5 popular myths about the air crash of the movie
People often traveling by plane, perceive the movement of the person through the air as something ordinary, forgetting that behind all this are the numerous unique technologies and masterly use of physical laws.
The opinion of the people of the crash is distorted by numerous films and news releases. Here are some popular misconceptions about the crash of aircraft.
5 popular myths about the plane crash that everyone believes because of Hollywood blockbusters
1. Take off on an airplane at any time
If you believe in such films as "X-Men", "The" A "" or "Independence Day," a man is worth nothing and just take a fly on a plane, regardless of its size and type. Characters militants occupied the pilot's seat and did not hesitate to take to the skies any aircraft, whether it is a huge airplane or helicopter.
In reality, however, even a qualified pilot can not just tear winged machine from the ground, for example, each member of the crew of «Boeing 747" must pass through 123 test before you will be entitled to take off.
Incidentally, when the fighters are on duty, they are obliged to be constantly in a 15-minute readiness to take off at the same time, many passengers are unhappy when, for example, an aircraft takes as much time to take off.
After the attack on the "Twin Towers" Many have argued that it is unclear why the air force of the United States have not been able to respond quickly to seize the ill-fated liner, but the investigation has shown that there is nothing strange. At that time, throughout the continental US found only 14 fighters, ready to immediately take to the air, which they did for a record eight minutes thanks to the coordinated work of the crew of military vehicles and personnel of the air base, but they still had to fly a considerable distance to intercept aircraft with "suicide" at the helm.
One way or otherwise, the readiness of the aircraft to fly depends on many factors of a technical nature and condition of the crew, so when you see the movie character climbs into the cockpit and immediately leaps to the runway, do not believe it - this is hardly possible even in an emergency situations.
2. In emergencies the pilots organize "dramatic scene»
Some of the most popular films in which there are scenes of air crashes, "The Aviator," "Flying," "Cast Away" and others, clearly give the viewer understand that when there is an extraordinary situation, the cabin crew crowded cacophony of sounds of different instruments and sensors, and in general It chaos - drivers find out the relationship loudly, pulling each other's helm.
In fact, the pilot must be fully focused to understand when the situation may get out of control, therefore, as a rule, no noisy claims and accusations in such moments do not arise - the crews of cruise machines are specially trained in any situation act calmly, professional and not allow insubordination.
On airplanes voice warning system exists, for example, a sharp loss of height, or the threat of a collision, but at times of events can be predicted only certain features of the readings, but they do not always notice, so that the crew did not even have time to understand anything.
Experienced pilots prefer emergency to rely on their own experience, not on the tips of electronic "helpers" that can distract the most inopportune moment, and if experience is not enough, will always help guide on piloting.
3. Screw the helicopter can chop into small pieces of human
If you saw the movie "The Last Boy Scout" and "28 Days Later" and at the same time far from the helicopter industry, you probably think that the person has virtually no chance to survive the crash of the helicopter - the propeller blades are likely to deal with it.
In fact, the accident helicopter is not as dangerous as the crash because the place is usually at low altitude. In addition, it is worth remembering that one of the names of the helicopter - rotorcraft, that is, in fact, the propeller blades - they are the same wings, not sharpened "swords" that can easily cut a man.
In the manufacture of propellers for modern helicopters used light and flexible material is present in the construction of the protection of stainless steel that protects the blade against sand and dirt. Metal surprisingly easily deformed in a collision, and because of the specific shape of the blade does not cut a person, but rather inflicts a heavy blow, so in case of emergency should still stay away from the rotor (rotor helicopter).
4. The collapse of the aircraft - certain death
Most films fall in passenger aircraft becomes fatal if some of them manage to escape, only a miracle or by extreme efforts. Normal "cine" crash looks like this: at some point the flight ship begins to shake off the shelves falling luggage, passengers grab oxygen masks, movie stars and show their acting skills. Then, some passengers necessarily jettisons through the hole in the body, and in the final massive explosion rips the aircraft and still live people into pieces.
Such scenarios of air accidents in life are not as common: according to statistics, about 80% of accidents occur during takeoff and landing, so they almost always do without victims.
Perhaps the worst example of filmmakers serves viewers when the show that movie heroes behave unpredictably, without being subject to any requirements of the safety instructions, for example, leave the chair and walk around the cabin, trying to prevent the actions of the flight attendants and sometimes strive to take the place of commander of the crew .
Practice shows that 95% of passenger ships, castaways survive precisely because listen carefully and do what they are told the flight attendants.
Even when at a great height have denied all aircraft engines, the pilots still a chance to avoid casualties - aerodynamics liner allows him to plan, gradually decreasing, not falling like a stone. Slip ratio is 15: 1, that is, until the aircraft loses height of one meter, it is time to fly 15 meters, which allows pilots to maintain control over the management. Planning, pilots sometimes had to fly to several hundred kilometers, choosing the time and place for a safe landing.
5. Any hole, sooner or later will lead to a rupture of the fuselage
There is an opinion, supported by some episodes of movies (such as "Iron Man 3," "Poltergeist" and "Passenger 57"), that any hole in the hull inevitably expands and people through the hole immediately drains out. However, the facts tell a different story - not always depressurization causes the destruction of the aircraft.
For example, in 2011, during one of the regular flights of «Southwest Airlines» in the casing liner, flying at an altitude of 11 thousand meters, due to the difference between the pressure in the cabin and weather appeared a hole size of about 0, 5 m², but one of the passengers pulled out, and the hole was not increased in size - nothing like what you show in blockbusters, and quite a lot of such cases.
To a man sucked out, a hole in the hull of the aircraft must be large enough and be in close proximity to the passenger. In addition, if a person securely fastened safety belt, it can pull only with a chair, and the construction of the passenger seat of the modern airliner is designed for very large overload, so that the entire history of commercial overflights known to only a few cases when passengers flew out of the cabin through a huge gap.
Also, if the first few seconds when the compressed air from the aircraft pulled in the rarefied atmosphere, edging not start to break down, most likely, the hole will not grow at all, since the phenomenon of differential pressure, called explosive decompression, very short, and trim is able to maintain its strength even after depressurization.
The opinion of the people of the crash is distorted by numerous films and news releases. Here are some popular misconceptions about the crash of aircraft.
5 popular myths about the plane crash that everyone believes because of Hollywood blockbusters

