And the way you show?
Author: Alexander Belenkiy
News source link: macos.livejournal.com/810627.html
Bombily, they are also illegal taxi drivers irritate me a very long time. I do not use and do not advise you. It's just not safe, we need only look at the state of their vehicles, not to mention the fact that 95% of cabs - migrants from Central Asia, and hardly even one percent of them - professional drivers. And the rules of the road for them and do not write if you write - do not read, and if you read - that are not understood.
Yesterday in the Western District of Moscow police raid took place on catching these false taxi drivers. I not only watched him, but also took part.
1. The fish is in Russia have always been, as long as he can remember. Hitchhiker a ride around the city, but certainly for the money - normal, who refuses? There is a demand, there is supply. But in the last couple of years the number of illegal immigrants has become such that they make up almost a quarter of the fleet move on the Moscow roads. And they are "on duty" at bus stops and metro stations, occupying all available space: buses simply nowhere to perch oneself. And in their place would be one or two cars a normal taxi, but no, before that Moscow has not yet matured. We have what we have - accumulated dozens of illegal immigrants. It may like may not like it, but it - illegally.
2. Pretty impressive group of journalists were divided into points. Some went to the place of installation "trap", the other had to go undercover. In this group, and I turned. The task did not seem difficult: to catch fish is, get in the car and drive to the specified address. In any case, for us from afar we watched by plainclothes police.
3. Address where we arrived, was not chosen by chance: at the bus stop in a residential area for a long time grazing fish is, and from the locals they receive a lot of complaints. We had orientation and number of specific machines. Because if you have a complaint - to draw such a "taxi driver" much easier. One of the cars - the Mercedes NEKS. Operatives not the first time illegal immigrants take from this point, the villains guard, so the car would not be seen as a right at the stop and it is not necessary.
4. But next, to yellow-green fence sitting two Uzbeks. Waiting for customers.
5. For the sake of appearances, we have to slow down the car and say that we need to get three hundred rubles to Metro Youth. Tricky Uzbek quickly came up and overheard. Because our goal was to go on a particular machine, we offered to all other "funny" for them the price of a hundred rubles. Of course, all refused. A sweet couple quickly retreated. Since turnout was defeated.
6. Then we got in the car to the police and began to travel around in search of large clusters of bombs. We are particularly interested in the "Lithuanian" machines, which in the last six months divorced in Moscow, like cockroaches in the apartment of an alcoholic. The essence of this phenomenon is simple: even Uzbeks understand that the car VAZ - shit. Someone told them to venture, but rather even helped to implement. Bought in one of the Baltic States killed bin imported and chased in Russia. Issued temporary import: for up to six months, it is not taxed. All this time, the driver is riding on the vehicle, private taxi driver earns, and six months on the border saws with Belarus or Ukraine, put a stamp and then comes back, for another six months. But in fact - is the same, "Shaheed-mobiles", still crumbling and often gets into an accident.
7. Near the shopping center "Festival" on Michurinsk the prospectus was discovered this park. "Lithuanians" was not seen, and we decided to pick out the green NEKS, the door is open in a silent call, "Hey, let's ride!", Is so that you can see it from far away, nobody hesitates.
8. Further only a trick. The driver calls zhlobski sum of 500 rubles to get from "Festival" to Youth. It is very expensive, even for legitimate taxis. But we agree. While going we are posing as friends who are going to choose the TV in "Technosila" for one of our girls. And chat with the driver. We ask about life, whether good car Daewoo NEKS what she Year (1997), how do take (70,000), but you can earn a taxi driver (1500-2000 daily) controls whether someone is a business (need to give 2,000 a month older Tajiks point). In parallel, we note that the car does not work the dashboard on the driver says that the rate it does not necessarily know, and gasoline counts "by eye" - light lights up continuously. View Conversation we write on iPhone, it is - the evidence base.
9. Only we park at the destination, the trap snaps shut, and instead of a girl next to a police car appears hefty. A minute later NEKS surrounds a bunch of cameras and our driver becomes a star of the screen.
10. And here's colleagues managed to "catch in hand" old Opel with Tajik rooms! With this machine the same thing happens: it stops and starts checking papers. Not only the law and the log, but the most important thing - "license" the taxi driver. Which, of course, none of the drivers is not provided.
11. Both of our fish is just trying to deny everything. One and all said he bought the car three days ago, and he works at the car wash. We were on the road, he said, that carries people every day without weekends, only at night sleeping.
12. Rooms are old, that they have given out more in the Emirate of Bukhara. By the way, I have a collection does not yet have numbers from Tajikistan :)
13. Machine condition terrible. This wagon does not have to drive. The Germans, who have the old Opel rot in the forest, very surprised to see that.
14. "Our bomb" being interviewed. He was only in the first few minutes it seemed that it was cool. Then he realized that in actual fact was. And the car taken away, and your TV does not show in the best light.
15. Both cars are parked on the ground in front of the subway. There is already detained illegal Gazelle! Catch the "left" minibus - it's like to fill up the big and bold mammoth!
16. This car just came down the assembly line - can be seen immediately!
