Martian night
Pictures taken with the lander, acting on Mars, similar to some "keyhole" through which we can see the cold hard world of the Red Planet. This world is deadly for us, but someday people will pass through the red rocks and look at the Earth from the Martian surface. The theme of this article is the Martian sky and Martian «astronomy».
The bright white dot in this image, a panoramic camera rover "Spirit" - the sun.
Sunset in the Valley of Ares (Ares Vallis) in July 1997, at 16:10 local solar time. The colors of the image close to true.
Sunset, a picture "Mars Pathfinder".
The first minute after sunset on Mars.
In this image, a panoramic camera rover "Spirit" 19 May 2005 (489th hydrochloride) is shown the sunset, approaching to the shaft of Gusev crater. The colors of the image similar to what the human eye would see, but their intensity is slightly exaggerated.
Twilight in the Gusev crater, the picture was taken the evening of 23 April 2005 (464 hydrochloride). The colors of the image are close to those that would have seen the man. Bluish color of the sky in place of the setting sun would be seen exactly as shown in this image, but the redness of the sky from sunset on somewhat exaggerated.
Image taken 29 April 2005 (449th salts) rover "Opportunity", shows the Martian sky about an hour after sunset, during the twilight when the stars begin to appear. Pale dot near the center - it's not a star, and our home planet.
Land on the image seems a little stretched, due to its movement during the shooting.
Before us, "abyss full of stars" such what it can be seen from Mars. Due to the daily rotation of the stars of Mars stretched into tracks.
Snapshot moons of Mars. Here, in addition to Phobos and Deimos, the Pleiades and Aldebaran are present. Image made "spiritualists" August 30, 2005 (590 hydrochloride). The right image is an enlarged view accompanied by a signature.
Phobos from Mars is seen as an object, about three times smaller than the full Moon. Time of circulation around the planet Phobos - 7 hours 39 minutes. Less Martian moon Deimos takes to orbit around Mars, 30 hours 12 minutes.
Mars moon crossing the night sky. The picture shows a sequence of photographs taken 30 August 2005. Phobos - a bright object on the left, and Deimos - the object on the right. We see that Phobos moves around Mars faster sky Deimos. In the picture there are also the bright star Aldebaran and some other stars of the constellation Teltsa. Most other bands in this image - the result of cosmic rays.
Moon Mars photographed later - in 594 minutes Salt (4 September 2005)
... And earlier - in Salt 585 (26 August 2005).
May 8, 2003 Camera "Mars Global Surveyor" this picture was taken, which proved sealed the connection of the Earth and Jupiter. Before us is the first compound planetary seen from the surface of another planet. The distance to Earth - 139 million kilometers from Jupiter - almost 1 billion kilometers.
"Mars Global Surveyor" has made a picture of Mars from orbit the Earth and Moon. Earth has a magnitude of 2, 5, and a much darker Moon + 0.9. The image of the Earth can be considered diffuse clouds familiar silhouettes of the Americas.
Equatorial grid overlay and silhouettes continents
This image obtained from the orbit of Mars, shows Jupiter and three of its four main (Galilean) moons: Callisto, Ganymede and Europa, Io at the time of the shooting was behind Jupiter.
Martian sunrise. Image made landers "Viking 2" June 14, 1978 at Utopia Planitia.
Sunrise, shot "Mars Pathfinder".
The bright white dot in this image, a panoramic camera rover "Spirit" - the sun.

Sunset in the Valley of Ares (Ares Vallis) in July 1997, at 16:10 local solar time. The colors of the image close to true.

Sunset, a picture "Mars Pathfinder".

The first minute after sunset on Mars.

In this image, a panoramic camera rover "Spirit" 19 May 2005 (489th hydrochloride) is shown the sunset, approaching to the shaft of Gusev crater. The colors of the image similar to what the human eye would see, but their intensity is slightly exaggerated.

Twilight in the Gusev crater, the picture was taken the evening of 23 April 2005 (464 hydrochloride). The colors of the image are close to those that would have seen the man. Bluish color of the sky in place of the setting sun would be seen exactly as shown in this image, but the redness of the sky from sunset on somewhat exaggerated.

Image taken 29 April 2005 (449th salts) rover "Opportunity", shows the Martian sky about an hour after sunset, during the twilight when the stars begin to appear. Pale dot near the center - it's not a star, and our home planet.
Land on the image seems a little stretched, due to its movement during the shooting.

Before us, "abyss full of stars" such what it can be seen from Mars. Due to the daily rotation of the stars of Mars stretched into tracks.

Snapshot moons of Mars. Here, in addition to Phobos and Deimos, the Pleiades and Aldebaran are present. Image made "spiritualists" August 30, 2005 (590 hydrochloride). The right image is an enlarged view accompanied by a signature.
Phobos from Mars is seen as an object, about three times smaller than the full Moon. Time of circulation around the planet Phobos - 7 hours 39 minutes. Less Martian moon Deimos takes to orbit around Mars, 30 hours 12 minutes.

Mars moon crossing the night sky. The picture shows a sequence of photographs taken 30 August 2005. Phobos - a bright object on the left, and Deimos - the object on the right. We see that Phobos moves around Mars faster sky Deimos. In the picture there are also the bright star Aldebaran and some other stars of the constellation Teltsa. Most other bands in this image - the result of cosmic rays.

Moon Mars photographed later - in 594 minutes Salt (4 September 2005)

... And earlier - in Salt 585 (26 August 2005).

May 8, 2003 Camera "Mars Global Surveyor" this picture was taken, which proved sealed the connection of the Earth and Jupiter. Before us is the first compound planetary seen from the surface of another planet. The distance to Earth - 139 million kilometers from Jupiter - almost 1 billion kilometers.

"Mars Global Surveyor" has made a picture of Mars from orbit the Earth and Moon. Earth has a magnitude of 2, 5, and a much darker Moon + 0.9. The image of the Earth can be considered diffuse clouds familiar silhouettes of the Americas.

Equatorial grid overlay and silhouettes continents

This image obtained from the orbit of Mars, shows Jupiter and three of its four main (Galilean) moons: Callisto, Ganymede and Europa, Io at the time of the shooting was behind Jupiter.

Martian sunrise. Image made landers "Viking 2" June 14, 1978 at Utopia Planitia.

Sunrise, shot "Mars Pathfinder".
