Hanky-panky Pro with grass carp
Mother-in-law with the father I live in the south of Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda. Of course, my wife and I visited them at a party. At that time we were northerners, and usually came on vacation for a couple of months - to relax, get warm, to eat the fruit from the belly, in the elderly a luxury cottage, which except that only the pineapple is not. And there I discovered for myself the excellent fishing. The holiday village is an old tributary of the Syr Darya - Darya Kalgan, more like an elongated horseshoe lake, with almost imperceptible over with reeds, cane on the surface and deep in the jungles of algae greenish water. Then again - two to three-meter deep lake called the stratum will recklessly. And in this very Galangal Darya usual myriad of diverse fish.
When I saw through this thing (because grown on the Irtysh and deep childhood is an avid fisherman), has become in every way shirk summer jobs, relatives Having promised in return that will supply them with the freshest fish on the table. At that we decided to do. And I became almost every day early in the morning, before the heat and leave to Kalgan-Darya, a float rod projectile into all non-predatory and a pair zherlitsy to predatory fish.
With the bait was not a problem: at the local cottages watering is done through a system of irrigation ditches, and along ditches can always dig up how you want the worms. He took me with him as dough, mixed with the egg white and scented with a few drops of anise oil. Regular roach were caught (on the Irtysh the name of her - rudd), roach, bream, crucian carp, sometimes - small chub, Okushko. Carp undertook rarely, however, for two or three fishing weight from a pound or more I wrenched. Take and bigger, but since I have not seen - frustrated and go, often together with a hook, it is still there, in the depths.
On zherlitsy I thought to catch pike. Surprisingly, none of these river robbers three of my holiday trip to Kalgan-Darya, I did not catch - it seems they are not. But on the bait sit snakehead, a wonderful fish that I had not ever seen, and I do not even know what to compare it. Maybe something in between eel and loach? Dark fusiform body with small scales, very strong and flexible, framed by long longitudinal fin, topped by a small flattened head with small dull eyes - well, a snake a snake. The meat is white, tasty, almost without bones. I came across small items, up to a kilogram and a little more.
Yes, and even I caught somyat, but not on live bait, fishing and cutting of pieces of roach. This evening, I came by bicycle to the lake and leave at night a couple of zherlitsy with short rods, hidden from the eyes of idle reeds. When morning came here for fishing, if not all three tees, but exactly the same, and even two silently sat in these same serpent Baska and a couple of times a somyata kilogrammchik. So I kept my promise, bringing fishing every four to five kilograms of fresh fish. However, it had to carve my own - no wife or mother in law to make clean and gut the fish could not even under pain of forcible drowning them in Kalgan-Darya during the next bathing (and we went swimming every day). However, I was not a burden - the catch on a fishing trip, and often had to gut prisalivaem for the purpose of conservation and on the Irtysh. And it was interesting: when I was arranged with his catch under the apple tree spreading like the smell of fish came running to the hungry cats with the neighboring cottages, rustling grass and fallen leaves, crawled out from under the currant bushes got accustomed in the country a couple of funny eared hedgehogs and excitedly occasion tuda- here their sensitive noses shiny, curled over his head striped wasps and also strove to snatch a piece of fish flesh. Everyone wanted to fish - and who do not bother to eat for weeks holiday silage?
But it caught me Kalgan- Darya was minor compared to the fact that there still vodilos among dense lazily stirring algae. Once I was stunned suddenly opened in front of me an exciting picture. I sat on the clay bank of the lake, waving away mosquitoes and waiting for a bite, when suddenly meters, maybe twenty of me from the depths slowly surfaced six (I counted them by the thick backs) huge bright fishes lined up wheel and steel majestically swim in circles . And this dance is not standing still and without breaking their order, slowly moved away from me along the lake (Galangal Darya, as I wrote above, oblong). Mouth agape, I watched this fascinating spectacle for about five minutes. A couple of times pinched himself - no, not the fish are gone, and slowly, barely moving his fins, walked in a circle as if made of some very meaningful ritual. And soon it disappeared from my sight - either merged with the sun glare on the water, or have gone into depth. What was it, then I do not understand. Maybe I witnessed the mating season, which was closer to the truth?
Asked about this test, not the fisherman, he said only that described my mind it was a grass carp. And Yury Fedorovich said that they are huge here, a few tens of kilograms, and catch them on the web poachers. A little less Cupids in Kalgan-Darya and carp are found. And he and the lake vegetation species feed on the bait to catch them is almost impossible.
