As we got up from its knees
2011. Despite the request of Russia, Belarus refused to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Outcome: Belarus has not recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia to this day.
2011. Tajikistan without any foundation jailing of Russian flier offering to exchange him for a distant relative of President Rakhmonov, who was sent to serve his 10-year sentence for drug trafficking.
Outcome: Tajikistan has made his.
2012. Uzbekistan took from the Russian MTS Uzbek her "daughter" with 10 million subscribers.
The result: the company bankrupt, its assets nationalized (http://www.iarex.ru/news/40018.html).
2013. Belarus luring Minsk and arrested the head of one of the largest Russian companies - the "BRIC».
The result: he sits to this day (though it has been under house arrest).
2013. Tajikistan demanded mitigation of the stay of Tajik migrants in Russia, threatening to not renew a lease Russian 201st military base.
Outcome: Tajikistan has made his own. Time of registration for citizens of Tajikistan increased from 7 to 15 days, and work permits are now issued for up to 3 years.
2013. Uzbekistan selects from the Russian "VimpelCom" its local daughter - company «Unitel» with 10 million customers (http://www.news-asia.ru/view/uz/5389)
Outcome: Belarus has not recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia to this day.
2011. Tajikistan without any foundation jailing of Russian flier offering to exchange him for a distant relative of President Rakhmonov, who was sent to serve his 10-year sentence for drug trafficking.
Outcome: Tajikistan has made his.
2012. Uzbekistan took from the Russian MTS Uzbek her "daughter" with 10 million subscribers.
The result: the company bankrupt, its assets nationalized (http://www.iarex.ru/news/40018.html).
2013. Belarus luring Minsk and arrested the head of one of the largest Russian companies - the "BRIC».
The result: he sits to this day (though it has been under house arrest).
2013. Tajikistan demanded mitigation of the stay of Tajik migrants in Russia, threatening to not renew a lease Russian 201st military base.
Outcome: Tajikistan has made his own. Time of registration for citizens of Tajikistan increased from 7 to 15 days, and work permits are now issued for up to 3 years.
2013. Uzbekistan selects from the Russian "VimpelCom" its local daughter - company «Unitel» with 10 million customers (http://www.news-asia.ru/view/uz/5389)
