10 tutorial on drawing, which will make of you a true artist

Many authorities in the field of fine arts claim that is able to learn to paint any, the main thing - as banal as it may sound - the desire, and practice, practice and more practice
. For those who have long wanted to learn the basics of graphics, drawing and painting, Website has prepared a selection of literature with exercises to help pump drawing skills.

M. Kistler - "You will be able to paint after 30 days. A simple step by step system proven practice "where you can find a quick and easy step by step drawing any objects: from simple spheres to apples, trees, buildings, and people's faces; and the necessary tips and small tricks that help in the creation of volumetric images.

O. Shmatova - "Tutorial on watercolor painting," This book will help to master all 20 zero painting watercolor techniques. A clear methodology is aimed at the development of emerging artists from both the technical and creative side with minimal time and effort.

B. Edwards - "The artist in you" The author of this tutorial considers that any person is able to awaken a powerful force of creativity when drawing will. You do not need to have a special talent of the artist. No need to study graphic or painting for many years. Just need practice - the only way to acquire the ability to see familiar things in a new way.

Nicholas Lee - "Fundamentals of educational academic drawing" The book contains the full scope of basic learning activities in a pattern arranged in a strict sequence complexity of the tasks, and covers the basics of composition, light and shade, and the laws of plastic anatomy, gives an idea of the form and volume.

Nicholas Lee - "The head man. Fundamentals of educational academic drawing "It sets out not only the general appearance of the person image techniques, but also reveals the essence of creating a good life portrait
Jack Hamm -." How to draw the head and a human figure "This tutorial is designed for a wide range of emerging artists . It simply and clearly outlines the basis of the drawing of human heads and figures, folds in clothing and are more than thousands of step by step illustrations.

Ernest Norling -
"The volume and the prospect of drawing" Create a term is very easy; However, surprisingly, few artists are familiar with the simple laws that determine the ease. The purpose of this book - to explain these laws. In addition to the visual and understandable explanation, here you can find a lot of new original ideas.

Noel Gregory - "Oil painting" His story about how to write a beautiful picture, Noel Gregory soprovozhayuschihsya phased descriptions and reproductions of his paintings. Demonstrates simple techniques and skills to master the future, the play of light and shadow and tonal transitions.

Bert Dodson -
"The keys to the art of drawing" The author argues that any person able to hold a pencil, can learn how to draw, and gives us a 55 "keys", leading to the professional development of the art of drawing. The stories are interspersed many useful exercises to consolidate skills.

Kathy Johnson - "Sketches and Drawings," This book will help you learn how to make quick sketches from nature, as well as detailed drawings completed. Here you can find tips, where better to start, and provides practical advice on the choice of materials. All this is accompanied by an interesting exercise.
Photos on the preview: Tzviatko Kinchev
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