And since that day, I just got sick of my sunken soul desire to catch at least one such a beauty. And during the holidays, I eversion of the lake is not a large carp, snakehead, even caught a chub. And Cupid and carp, and think of me did not want to continue to feed itself somewhere in underwater thickets.
One day, after a hot day with a meal and watching television, we are going to sleep in a cool, reinforced concrete grandfather's summer house when the gate someone tapped insistently. Went Yury Fedorovich - he's the owner. Including outdoor light, let the guest. It turned out to Boris, who lives by our elders through three or four cottages.
- I came to you, - he said. - Jura said you were interested in Cupids. Come on.
- Fishing? - I was worried. - Come on!
- No, I've already caught. Look. Maybe buy something.
This fisherman zapadlo buy fish from someone. But there is such a thing - a bit too wanted to hold in their hands, and then to taste, to me this mysterious fish.
And we black South at night, through the incessant chatter and the sound of crickets and cicadas, remote shrill barking of jackals stomped him.
Despite the late hour, giving Boris was illuminated. We went to him in the palisade, and under the windows of the house, I saw lying on a dark wet piece of canvas, about eight handsome carp and white cupids (they are easily distinguished - at scales much larger than the last, and they are oblong). One was of no less than one meter. Yes, here such I saw one once in a mysterious fish dance in the morning fishing. Maybe even one of them, and flew into the net a poacher Bori.
- Well? - Proudly asked Boris.
- I take! - I gasped. - Get out of the edge.
And he pointed to the largest. It was a pot-bellied and, I think, is very bold, and maybe carp roe. And in the hands of Bori has flashed round dial scales are compact. He picked up a cupid hook the lower jaw, grunted and lifted my handsome platinum cast large scales.
- Look, how many?
- Eleven and a half! - With trepidation I said, looking at the scales.
- You will be wrapped in what?
I do not remember how much tenge pulled my big fish, but remember that in terms of rubles it seemed incredibly cheap. Borja said that the money will come tomorrow. He found a bag that's in it, and I brought home Cupid. That is to the country. Relatives long admired this kind of hero carp. And then the question arose of what to do now. The packed to the refrigerator he did not intermeddle. Leave it as, thrusting, for example, in the water - it is completely rotten in the morning.
- Spokuha! - I said relatives. - I have it right now to cut quickly, prisolit and in the cellar, he will lie quietly at least until the evening. Table I!
Under the canopy, vine-covered, I set up a table, brought a basin for meat and bucket scales and giblets. Then the woman went to sleep. We are with the father pulled slippery and humble cupid on the table, and I'm in the yellow light bulb hanging under the canopy began to rip off with a bang with his sides have already started prisyhat scales. It is the size of a Nicholas silver rublevik, whistling was flying in different directions and hits the ground fluttering under the lamp moths and butterflies stuck to his bald head bent over her head-in-law (he was holding Cupid's tail that he did not crawl on the table), to the concrete walls of country home to the windshield nochuyuschego courtyard garden testevskogo Muscovite.
In fact, to strip off fishes scaly armor, it took me about twenty minutes, no less. During this time I became like a Cupid as from head to toe was covered with his scales.
Otryahnuvshis and smoke break, I asked in-law to bring a large cup for eggs (well, suddenly will, who knows when they hanky-panky, these cupids) and liver), and plunging the knife into the anus, the Amur ripped his paunchy belly. And stunned bounces off the table: a fish belly explodes some brown-green mass, which is splashed on my feet and stinking puddle spreads over the concrete coating yard.
-e ... S! - I shout out yourself. - What is this shit?
This mass is in fact turned out to be crap. Fish. But as one of his big fish I have never in my life seen. Womb Cupid was the way they ate scored per day (and most likely - this week) and half-digested or have turned into rubbish shit plant: all kinds of algae, duckweed, mud.
When we test - he, too, by the way, got pretty crap - slightly led myself up and then re-weighed considerably emaciated Cupid, he weighed almost half as much. That is, the share of crap it was about five kilograms! For which I paid a fully fledged Kazakh currency.
I was about to go to line-in-law beat its head Boris (one could not have done - Boris was a half times as massive me). But then I cooled down, and came to the conclusion that Boris had nothing to do with it. Well, he got cupid vysratsya before you sell it to me? And secondly. sold it to me, it is still very cheap - probably just a discount on this very fish shit.
Reasoning and calmed down, I continued butchering cupid. He's still quite turned out the meat from the head, back and tail (but the sides are thin leathery rag). So head out to dinner, we cooked a wonderful ear and leftover meat grilled a couple of days for dinner. That is, I had familiarity with the wonderful fish grass carp, Boris izlovlennym poacher in an old tributary of the Syr Darya - Darya Galangal.
