Hunting soup
Today, a hunter will tell us a recipe that is prepared with a minimum set of products, while hiking or hunting.
1.Segodnya I will tell you how to cook soup hunting surnamed shulyum.Chto shulyum exactly is and what it eats ?! You ask my dear druzya.A shulyum - is a rich meat soup with a minimum set of products. The ideal option for field / field kitchen on ohote.Retsepta as such, no, cook it, who as you can, and the fact that there is a rukoy.Edinstvenny minus or plus well, as you have to go to cooking put.I so proceed !!! The first thing you need is mud-bog-everywhere-turn.
2.Nu and all sorts of different equipment, guns, dogs, etc. and etc. (Photo shamelessly steal from tyrneta such a joke on cylinders do not pay attention, well, we still survivalist those on volume snaryagu about the same pile of leaves)
3.I Award in pupenya considered, further, the thicker the duck !!!
4. On the road can meet such a beauty !!! Be vigilant and kept as a rule, such beauty sits under the sign Reserve !!! Photos mystery who sits on the field? Huh? Well, who? Who?
5.Prem further.
6.I further.
7.Fuuuuuuuuuuuu like on the spot !!!
8. I have learned that I have a great family: and trails, and woods, in the field every spike ... River, the sky is blue - it's all mine, dear, this - my motherland! All in the world I love!
9.Prosto for digression (brushing away a tear) .Itak proceed to the main production of food or simply ohote.Suschestvuet many ways onogo.Naprimer with underwater gun on fish.
11.S above water gun on fish (real sluchay.ya Strelna sazanenka nursing in shallow water, vkusnnnnny mmmmmm) .Rozhu its zamuleval, forgive.
12.Otlozhim these methods to post about your ear, turn to klassike.Klassichesky shulyum brewed from the mallard, the most widespread game in the middle polose.No cooking game from anywhere up to Beaver (Beaver yes yes, it eats meat is even nothing) .
13.Dalee nipping, the burning, disemboweled, cut into serving pieces utku.Chistim potatoes, onions, morkov.Nezabyvam drink beer, but it is not got nothing to eat watermelon kraynyak, here at will.
14.Shulyumka cooked for a long time, so prepare for a rapid on perekuson mushrooms yaykami, to starve chervochka.
15.Kalim cauldron (in this case the pot), pour oil, fry a little duck, add the onions and carrots and fry still fill with water.
16.I culminates TADAMMMM pot with tavam over here.
17.Russkaya furnace is 100,500 to taste dishes.
18.I forget for an hour, then pull out and throwing potatoes and spices and forget to chas.Nezabyvaem solit.ZhDEM.I here rezultat.MMMMMMMM nyashki.
19.Nakravaem table, pour, sit down and nachinaem.PRIYaTNOGO Appetit all who TOPIC !!! This bird is a pity, pass mimo.Vot unpretentious it is possible to prepare simple meals.
20.Derzhites brothers soon spring hunting, little is left !!! Sincerely dok75.Za sim let leave.
Source: www.liveinternet.ru

1.Segodnya I will tell you how to cook soup hunting surnamed shulyum.Chto shulyum exactly is and what it eats ?! You ask my dear druzya.A shulyum - is a rich meat soup with a minimum set of products. The ideal option for field / field kitchen on ohote.Retsepta as such, no, cook it, who as you can, and the fact that there is a rukoy.Edinstvenny minus or plus well, as you have to go to cooking put.I so proceed !!! The first thing you need is mud-bog-everywhere-turn.

2.Nu and all sorts of different equipment, guns, dogs, etc. and etc. (Photo shamelessly steal from tyrneta such a joke on cylinders do not pay attention, well, we still survivalist those on volume snaryagu about the same pile of leaves)

3.I Award in pupenya considered, further, the thicker the duck !!!

4. On the road can meet such a beauty !!! Be vigilant and kept as a rule, such beauty sits under the sign Reserve !!! Photos mystery who sits on the field? Huh? Well, who? Who?

5.Prem further.

6.I further.

7.Fuuuuuuuuuuuu like on the spot !!!

8. I have learned that I have a great family: and trails, and woods, in the field every spike ... River, the sky is blue - it's all mine, dear, this - my motherland! All in the world I love!

9.Prosto for digression (brushing away a tear) .Itak proceed to the main production of food or simply ohote.Suschestvuet many ways onogo.Naprimer with underwater gun on fish.


11.S above water gun on fish (real sluchay.ya Strelna sazanenka nursing in shallow water, vkusnnnnny mmmmmm) .Rozhu its zamuleval, forgive.

12.Otlozhim these methods to post about your ear, turn to klassike.Klassichesky shulyum brewed from the mallard, the most widespread game in the middle polose.No cooking game from anywhere up to Beaver (Beaver yes yes, it eats meat is even nothing) .

13.Dalee nipping, the burning, disemboweled, cut into serving pieces utku.Chistim potatoes, onions, morkov.Nezabyvam drink beer, but it is not got nothing to eat watermelon kraynyak, here at will.

14.Shulyumka cooked for a long time, so prepare for a rapid on perekuson mushrooms yaykami, to starve chervochka.
15.Kalim cauldron (in this case the pot), pour oil, fry a little duck, add the onions and carrots and fry still fill with water.

16.I culminates TADAMMMM pot with tavam over here.

17.Russkaya furnace is 100,500 to taste dishes.

18.I forget for an hour, then pull out and throwing potatoes and spices and forget to chas.Nezabyvaem solit.ZhDEM.I here rezultat.MMMMMMMM nyashki.

19.Nakravaem table, pour, sit down and nachinaem.PRIYaTNOGO Appetit all who TOPIC !!! This bird is a pity, pass mimo.Vot unpretentious it is possible to prepare simple meals.
20.Derzhites brothers soon spring hunting, little is left !!! Sincerely dok75.Za sim let leave.
Source: www.liveinternet.ru