Learning to draw in Moscow, the role of the horizon in the image of perspective
First, we need to know what the horizon is. If we turn to the geographical term, it is an imaginary line between the earth and the firmament, which is visible on the surface of water or on a flat plateau. The geographer knows that the higher we are above the ground, the wider the horizon line. But that the horizon line is always located at the eye level of the beholder, not everyone knows. This is the most important point about the horizon should be understood by the future artist. If you want more information, sign up for drawing courses for beginners of any age.
To test this statement, a simple reiki is enough. We take it and go to the plain or to the sea shore, there we set the rail vertically and move away from it by 1-2 meters, mark the visible horizon line on it. Now we come close to the mark and see that the mark is located just at eye level. Now we fix the mirror on the rack and make sure that the eyes will always be reflected in it, that is, they are at the level of the horizon.
Learning to draw in Moscow and the basics of vision of the horizon
If you climb a mountain or a high building, the horizon will rise with you. And those who have ever flown in airplanes or balloons will confirm that the horizon in this position is at eye level. The earth’s surface seems to be a round bowl, the edges of which are slightly raised. From these observations we conclude that the observable horizon line is the level of our eyes. The basics of this concept are included in drawing training in Moscow. This should not be understood as a mathematical truth, in this case it implies the visual perception of the object.
What can be gained from this understanding? The fact that all objects that are in front of the eyes lie above or below the level of the eyes and this can be determined by the horizon. Now, based on this example, we will try to understand why parallel lines converge to one point on the horizon.
Let us imagine a long series of telegraph poles reaching into the distance and converging there to one point. We know that the size of all the pillars is identical, but the farther each one is from us, the smaller it appears. At the same time, the horizon line is observed about 4-5 km from the observer and in the same place converge to the point of the pole. Now we mentally draw a line according to the bases of the pillars and a parallel line along their vertices. We know that they are parallel, but when we look at them, we see that they also converge at a point on the horizon. The line that is below the horizon will rise to it, and the one that is above it will fall. The point at which they meet is called the point of descent.
Drawing studio in Moscow will be happy to tell all the nuances of the image of the horizon and perspective, sign up for courses.