot, listen very carefully co-workers talk about their children. In general, she tried. And no wonder - the girl has long ceased to call her "mother Dasha", told in a whisper before bedtime my childhood secrets. Even stopped to ask this vexing question: "Why have not you picked up earlier? I called you on the phone to children ».
Festival in the auditorium was so interesting! He came grandfather with medals and decorations on his chest and told me a long time, how terrible it was in the war. Although the children did not know what war is, some even crying - because it was a pity that an old Granddaddy. Then singing and dancing, the boys were given mugs and chocolates. Let them be on this holiday and ended ...
Christina could not sleep, because I heard the noise Tatiana S. softly, laying on the table sketchbooks and pencils.
Christina drew perhaps the best in the group. She wanted to become an artist for a long time - even in the shelter. She decided for the first time to represent the aircraft. It turned out exactly like the real thing. On the wing bright spot emerged order, exactly as that of his grandfather, whose name was veteran. A pilot's face for some reason so resembled his uncle Denis.
- All right, guys, finish! Now here in the right ugolochke write "Dear daddy!" Now, look, as I have.
Christine has dorisovyvat bold exclamation mark when Mark pulled out her drawing and ran to Tatyana Sergeyevna, "And do not write to Christina, she does not have the pope»!
She was waiting for this moment and feared that fell to the floor and became hysterical. The teacher, pushing Mark rushed to comfort the little girl. How many times have kids poking her is a sore point. It is unlikely that parents understand how important it is who leads - removes the child in the garden. If Dashi was even a brother or father, she would have asked at least sometimes appear in the group to plug this gap in their relationship with the "full-fledged" children. Alas ...
Until six o'clock Kristinka barely survived - soon to her mother took her out of here!
Nanny has come clean up, I went into the bedroom through the game room, then turned "Kristinka there after you have arrived, I almost forgot. Come to dress mom and dad climb the ladder ».
Christine jumped! She wanted to cry, as they near the infirmary. But she restrained herself, went to the table Tatiana Sergeyevna, took his picture, turned sharply, and all without saying 'goodbye', briskly walked into the hallway.
Children who are not paying attention to the governess, marched in single file behind Christina.
Mom and Uncle Dennis put things in order in her locker.
- My father! This is for you! Congratulations! - Loudly, turning to the crowd "comrades," said Christina.
- God! You're a real artist Well, my daughter! - Said, and for some reason winked Uncle Denis - Who is here offends you?
Mark a second retreated, elbows pushed aside everyone who stuck out from the doorway.
Christina woke up very early. She quickly jumped out of bed, she stumbled on the slippers fell, opened the heavy door and froze in frustration ...
She midnight listening to their conversation in the kitchen. She heard her mother's uncle Dennis said: "I do not go anywhere from here! Stop thinking! No, she is not used, she loves me. Pope has called, I offer a second time will not do. I love both of you, how do you not understand ?! She had a-dap-ti-po-wa-las! Tomorrow kindergarten Christine go with me, it's my decision ».
Why sofa in an empty hall?
Christine noisily opened the door of my mother's bedroom .... And ... it quietly closed!
He Said: «Yes!», Making a gesture with his hand from the top down as in a movie, happily.
She did not even jealous, because it is very beautiful mother slept, covered with fluffy blankets and dad hugged her tightly around the waist, as if afraid to let myself.
-Vlyubilis - Thought Christina. So she went to the kitchen to put the kettle on. -Prospali ... Burn my! Cooked breakfast itself. And Mark - a fool! Actually, he was not afraid of a drop! I also have a dad! Hooray!
© vesnyanka2007 Natalia Kornilova
