Russia once again decided to build a "missile train"!
By 2020, Russia will have a new battle railway missile system (BZHRK), told RIA Novosti, a senior representative of the Russian military-industrial complex.
What is it about and what we are witnessing?
That could mean the development of scoring solutions BZHRK
It means exactly one thing: Russia continues to raise rates "appropriate response" to build groups of US global missile defense system, though it is at the expense of weapons of retaliation. Here it should be noted that this step will work regardless of how war really want to get a new BZHRK, and the industry is ready to provide it.
Source - Ria.RU
Where did the idea
The movable rail-based strategic missiles - the brainchild of the 1980s. The Soviet Union at that time developed a response to the American "peace keeper" (missile Peacekeeper, also known as MX) - solid fuel carrier with ten warheads, which is in the design phase would be used as from the mines and from mobile launchers. From such unification in the US eventually abandoned, and only put a rocket into the mines. The Soviet Union also mastered the way: in the framework of "our response to Reagan" appeared BZHRK missile RT-23UTTH "Well done».
What is the BZHRK
This train with wagons disguised as ordinary passengers, baggage cars and refrigerator cars. One such composition included three container launchers with rockets and including missile regiment. The division of such compositions were four, and all missile divisions with BZHRK - three 10-th of Kostroma, the 36th of Krasnoyarsk and 52 th near Perm. Total 36 launchers.
When creating BZHRK was used a lot of interesting technical solutions, ranging from system start-unloading wagon can partially distribute the weight of the rocket on the wagons neighbors, and ending with the original drainage system, the electrical contact system that prevents the launch rocket.
Since 1991, through the processes of disarmament all 12 trains are not officially displayed in the railway network of the country outside the places of permanent deployment. (For a variety of information, some maneuvers still committed, but were purely practically piece character.) In 2005, the last BZHRK was eliminated.
What are the advantages BZHRK
In the 1980s, calculations and practice shows that BZHRK is one of the most secretive types of strategic weapons: the reliable identification of "missile train" the Americans failed to achieve, and domestic training events have revealed its high secrecy. Thus, BZHRK very resistant to "counterforce" strike the enemy and is able to show a high survivability in a retaliatory strike.
What is it about and what we are witnessing?
That could mean the development of scoring solutions BZHRK
It means exactly one thing: Russia continues to raise rates "appropriate response" to build groups of US global missile defense system, though it is at the expense of weapons of retaliation. Here it should be noted that this step will work regardless of how war really want to get a new BZHRK, and the industry is ready to provide it.
Source - Ria.RU

Where did the idea
The movable rail-based strategic missiles - the brainchild of the 1980s. The Soviet Union at that time developed a response to the American "peace keeper" (missile Peacekeeper, also known as MX) - solid fuel carrier with ten warheads, which is in the design phase would be used as from the mines and from mobile launchers. From such unification in the US eventually abandoned, and only put a rocket into the mines. The Soviet Union also mastered the way: in the framework of "our response to Reagan" appeared BZHRK missile RT-23UTTH "Well done».
What is the BZHRK
This train with wagons disguised as ordinary passengers, baggage cars and refrigerator cars. One such composition included three container launchers with rockets and including missile regiment. The division of such compositions were four, and all missile divisions with BZHRK - three 10-th of Kostroma, the 36th of Krasnoyarsk and 52 th near Perm. Total 36 launchers.
When creating BZHRK was used a lot of interesting technical solutions, ranging from system start-unloading wagon can partially distribute the weight of the rocket on the wagons neighbors, and ending with the original drainage system, the electrical contact system that prevents the launch rocket.
Since 1991, through the processes of disarmament all 12 trains are not officially displayed in the railway network of the country outside the places of permanent deployment. (For a variety of information, some maneuvers still committed, but were purely practically piece character.) In 2005, the last BZHRK was eliminated.
What are the advantages BZHRK
In the 1980s, calculations and practice shows that BZHRK is one of the most secretive types of strategic weapons: the reliable identification of "missile train" the Americans failed to achieve, and domestic training events have revealed its high secrecy. Thus, BZHRK very resistant to "counterforce" strike the enemy and is able to show a high survivability in a retaliatory strike.