17. Dear users minibuses! Tell me how you can get into all this junk and somewhere to go on it? You do not feel sorry for ourselves?
18. I asked the driver of the detainee, if he is not ashamed to carry people on it? It can be scattered into the dust at any moment. He was not ashamed.
19. Meanwhile, the square has an impressive audience. Auditorium consisted, for the most part, from our fellow stars. They have something long discussion. Probably about how space ships travel through the universe, the boys were going to succeed, and "Azizmat not guilty." I think most of those present quite frankly do not understand why these people were detained and why illegal carting - bad.
20. The girl just passed, it is not with them.
21. But our new friend has finally realized that he faces. With the registration I had everything in order, so it is not deported. But the car will have to say goodbye. It would remove as the "instrument" of the offense, and it will stay on shtrafstoyanke to court. For "bomblenie" you can draw only in the article on illegal business activities, and this fact must prove, just for this purpose and need "monitoring visits" today as passengers were journalists usually do operatives themselves. As a rule, the court issues a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles for such a violation. Plus there's the opportunity to seize the vehicle permanently. But even if we do not, except for a fine fish is will have to pay a large sum for the storage of cars on the shtrafstroyanke.
22. The next "Mammoth" was swamped by accident. I asked the police how to distinguish real from the phony minibus. There are several factors, but the most important and unmistakable - in the cab above the windscreen should be a sticker with the name of the company. Illegals will not hang it ever, because very quickly ogrebut from enterprises, they all strictly. And of course, honest buses are not covered with rust, this is followed, and if the car is still out on the line in this state - it is also an occasion for photos on the memory and call the police.
23. minibus captured!
24. Only police sat in Gazelle, the driver began to deny everything. Does not work, I say just go. Well, with the number of the route, and a price tag of "chop" money. Well, because the eyes of a cop-zyrk zyrk - the driver immediately stopped fooling around. But for him it's over yet sadder: the migration card is a crude forgery, after the trial, and pay a fine, he will be deported.
25. Now let's take a walk around the subway and see what happens. That's a real taxi passing by. It can be seen immediately.
26. It seems to me that self-respecting company will not carry people like cattle, in sullen Gazelle. Fortunately, normal bus becomes more and more.
27. I just noticed today how much junk and old shit goes to Moscow. I usually travel on the subway to the station from home to me two minutes and I just do not notice these garbage dumps. Yes, and the station was lucky, there are no markets and shopping centers, bombed too little. But the most depressing contrast pimped and expensive SUVs.
28. Many of them are simply thrown permanently in the streets and in the courts. Why does a person does not take his car? Even if he does not need, it can be recycled and get a couple of tens of thousands of rubles. They are unlikely to spare. Take them all yes to take to the dump! But you can not if the car has a number. This, I think I'll write a separate post: who is to blame and what to do.
29. Well, fish is, fish is everywhere. They have no identifying marks on the machine (sometimes "have cheap" on the roof, but they attract the attention of the police), but the surest way to find illegal - open the passenger door. It is like a red truselya Chelyabinsk Mikhailovich - beckons and beckons.
30. Probably the most time to write, why I am against the bomb? Firstly, it is really unsafe. You can see for yourself on which machines they go and who they are. Drivers must be professional, because you trust them their lives, and this is no joke. Secondly - it is illegal. If we want to live in a civilized country - why we encourage the prosperity of the wicked? Bombs can not be defeated as long as their services are used. Do you want to ride a normal taxi neat and catch them with your hands, like in New York, Istanbul and Hong Kong? Do not use the services of creative Uzbeks. There are many examples where appropriate drivers are going to work in a taxi pool or open IP, register the machine and work legally. As for the price - yes, it's expensive. Catch "with hands" cheaper, but "fixed" this fish is even more expensive taxi. Now, there are several applications for mobile phones, where you can order normal taxis and even arrange an auction among the companies who are lucky you cheaper. I use it for two years. And you recommend
31. More important point - all of these fish is occupied by a huge number of places in the city. Both on the road and the bus stops, sidewalks. They're just in the way.
34. And this is a bad example of the taxi. It seems to be the name of the company is, and the phone, and the car looks like a mountain of cigarette butts in a melting snowbank black snow. But these can and should complain to their leadership. Last night, when I wrote this post, I posted a picture of a beautiful car "The first taxi" Balashikha with the question, is it normal to let such a taxi to work. Let's see whether the answer.
35. And now for the good. The city finally come spring, summer is coming soon, the snow is left, and the kids feed the dog ice cream.
News source link: macos.livejournal.com/810627.html
Bombily, they are also illegal taxi drivers irritate me a very long time. I do not use and do not advise you. It's just not safe, we need only look at the state of their vehicles, not to mention the fact that 95% of cabs - migrants from Central Asia, and hardly even one percent of them - professional drivers. And the rules of the road for them and do not write if you write - do not read, and if you read - that are not understood.
Yesterday in the Western District of Moscow police raid took place on catching these false taxi drivers. I not only watched him, but also took part.

