Does Walpurgis Night have something in common with Orthodoxy and how best to spend this day?
Walpurgis night It is a pagan festival of spring and fertility, a time of mysticism and magical rites. According to pre-Christian beliefs, on the night of April 30 to May 1, witches flocked to the mountain peaks and feasted, trying to prevent the arrival of spring. In this article we will tell you which ancestralism It is associated with this holiday and what not to do on Walpurgis night according to beliefs.
Over the centuries, the holiday has overgrown with more and more legends, superstitions and rituals. Although initially this day was associated with the arrival of spring, the night from April 30 to May 1 began to be called Witch night or Witchfire. People believed that at this time the boundaries between the worlds disappeared and it was possible to communicate with the souls of ancestors.
Despite the pagan roots of the holiday, Its name is also associated with Christianity.. The night was named Walpurgieva in honor of a Bavaria nun named Walburgia. She entered a monastery at the age of 11 and became one of the first nuns. The girl led a righteous life, completely devoting herself to the Lord, so she was buried in a monastery. According to legend, after a while her grave was desecrated by the workers who carried out the reconstruction. The nun then appeared to the bishop in a dream.
It was decided to rebury the relics of Walburgia so that her spirit would find peace. The ghost ceased to appear, and from the rock where the nun was buried, healing oil flowed. People started walking to this rock and Ask Walburg for protection from the dark forces. She was considered the patroness of sailors and women in labor, which protects from the elements, ailments and hunger.
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Our ancestors believed that on Walpurgis night you can protect yourself from dark forces. Arranging loud walks and lighting fires. It was believed that fire cleanses, so there was a tradition to burn a stuffed witch. Candles were lit in the house so that evil spirits would not appear.
© Freepik Of course, not without magic and mysterious rituals: That night they predicted the future and bewitched the beloved.. Moreover, dreams on Walpurgis night were considered prophetic. And in the early morning, the girls washed with dew to prolong youth, attract health and beauty. Also collected healing herbs, which this night gained special strength.
What can't you do?
Previously, people attached great importance to superstitions and rituals. Today, we are certainly less inclined to believe in evil spirits and magic. Believe it or not is a personal matter. However, our ancestors knew something and for good reason invented all the above rituals. These actions, which seem silly to us, gave them confidence in the future and provided peace of mind.
By the way, in most countries of Western Europe, especially in Germany, People celebrate Walpurgis Night very vividly.. Noisy parties are held right in the center of the city. People dress up as witches and other evil spirits, burn huge bonfires and have fun all night long. However, in the past two years, mass events have been canceled due to the pandemic.
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Do you believe in signs associated with Walpurgis night and other holidays? Do you think it's important to read? ancient? We will be glad to hear your opinion, so leave a comment.

Over the centuries, the holiday has overgrown with more and more legends, superstitions and rituals. Although initially this day was associated with the arrival of spring, the night from April 30 to May 1 began to be called Witch night or Witchfire. People believed that at this time the boundaries between the worlds disappeared and it was possible to communicate with the souls of ancestors.

Despite the pagan roots of the holiday, Its name is also associated with Christianity.. The night was named Walpurgieva in honor of a Bavaria nun named Walburgia. She entered a monastery at the age of 11 and became one of the first nuns. The girl led a righteous life, completely devoting herself to the Lord, so she was buried in a monastery. According to legend, after a while her grave was desecrated by the workers who carried out the reconstruction. The nun then appeared to the bishop in a dream.
It was decided to rebury the relics of Walburgia so that her spirit would find peace. The ghost ceased to appear, and from the rock where the nun was buried, healing oil flowed. People started walking to this rock and Ask Walburg for protection from the dark forces. She was considered the patroness of sailors and women in labor, which protects from the elements, ailments and hunger.
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A post shared by Heilige van de dag (@heiligenvandaag)
Our ancestors believed that on Walpurgis night you can protect yourself from dark forces. Arranging loud walks and lighting fires. It was believed that fire cleanses, so there was a tradition to burn a stuffed witch. Candles were lit in the house so that evil spirits would not appear.

© Freepik Of course, not without magic and mysterious rituals: That night they predicted the future and bewitched the beloved.. Moreover, dreams on Walpurgis night were considered prophetic. And in the early morning, the girls washed with dew to prolong youth, attract health and beauty. Also collected healing herbs, which this night gained special strength.

What can't you do?
- According to legend, on Walpurgis night. Don't dress in black.. Also, do not wear things in which a person has experienced unpleasant events.
- Also, on Walpurgis Night. It is better not to mention evil spirits.To avoid causing trouble. You can also not swear, quarrel and show aggression in words.
- On this mystical night. lilacEspecially if someone is sick or old. People believed that lilac intoxicates and calls a person to the other world.

Previously, people attached great importance to superstitions and rituals. Today, we are certainly less inclined to believe in evil spirits and magic. Believe it or not is a personal matter. However, our ancestors knew something and for good reason invented all the above rituals. These actions, which seem silly to us, gave them confidence in the future and provided peace of mind.

By the way, in most countries of Western Europe, especially in Germany, People celebrate Walpurgis Night very vividly.. Noisy parties are held right in the center of the city. People dress up as witches and other evil spirits, burn huge bonfires and have fun all night long. However, in the past two years, mass events have been canceled due to the pandemic.
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A post shared by Häringe Slott (@haringeslott)
Do you believe in signs associated with Walpurgis night and other holidays? Do you think it's important to read? ancient? We will be glad to hear your opinion, so leave a comment.
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