1. Take off on an airplane at any time
If you believe in such films as "X-Men", "The" A "" or "Independence Day," a man is worth nothing and just take a fly on a plane, regardless of its size and type. Characters militants occupied the pilot's seat and did not hesitate to take to the skies any aircraft, whether it is a huge airplane or helicopter.
In reality, however, even a qualified pilot can not just tear winged machine from the ground, for example, each member of the crew of «Boeing 747" must pass through 123 test before you will be entitled to take off.
Incidentally, when the fighters are on duty, they are obliged to be constantly in a 15-minute readiness to take off at the same time, many passengers are unhappy when, for example, an aircraft takes as much time to take off.
After the attack on the "Twin Towers" Many have argued that it is unclear why the air force of the United States have not been able to respond quickly to seize the ill-fated liner, but the investigation has shown that there is nothing strange. At that time, throughout the continental US found only 14 fighters, ready to immediately take to the air, which they did for a record eight minutes thanks to the coordinated work of the crew of military vehicles and personnel of the air base, but they still had to fly a considerable distance to intercept aircraft with "suicide" at the helm.
One way or otherwise, the readiness of the aircraft to fly depends on many factors of a technical nature and condition of the crew, so when you see the movie character climbs into the cockpit and immediately leaps to the runway, do not believe it - this is hardly possible even in an emergency situations.