1. The fish is in Russia have always been, as long as he can remember. Hitchhiker a ride around the city, but certainly for the money - normal, who refuses? There is a demand, there is supply. But in the last couple of years the number of illegal immigrants has become such that they make up almost a quarter of the fleet move on the Moscow roads. And they are "on duty" at bus stops and metro stations, occupying all available space: buses simply nowhere to perch oneself. And in their place would be one or two cars a normal taxi, but no, before that Moscow has not yet matured. We have what we have - accumulated dozens of illegal immigrants. It may like may not like it, but it - illegally.

2. Pretty impressive group of journalists were divided into points. Some went to the place of installation "trap", the other had to go undercover. In this group, and I turned. The task did not seem difficult: to catch fish is, get in the car and drive to the specified address. In any case, for us from afar we watched by plainclothes police.

3. Address where we arrived, was not chosen by chance: at the bus stop in a residential area for a long time grazing fish is, and from the locals they receive a lot of complaints. We had orientation and number of specific machines. Because if you have a complaint - to draw such a "taxi driver" much easier. One of the cars - the Mercedes NEKS. Operatives not the first time illegal immigrants take from this point, the villains guard, so the car would not be seen as a right at the stop and it is not necessary.

4. But next, to yellow-green fence sitting two Uzbeks. Waiting for customers.

5. For the sake of appearances, we have to slow down the car and say that we need to get three hundred rubles to Metro Youth. Tricky Uzbek quickly came up and overheard. Because our goal was to go on a particular machine, we offered to all other "funny" for them the price of a hundred rubles. Of course, all refused. A sweet couple quickly retreated. Since turnout was defeated.

6. Then we got in the car to the police and began to travel around in search of large clusters of bombs. We are particularly interested in the "Lithuanian" machines, which in the last six months divorced in Moscow, like cockroaches in the apartment of an alcoholic. The essence of this phenomenon is simple: even Uzbeks understand that the car VAZ - shit. Someone told them to venture, but rather even helped to implement. Bought in one of the Baltic States killed bin imported and chased in Russia. Issued temporary import: for up to six months, it is not taxed. All this time, the driver is riding on the vehicle, private taxi driver earns, and six months on the border saws with Belarus or Ukraine, put a stamp and then comes back, for another six months. But in fact - is the same, "Shaheed-mobiles", still crumbling and often gets into an accident.

7. Near the shopping center "Festival" on Michurinsk the prospectus was discovered this park. "Lithuanians" was not seen, and we decided to pick out the green NEKS, the door is open in a silent call, "Hey, let's ride!", Is so that you can see it from far away, nobody hesitates.

8. Further only a trick. The driver calls zhlobski sum of 500 rubles to get from "Festival" to Youth. It is very expensive, even for legitimate taxis. But we agree. While going we are posing as friends who are going to choose the TV in "Technosila" for one of our girls. And chat with the driver. We ask about life, whether good car Daewoo NEKS what she Year (1997), how do take (70,000), but you can earn a taxi driver (1500-2000 daily) controls whether someone is a business (need to give 2,000 a month older Tajiks point). In parallel, we note that the car does not work the dashboard on the driver says that the rate it does not necessarily know, and gasoline counts "by eye" - light lights up continuously. View Conversation we write on iPhone, it is - the evidence base.

9. Only we park at the destination, the trap snaps shut, and instead of a girl next to a police car appears hefty. A minute later NEKS surrounds a bunch of cameras and our driver becomes a star of the screen.

10. And here's colleagues managed to "catch in hand" old Opel with Tajik rooms! With this machine the same thing happens: it stops and starts checking papers. Not only the law and the log, but the most important thing - "license" the taxi driver. Which, of course, none of the drivers is not provided.

11. Both of our fish is just trying to deny everything. One and all said he bought the car three days ago, and he works at the car wash. We were on the road, he said, that carries people every day without weekends, only at night sleeping.

12. Rooms are old, that they have given out more in the Emirate of Bukhara. By the way, I have a collection does not yet have numbers from Tajikistan :)

13. Machine condition terrible. This wagon does not have to drive. The Germans, who have the old Opel rot in the forest, very surprised to see that.

14. "Our bomb" being interviewed. He was only in the first few minutes it seemed that it was cool. Then he realized that in actual fact was. And the car taken away, and your TV does not show in the best light.

