mythological consciousness viewer
A few days watching TV programs dedicated to the Crimea. To the applause understand what the hardest audience reacts. Identified several arguments that constantly wander from program to program, causing jubilation among the extras.
1. We shed blood for it.
Shed blood, in the mind of the viewer has some mystical properties that make our land. And that is the strangest thing - once spilled blood constantly demands new victims - we must be prepared to shed blood again and again. Pour all the blood.
Shed blood we can. It's true. We spilled it everywhere from Verdun to Port Arthur. We fought with all our neighbors. We took Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw, Budapest, Sofia, Paris and Beijing. We saved a lot of time our allies. Marshal Foch: "If France has not been erased from the map of Europe, primarily due to the courage of Russian soldiers."
Only in one Budapest operation we lost 80,000 killed and 240,000 wounded.
We suppressed revolts tens and hundreds of others their own. Our soldiers fought in Korea, China, Iran, Spain, Afghanistan, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Egypt, Algeria, Angola, Congo, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Laos, Libya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Yemen ...
But does the shed blood of the right to consider this land our?
2. Bandera banners and SS Division "Galicia».
In SS Division served about 22 000 people. And in the Russian Liberation Army Vlasov served five times more Russian. Wore badges with the tricolor.
But there were still 29 Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS "RONA" (1st Russian) which fought against us at the Kursk Bulge, fought with the partisans in Belarus and suppressed the Warsaw Uprising. The emblem of the division - George Cross. Was the 15th SS Cossack Cavalry Corps, the 1st Cossack Cavalry Division, Cossack camp, Russian corps and divisions "Russland". via
There were also 75 "Asian" battalions (Caucasians, Turks and Tatars). 93 police officers of the Baltic Battalion. 34 Belarusian police battalion. via
Maybe enough to reproach each other shameful past?
Can not stand all the time show on TV commercials "who does not jump, the Muscovite»?
In Russia we can nasnimat fascists such that all will be scared.
3. The unanimous approval.
This is one of the most terrible things. People can not think alike.
This is possible only in two situations - or people do not think. Or they are afraid to think.
Unanimous approval - is Chechnya or North Korea. There people think of proven and reliable senior officials.
There is a saying, "If two men in business think alike, one of them is not necessary».
Unanimous support in the State Duma and the Federation Council on such an incredibly complex issue, says that these authorities are not needed.
Two loving another person a week can not decide what to buy wallpaper. And then the fate of tens of millions of people.
And if only one damn bit of thought.
A year ago, I had a poll:
In the State Duma of the VI convocation represented four parties. Which one represents and defends your interests?
Look at the results.
But the worst thing is not even that. I well remember the Soviet Union.
Then there was no internet. There was no opposition newspapers and radio stations.
But people are watching television, and knew that they constantly lie. And the Soviet Union collapsed.
Today, people watch TV and sincerely believe what they show.
4. More - is better.
If the area of the country has increased, so Russia rising from its knees.
There is a substitution of concepts. More - this number, but better - it's quality. And directly they are unrelated.
Russia begins to rise from his knees, when we have honest courts, affordable quality medicine, professional police work, good education, a minimum of corruption ...
And Crimea - is an attempt by external means to divert attention from domestic problems.
Now, any failure can be blamed on the West, who is afraid of Russia, which has stood on its knees and the fifth column, solving the problem with which one can come to the desired unanimity.
5. do not throw their Russian.
We threw her wherever it something really threatened. In Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. Handed over their local kings.
How many Russian lives today in the Russian city of Grozny?
And only the Crimea, where Russian is actually not threatened, we decided to press on the sly.
While the neighbor is burning house - chop off his barn.
Is not looting? We had hundreds of opportunities to help, if necessary, Russian in Crimea.
We have chosen the worst option.
Because there shed our blood. Fascists robbed. After more - better. After all, do not throw their Russian. Unanimously.
Thank God, Russia has risen from its knees.
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1. We shed blood for it.
Shed blood, in the mind of the viewer has some mystical properties that make our land. And that is the strangest thing - once spilled blood constantly demands new victims - we must be prepared to shed blood again and again. Pour all the blood.
Shed blood we can. It's true. We spilled it everywhere from Verdun to Port Arthur. We fought with all our neighbors. We took Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Warsaw, Budapest, Sofia, Paris and Beijing. We saved a lot of time our allies. Marshal Foch: "If France has not been erased from the map of Europe, primarily due to the courage of Russian soldiers."
Only in one Budapest operation we lost 80,000 killed and 240,000 wounded.
We suppressed revolts tens and hundreds of others their own. Our soldiers fought in Korea, China, Iran, Spain, Afghanistan, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Egypt, Algeria, Angola, Congo, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Laos, Libya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Yemen ...
But does the shed blood of the right to consider this land our?
2. Bandera banners and SS Division "Galicia».
In SS Division served about 22 000 people. And in the Russian Liberation Army Vlasov served five times more Russian. Wore badges with the tricolor.
But there were still 29 Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS "RONA" (1st Russian) which fought against us at the Kursk Bulge, fought with the partisans in Belarus and suppressed the Warsaw Uprising. The emblem of the division - George Cross. Was the 15th SS Cossack Cavalry Corps, the 1st Cossack Cavalry Division, Cossack camp, Russian corps and divisions "Russland". via
There were also 75 "Asian" battalions (Caucasians, Turks and Tatars). 93 police officers of the Baltic Battalion. 34 Belarusian police battalion. via
Maybe enough to reproach each other shameful past?
Can not stand all the time show on TV commercials "who does not jump, the Muscovite»?
In Russia we can nasnimat fascists such that all will be scared.
3. The unanimous approval.
This is one of the most terrible things. People can not think alike.
This is possible only in two situations - or people do not think. Or they are afraid to think.
Unanimous approval - is Chechnya or North Korea. There people think of proven and reliable senior officials.
There is a saying, "If two men in business think alike, one of them is not necessary».
Unanimous support in the State Duma and the Federation Council on such an incredibly complex issue, says that these authorities are not needed.
Two loving another person a week can not decide what to buy wallpaper. And then the fate of tens of millions of people.
And if only one damn bit of thought.
A year ago, I had a poll:
In the State Duma of the VI convocation represented four parties. Which one represents and defends your interests?
Look at the results.
But the worst thing is not even that. I well remember the Soviet Union.
Then there was no internet. There was no opposition newspapers and radio stations.
But people are watching television, and knew that they constantly lie. And the Soviet Union collapsed.
Today, people watch TV and sincerely believe what they show.
4. More - is better.
If the area of the country has increased, so Russia rising from its knees.
There is a substitution of concepts. More - this number, but better - it's quality. And directly they are unrelated.
Russia begins to rise from his knees, when we have honest courts, affordable quality medicine, professional police work, good education, a minimum of corruption ...
And Crimea - is an attempt by external means to divert attention from domestic problems.
Now, any failure can be blamed on the West, who is afraid of Russia, which has stood on its knees and the fifth column, solving the problem with which one can come to the desired unanimity.
5. do not throw their Russian.
We threw her wherever it something really threatened. In Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. Handed over their local kings.
How many Russian lives today in the Russian city of Grozny?
And only the Crimea, where Russian is actually not threatened, we decided to press on the sly.
While the neighbor is burning house - chop off his barn.
Is not looting? We had hundreds of opportunities to help, if necessary, Russian in Crimea.
We have chosen the worst option.
Because there shed our blood. Fascists robbed. After more - better. After all, do not throw their Russian. Unanimously.
Thank God, Russia has risen from its knees.
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