But my bait carp, unfortunately, never once caught. Oh, I have struggled with him. And forced to go in a more still in the water, or at least, on the banks of ...
© Sibirskie
Cupid in this image from the site "Russian Fishing" may be little more than mine. But his picture I have, so zvinyayte.
When I saw through this thing (because grown on the Irtysh and deep childhood is an avid fisherman), has become in every way shirk summer jobs, relatives Having promised in return that will supply them with the freshest fish on the table. At that we decided to do. And I became almost every day early in the morning, before the heat and leave to Kalgan-Darya, a float rod projectile into all non-predatory and a pair zherlitsy to predatory fish.
With the bait was not a problem: at the local cottages watering is done through a system of irrigation ditches, and along ditches can always dig up how you want the worms. He took me with him as dough, mixed with the egg white and scented with a few drops of anise oil. Regular roach were caught (on the Irtysh the name of her - rudd), roach, bream, crucian carp, sometimes - small chub, Okushko. Carp undertook rarely, however, for two or three fishing weight from a pound or more I wrenched. Take and bigger, but since I have not seen - frustrated and go, often together with a hook, it is still there, in the depths.
On zherlitsy I thought to catch pike. Surprisingly, none of these river robbers three of my holiday trip to Kalgan-Darya, I did not catch - it seems they are not. But on the bait sit snakehead, a wonderful fish that I had not ever seen, and I do not even know what to compare it. Maybe something in between eel and loach? Dark fusiform body with small scales, very strong and flexible, framed by long longitudinal fin, topped by a small flattened head with small dull eyes - well, a snake a snake. The meat is white, tasty, almost without bones. I came across small items, up to a kilogram and a little more.
Yes, and even I caught somyat, but not on live bait, fishing and cutting of pieces of roach. This evening, I came by bicycle to the lake and leave at night a couple of zherlitsy with short rods, hidden from the eyes of idle reeds. When morning came here for fishing, if not all three tees, but exactly the same, and even two silently sat in these same serpent Baska and a couple of times a somyata kilogrammchik. So I kept my promise, bringing fishing every four to five kilograms of fresh fish. However, it had to carve my own - no wife or mother in law to make clean and gut the fish could not even under pain of forcible drowning them in Kalgan-Darya during the next bathing (and we went swimming every day). However, I was not a burden - the catch on a fishing trip, and often had to gut prisalivaem for the purpose of conservation and on the Irtysh. And it was interesting: when I was arranged with his catch under the apple tree spreading like the smell of fish came running to the hungry cats with the neighboring cottages, rustling grass and fallen leaves, crawled out from under the currant bushes got accustomed in the country a couple of funny eared hedgehogs and excitedly occasion tuda- here their sensitive noses shiny, curled over his head striped wasps and also strove to snatch a piece of fish flesh. Everyone wanted to fish - and who do not bother to eat for weeks holiday silage?
But it caught me Kalgan- Darya was minor compared to the fact that there still vodilos among dense lazily stirring algae. Once I was stunned suddenly opened in front of me an exciting picture. I sat on the clay bank of the lake, waving away mosquitoes and waiting for a bite, when suddenly meters, maybe twenty of me from the depths slowly surfaced six (I counted them by the thick backs) huge bright fishes lined up wheel and steel majestically swim in circles . And this dance is not standing still and without breaking their order, slowly moved away from me along the lake (Galangal Darya, as I wrote above, oblong). Mouth agape, I watched this fascinating spectacle for about five minutes. A couple of times pinched himself - no, not the fish are gone, and slowly, barely moving his fins, walked in a circle as if made of some very meaningful ritual. And soon it disappeared from my sight - either merged with the sun glare on the water, or have gone into depth. What was it, then I do not understand. Maybe I witnessed the mating season, which was closer to the truth?
Asked about this test, not the fisherman, he said only that described my mind it was a grass carp. And Yury Fedorovich said that they are huge here, a few tens of kilograms, and catch them on the web poachers. A little less Cupids in Kalgan-Darya and carp are found. And he and the lake vegetation species feed on the bait to catch them is almost impossible.
And since that day, I just got sick of my sunken soul desire to catch at least one such a beauty. And during the holidays, I eversion of the lake is not a large carp, snakehead, even caught a chub. And Cupid and carp, and think of me did not want to continue to feed itself somewhere in underwater thickets.
One day, after a hot day with a meal and watching television, we are going to sleep in a cool, reinforced concrete grandfather's summer house when the gate someone tapped insistently. Went Yury Fedorovich - he's the owner. Including outdoor light, let the guest. It turned out to Boris, who lives by our elders through three or four cottages.
