Pregnant employees asked why I don’t give birth, after all married
If you've been asked at least once in your life when the kids are already there, you've probably thought about it yourself. birth-time. For many, this topic is really painful, because people like to get into other people’s lives with their inactivity. But sometimes the topic of motherhood remains closed because of personal relationships. This happened in the life of Masha, the heroine of our new story.
Peels Woman Was Hesitant to Get Pregnant Because She Thought Her Husband Didn't Want Children But in reality, it turned out to be very different. Why Mary’s story ended in divorce, read more in the article.
I got married with a clear understanding: I want to be a mother. I didn’t want to rush into motherhood. I knew I had to build a successful career, get back on my feet, and then think about the kids.
I always thought my husband thought the same thing. We talked a few times about children. And I thought Pasha was a great father. But he was also missing for days at work. We both worked for our common good.
A few years later, we were able to buy an apartment. Then there was a car, but the kids were still there. During this time, all my colleagues had a baby. Our company is very loyal to this, so the girls had the opportunity to work from home.
What was bothering me? My husband asked me when I was having kids because I was married. These questions have always upset me. Are there any rules for giving birth? I don’t understand why people talk about it to their faces. Who knows, I may not be able to get pregnant at all!
Anyway, the topic of motherhood burst into my life and did not leave it for a very long time. I struggled, not knowing when my husband and I should finally get on with this issue. And every time I looked at Pasha, I didn't see him ready. He always worked.
As the years passed, our relationship with our husband became quite cold. He was disappearing more and more at work, and I was biting myself for not being a mom. At some point, I realized that Pasha and I stopped talking.
My husband stayed longer and disappeared on the weekend. Of course, I started to suspect he had someone on the side. I was morally ready for that. You could say I caught him red-handed. I wanted to make him feel good. I went to his office and brought him lunch.
Pasha didn't think that was possible. He was sitting in his office, and his secretary was cozy on his lap. Think of it! Why'd he fall for that little thing? A moment of silence was replaced by my shock. I noticed this girl had a rounded tummy.
My husband wasn't just spinning shuras on the side. He knocked up his mistress and was in no hurry to tell me. We talked for a long time that night. I just wanted to know why he did that. Why am I not fit to be a mother?
Pasha said he had long tried to say he wanted a baby. I bought a family car and started looking after things for the children’s room. And I, he said, only built a career and hovered in the clouds. That's how I suddenly learned what male innuendo and male infidelity are. My husband's gonna be a dad. Everything he wanted!
Dear spouses, learn to cook with each other! All trouble comes from silence. If Masha had spoken to her husband and he had not spoken back, they would have been happy parents by now. Intimations in such situations are simply unacceptable.
However, this will definitely be a good life lesson for the heroine. First, she got rid of a man who chose infidelity as the best solution to all problems. Secondly, now Masha will not step on the same rake. I am sure that she will be able to find a worthy life partner who wants to be the father of her child.

Peels Woman Was Hesitant to Get Pregnant Because She Thought Her Husband Didn't Want Children But in reality, it turned out to be very different. Why Mary’s story ended in divorce, read more in the article.
I got married with a clear understanding: I want to be a mother. I didn’t want to rush into motherhood. I knew I had to build a successful career, get back on my feet, and then think about the kids.
I always thought my husband thought the same thing. We talked a few times about children. And I thought Pasha was a great father. But he was also missing for days at work. We both worked for our common good.

A few years later, we were able to buy an apartment. Then there was a car, but the kids were still there. During this time, all my colleagues had a baby. Our company is very loyal to this, so the girls had the opportunity to work from home.
What was bothering me? My husband asked me when I was having kids because I was married. These questions have always upset me. Are there any rules for giving birth? I don’t understand why people talk about it to their faces. Who knows, I may not be able to get pregnant at all!

Anyway, the topic of motherhood burst into my life and did not leave it for a very long time. I struggled, not knowing when my husband and I should finally get on with this issue. And every time I looked at Pasha, I didn't see him ready. He always worked.
As the years passed, our relationship with our husband became quite cold. He was disappearing more and more at work, and I was biting myself for not being a mom. At some point, I realized that Pasha and I stopped talking.
My husband stayed longer and disappeared on the weekend. Of course, I started to suspect he had someone on the side. I was morally ready for that. You could say I caught him red-handed. I wanted to make him feel good. I went to his office and brought him lunch.

Pasha didn't think that was possible. He was sitting in his office, and his secretary was cozy on his lap. Think of it! Why'd he fall for that little thing? A moment of silence was replaced by my shock. I noticed this girl had a rounded tummy.
My husband wasn't just spinning shuras on the side. He knocked up his mistress and was in no hurry to tell me. We talked for a long time that night. I just wanted to know why he did that. Why am I not fit to be a mother?

Pasha said he had long tried to say he wanted a baby. I bought a family car and started looking after things for the children’s room. And I, he said, only built a career and hovered in the clouds. That's how I suddenly learned what male innuendo and male infidelity are. My husband's gonna be a dad. Everything he wanted!
Dear spouses, learn to cook with each other! All trouble comes from silence. If Masha had spoken to her husband and he had not spoken back, they would have been happy parents by now. Intimations in such situations are simply unacceptable.

However, this will definitely be a good life lesson for the heroine. First, she got rid of a man who chose infidelity as the best solution to all problems. Secondly, now Masha will not step on the same rake. I am sure that she will be able to find a worthy life partner who wants to be the father of her child.
The story of an ungrateful daughter-in-law who does not want to give her mother-in-law the keys to the dacha
I overheard the conversation of women in line and learned how to clean the greasy sleeves of a down jacket without washing.