15. Both cars are parked on the ground in front of the subway. There is already detained illegal Gazelle! Catch the "left" minibus - it's like to fill up the big and bold mammoth!

16. This car just came down the assembly line - can be seen immediately!

17. Dear users minibuses! Tell me how you can get into all this junk and somewhere to go on it? You do not feel sorry for ourselves?

18. I asked the driver of the detainee, if he is not ashamed to carry people on it? It can be scattered into the dust at any moment. He was not ashamed.

19. Meanwhile, the square has an impressive audience. Auditorium consisted, for the most part, from our fellow stars. They have something long discussion. Probably about how space ships travel through the universe, the boys were going to succeed, and "Azizmat not guilty." I think most of those present quite frankly do not understand why these people were detained and why illegal carting - bad.

20. The girl just passed, it is not with them.

21. But our new friend has finally realized that he faces. With the registration I had everything in order, so it is not deported. But the car will have to say goodbye. It would remove as the "instrument" of the offense, and it will stay on shtrafstoyanke to court. For "bomblenie" you can draw only in the article on illegal business activities, and this fact must prove, just for this purpose and need "monitoring visits" today as passengers were journalists usually do operatives themselves. As a rule, the court issues a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles for such a violation. Plus there's the opportunity to seize the vehicle permanently. But even if we do not, except for a fine fish is will have to pay a large sum for the storage of cars on the shtrafstroyanke.

22. The next "Mammoth" was swamped by accident. I asked the police how to distinguish real from the phony minibus. There are several factors, but the most important and unmistakable - in the cab above the windscreen should be a sticker with the name of the company. Illegals will not hang it ever, because very quickly ogrebut from enterprises, they all strictly. And of course, honest buses are not covered with rust, this is followed, and if the car is still out on the line in this state - it is also an occasion for photos on the memory and call the police.

23. minibus captured!

24. Only police sat in Gazelle, the driver began to deny everything. Does not work, I say just go. Well, with the number of the route, and a price tag of "chop" money. Well, because the eyes of a cop-zyrk zyrk - the driver immediately stopped fooling around. But for him it's over yet sadder: the migration card is a crude forgery, after the trial, and pay a fine, he will be deported.

25. Now let's take a walk around the subway and see what happens. That's a real taxi passing by. It can be seen immediately.

26. It seems to me that self-respecting company will not carry people like cattle, in sullen Gazelle. Fortunately, normal bus becomes more and more.

27. I just noticed today how much junk and old shit goes to Moscow. I usually travel on the subway to the station from home to me two minutes and I just do not notice these garbage dumps. Yes, and the station was lucky, there are no markets and shopping centers, bombed too little. But the most depressing contrast pimped and expensive SUVs.

28. Many of them are simply thrown permanently in the streets and in the courts. Why does a person does not take his car? Even if he does not need, it can be recycled and get a couple of tens of thousands of rubles. They are unlikely to spare. Take them all yes to take to the dump! But you can not if the car has a number. This, I think I'll write a separate post: who is to blame and what to do.

29. Well, fish is, fish is everywhere. They have no identifying marks on the machine (sometimes "have cheap" on the roof, but they attract the attention of the police), but the surest way to find illegal - open the passenger door. It is like a red truselya Chelyabinsk Mikhailovich - beckons and beckons.

30. Probably the most time to write, why I am against the bomb? Firstly, it is really unsafe. You can see for yourself on which machines they go and who they are. Drivers must be professional, because you trust them their lives, and this is no joke. Secondly - it is illegal. If we want to live in a civilized country - why we encourage the prosperity of the wicked? Bombs can not be defeated as long as their services are used. Do you want to ride a normal taxi neat and catch them with your hands, like in New York, Istanbul and Hong Kong? Do not use the services of creative Uzbeks. There are many examples where appropriate drivers are going to work in a taxi pool or open IP, register the machine and work legally. As for the price - yes, it's expensive. Catch "with hands" cheaper, but "fixed" this fish is even more expensive taxi. Now, there are several applications for mobile phones, where you can order normal taxis and even arrange an auction among the companies who are lucky you cheaper. I use it for two years. And you recommend

31. More important point - all of these fish is occupied by a huge number of places in the city. Both on the road and the bus stops, sidewalks. They're just in the way.



34. And this is a bad example of the taxi. It seems to be the name of the company is, and the phone, and the car looks like a mountain of cigarette butts in a melting snowbank black snow. But these can and should complain to their leadership. Last night, when I wrote this post, I posted a picture of a beautiful car "The first taxi" Balashikha with the question, is it normal to let such a taxi to work. Let's see whether the answer.

35. And now for the good. The city finally come spring, summer is coming soon, the snow is left, and the kids feed the dog ice cream.
