What will be remembered for Medvedev?
The Russians Dmitry Medvedev remembered?
In May 2012, the deadline of the current President Dmitry Medvedev. Four years later, many citizens have not been able to answer the question, what exactly they remembered the chief statesman. According to the poll, conducted Superjob.ru specifically to RBC daily, most respondents recognized that Medvedev "does not remember", calling it ill-advised decision.
The survey was conducted in late March, including 1 thousand. Respondents in 182 settlements of Russia. Participants in the study could indicate in their responses to an unlimited number of versions of what they remembered Dmitry Medvedev as president.
As a result, one of the most popular answer was "does not remember" - 23%. "Would amnesty, that's when he remembered a kind word"; "Nothing changed. The laws have been, and decrees and decisions. Sense by and large there was no "- explained the respondents.
The second most popular answer was the law "On Police" and the reform of the Ministry of Interior (19%). This assessment of the reform of the respondents often negative: "It is absolutely unclear from the economic point of view, why in crisis rename militia into the police and to reform the Ministry of Interior"; "I remember absolutely disastrous reform of renaming the police to police and supposedly rigid control of aptitude"; "What we are now able to present policemen? How to raping and killing, we saw ... »
Third place respondents (14%) have given Medvedev's decision to abolish daylight saving time. "I remember the lack of thoughtful and informed decisions before the end. One example - the so-called winter, when 9.30 was still dark outside the window and go to work as a horror not want "- said the respondents. However, there are those who are grateful, "Cancel the winter / summer time! Medvedev Respect! »
Among the decisions and events that will be remembered incumbent president, respondents also identified the armed conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008 (5%). In this opinion the Russians went: someone considers the actions of Medvedev at the time decisive and aimed at protecting the interests of Russia, some estimates the events of August 2008, as a dirty war with Georgia.
Among other memorable making citizens celebrated the "dry law" for drivers - 3%, the "fight against corruption" - 3%, "reducing the number of time zones" - 3%, "work in tandem with the VV Putin castling in tandem "- 3%," amendments to the Constitution: the extension of the presidential and parliamentary powers "- 2%," the establishment of Skolkovo "- 2%," aypad, iPhone and "Twitter" - 2%, "the reform of the army , increasing military pay "- 2%. 16% could not or did not want to answer, 23% chose "other».
Dmitry Medvedev was elected president of Russia on 2 March 2008, gaining 70, 28% of the vote. Prior to that, from November 2005, he held the post of Deputy Prime Minister. September 24, 2011 at the Congress of "United Russia" Medvedev refused to participate in presidential elections in March 2012, offered to support the candidacy for the post of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In turn, Congress approved Medvedev the leader of the federal list of "United Russia" in the Duma elections.
In May 2012, the deadline of the current President Dmitry Medvedev. Four years later, many citizens have not been able to answer the question, what exactly they remembered the chief statesman. According to the poll, conducted Superjob.ru specifically to RBC daily, most respondents recognized that Medvedev "does not remember", calling it ill-advised decision.
The survey was conducted in late March, including 1 thousand. Respondents in 182 settlements of Russia. Participants in the study could indicate in their responses to an unlimited number of versions of what they remembered Dmitry Medvedev as president.
As a result, one of the most popular answer was "does not remember" - 23%. "Would amnesty, that's when he remembered a kind word"; "Nothing changed. The laws have been, and decrees and decisions. Sense by and large there was no "- explained the respondents.
The second most popular answer was the law "On Police" and the reform of the Ministry of Interior (19%). This assessment of the reform of the respondents often negative: "It is absolutely unclear from the economic point of view, why in crisis rename militia into the police and to reform the Ministry of Interior"; "I remember absolutely disastrous reform of renaming the police to police and supposedly rigid control of aptitude"; "What we are now able to present policemen? How to raping and killing, we saw ... »
Third place respondents (14%) have given Medvedev's decision to abolish daylight saving time. "I remember the lack of thoughtful and informed decisions before the end. One example - the so-called winter, when 9.30 was still dark outside the window and go to work as a horror not want "- said the respondents. However, there are those who are grateful, "Cancel the winter / summer time! Medvedev Respect! »
Among the decisions and events that will be remembered incumbent president, respondents also identified the armed conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008 (5%). In this opinion the Russians went: someone considers the actions of Medvedev at the time decisive and aimed at protecting the interests of Russia, some estimates the events of August 2008, as a dirty war with Georgia.
Among other memorable making citizens celebrated the "dry law" for drivers - 3%, the "fight against corruption" - 3%, "reducing the number of time zones" - 3%, "work in tandem with the VV Putin castling in tandem "- 3%," amendments to the Constitution: the extension of the presidential and parliamentary powers "- 2%," the establishment of Skolkovo "- 2%," aypad, iPhone and "Twitter" - 2%, "the reform of the army , increasing military pay "- 2%. 16% could not or did not want to answer, 23% chose "other».
Dmitry Medvedev was elected president of Russia on 2 March 2008, gaining 70, 28% of the vote. Prior to that, from November 2005, he held the post of Deputy Prime Minister. September 24, 2011 at the Congress of "United Russia" Medvedev refused to participate in presidential elections in March 2012, offered to support the candidacy for the post of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In turn, Congress approved Medvedev the leader of the federal list of "United Russia" in the Duma elections.