- I came to you, - he said. - Jura said you were interested in Cupids. Come on.
- Fishing? - I was worried. - Come on!
- No, I've already caught. Look. Maybe buy something.
This fisherman zapadlo buy fish from someone. But there is such a thing - a bit too wanted to hold in their hands, and then to taste, to me this mysterious fish.
And we black South at night, through the incessant chatter and the sound of crickets and cicadas, remote shrill barking of jackals stomped him.
Despite the late hour, giving Boris was illuminated. We went to him in the palisade, and under the windows of the house, I saw lying on a dark wet piece of canvas, about eight handsome carp and white cupids (they are easily distinguished - at scales much larger than the last, and they are oblong). One was of no less than one meter. Yes, here such I saw one once in a mysterious fish dance in the morning fishing. Maybe even one of them, and flew into the net a poacher Bori.
- Well? - Proudly asked Boris.
- I take! - I gasped. - Get out of the edge.
And he pointed to the largest. It was a pot-bellied and, I think, is very bold, and maybe carp roe. And in the hands of Bori has flashed round dial scales are compact. He picked up a cupid hook the lower jaw, grunted and lifted my handsome platinum cast large scales.
- Look, how many?
- Eleven and a half! - With trepidation I said, looking at the scales.
- You will be wrapped in what?
I do not remember how much tenge pulled my big fish, but remember that in terms of rubles it seemed incredibly cheap. Borja said that the money will come tomorrow. He found a bag that's in it, and I brought home Cupid. That is to the country. Relatives long admired this kind of hero carp. And then the question arose of what to do now. The packed to the refrigerator he did not intermeddle. Leave it as, thrusting, for example, in the water - it is completely rotten in the morning.
- Spokuha! - I said relatives. - I have it right now to cut quickly, prisolit and in the cellar, he will lie quietly at least until the evening. Table I!
Under the canopy, vine-covered, I set up a table, brought a basin for meat and bucket scales and giblets. Then the woman went to sleep. We are with the father pulled slippery and humble cupid on the table, and I'm in the yellow light bulb hanging under the canopy began to rip off with a bang with his sides have already started prisyhat scales. It is the size of a Nicholas silver rublevik, whistling was flying in different directions and hits the ground fluttering under the lamp moths and butterflies stuck to his bald head bent over her head-in-law (he was holding Cupid's tail that he did not crawl on the table), to the concrete walls of country home to the windshield nochuyuschego courtyard garden testevskogo Muscovite.
In fact, to strip off fishes scaly armor, it took me about twenty minutes, no less. During this time I became like a Cupid as from head to toe was covered with his scales.
Otryahnuvshis and smoke break, I asked in-law to bring a large cup for eggs (well, suddenly will, who knows when they hanky-panky, these cupids) and liver), and plunging the knife into the anus, the Amur ripped his paunchy belly. And stunned bounces off the table: a fish belly explodes some brown-green mass, which is splashed on my feet and stinking puddle spreads over the concrete coating yard.
-e ... S! - I shout out yourself. - What is this shit?
This mass is in fact turned out to be crap. Fish. But as one of his big fish I have never in my life seen. Womb Cupid was the way they ate scored per day (and most likely - this week) and half-digested or have turned into rubbish shit plant: all kinds of algae, duckweed, mud.
When we test - he, too, by the way, got pretty crap - slightly led myself up and then re-weighed considerably emaciated Cupid, he weighed almost half as much. That is, the share of crap it was about five kilograms! For which I paid a fully fledged Kazakh currency.
I was about to go to line-in-law beat its head Boris (one could not have done - Boris was a half times as massive me). But then I cooled down, and came to the conclusion that Boris had nothing to do with it. Well, he got cupid vysratsya before you sell it to me? And secondly. sold it to me, it is still very cheap - probably just a discount on this very fish shit.
Reasoning and calmed down, I continued butchering cupid. He's still quite turned out the meat from the head, back and tail (but the sides are thin leathery rag). So head out to dinner, we cooked a wonderful ear and leftover meat grilled a couple of days for dinner. That is, I had familiarity with the wonderful fish grass carp, Boris izlovlennym poacher in an old tributary of the Syr Darya - Darya Galangal.
But my bait carp, unfortunately, never once caught. Oh, I have struggled with him. And forced to go in a more still in the water, or at least, on the banks of ...
© Sibirskie
Cupid in this image from the site "Russian Fishing" may be little more than mine. But his picture I have, so zvinyayte.