2. In emergencies the pilots organize "dramatic scene»
Some of the most popular films in which there are scenes of air crashes, "The Aviator," "Flying," "Cast Away" and others, clearly give the viewer understand that when there is an extraordinary situation, the cabin crew crowded cacophony of sounds of different instruments and sensors, and in general It chaos - drivers find out the relationship loudly, pulling each other's helm.
In fact, the pilot must be fully focused to understand when the situation may get out of control, therefore, as a rule, no noisy claims and accusations in such moments do not arise - the crews of cruise machines are specially trained in any situation act calmly, professional and not allow insubordination.
On airplanes voice warning system exists, for example, a sharp loss of height, or the threat of a collision, but at times of events can be predicted only certain features of the readings, but they do not always notice, so that the crew did not even have time to understand anything.
Experienced pilots prefer emergency to rely on their own experience, not on the tips of electronic "helpers" that can distract the most inopportune moment, and if experience is not enough, will always help guide on piloting.

3. Screw the helicopter can chop into small pieces of human
If you saw the movie "The Last Boy Scout" and "28 Days Later" and at the same time far from the helicopter industry, you probably think that the person has virtually no chance to survive the crash of the helicopter - the propeller blades are likely to deal with it.
In fact, the accident helicopter is not as dangerous as the crash because the place is usually at low altitude. In addition, it is worth remembering that one of the names of the helicopter - rotorcraft, that is, in fact, the propeller blades - they are the same wings, not sharpened "swords" that can easily cut a man.
In the manufacture of propellers for modern helicopters used light and flexible material is present in the construction of the protection of stainless steel that protects the blade against sand and dirt. Metal surprisingly easily deformed in a collision, and because of the specific shape of the blade does not cut a person, but rather inflicts a heavy blow, so in case of emergency should still stay away from the rotor (rotor helicopter).

4. The collapse of the aircraft - certain death
Most films fall in passenger aircraft becomes fatal if some of them manage to escape, only a miracle or by extreme efforts. Normal "cine" crash looks like this: at some point the flight ship begins to shake off the shelves falling luggage, passengers grab oxygen masks, movie stars and show their acting skills. Then, some passengers necessarily jettisons through the hole in the body, and in the final massive explosion rips the aircraft and still live people into pieces.
Such scenarios of air accidents in life are not as common: according to statistics, about 80% of accidents occur during takeoff and landing, so they almost always do without victims.
Perhaps the worst example of filmmakers serves viewers when the show that movie heroes behave unpredictably, without being subject to any requirements of the safety instructions, for example, leave the chair and walk around the cabin, trying to prevent the actions of the flight attendants and sometimes strive to take the place of commander of the crew .
Practice shows that 95% of passenger ships, castaways survive precisely because listen carefully and do what they are told the flight attendants.
Even when at a great height have denied all aircraft engines, the pilots still a chance to avoid casualties - aerodynamics liner allows him to plan, gradually decreasing, not falling like a stone. Slip ratio is 15: 1, that is, until the aircraft loses height of one meter, it is time to fly 15 meters, which allows pilots to maintain control over the management. Planning, pilots sometimes had to fly to several hundred kilometers, choosing the time and place for a safe landing.

5. Any hole, sooner or later will lead to a rupture of the fuselage
There is an opinion, supported by some episodes of movies (such as "Iron Man 3," "Poltergeist" and "Passenger 57"), that any hole in the hull inevitably expands and people through the hole immediately drains out. However, the facts tell a different story - not always depressurization causes the destruction of the aircraft.
For example, in 2011, during one of the regular flights of «Southwest Airlines» in the casing liner, flying at an altitude of 11 thousand meters, due to the difference between the pressure in the cabin and weather appeared a hole size of about 0, 5 m², but one of the passengers pulled out, and the hole was not increased in size - nothing like what you show in blockbusters, and quite a lot of such cases.
To a man sucked out, a hole in the hull of the aircraft must be large enough and be in close proximity to the passenger. In addition, if a person securely fastened safety belt, it can pull only with a chair, and the construction of the passenger seat of the modern airliner is designed for very large overload, so that the entire history of commercial overflights known to only a few cases when passengers flew out of the cabin through a huge gap.
Also, if the first few seconds when the compressed air from the aircraft pulled in the rarefied atmosphere, edging not start to break down, most likely, the hole will not grow at all, since the phenomenon of differential pressure, called explosive decompression, very short, and trim is able to maintain its strength even after depressurization.
