Raw materials appendage, rising from its knees

Anyone who is happy that we got up from his knees and annexed Crimea, recommended not to throw away the mat. It is possible that it is still useful.
When the TV says "enough to be a raw materials appendage of Europe!", Meaning "enough gas to heat our buried in debauchery white pampered body of European gomose & sualistov" need to understand that this is a cynical rhetoric, which has no relation to the development of the country.
What does it mean "to cease to be a raw materials appendage of Europe"? This means - to become a raw materials appendage of China. That is an appendage assembly appendage America. It is not know on what joints we have to stand in this case, but will have to bend down even lower.
The country's leadership in a hurry to make Russia a raw materials appendage of China, though at a loss for future generations, but for profit. Surprise, right? Do they did not do, and then do not even know what they found.
For example, Rosneft now serving a debt of $ 50 billion., Which was formed after the purchase of TNK-BP, due to prepayment by the Chinese. With China for five years, signed two agreements. In 2013, Rosneft has agreed to put 365 million Chinese. Tons of oil for 25 years. In 2009 it was signed the same agreement for 300 million. Tonnes.
Prepayment means that "free money ketaytsy vpirod mended." The only question is, in exchange for what.
Only in the I quarter of 2014 Sechin received from the Chinese 12 billion dollars of living. A Rosneft, the largest shareholder is the multinational people of the Russian Federation, will deliver a quarter-century Chinese oil at a fixed and very competitive price.
Of this money, Igor Ivanovich, first, to pay himself his highest among all Russian top managers salaries. And send the rest to "investment projects". Investment projects in Russia today are very expensive. Much more expensive than in the West, although much cheaper labor.
Under the agreement of 2009, when the Chinese, too, immediately gave Rosneft loan, each barrel of oil eventually cost them 15-25 dollars cheaper than the Europeans. In addition, the Russians began to pay more for gasoline. We have not ceased to be a raw materials appendage. We have become less profitable raw materials appendage.
What is the motivation of this decision? I do not know, but it is obvious that the Chinese understand corruption better than Russian. This is indicated not only the annual lists of executed corrupt. In these lists, just all sorts of regional leaders, that is, something like those convicted of corruption, Russian doctors and teachers.
Children of leaders of the Communist Party of China on Beijing to drive a Ferrari. The composition of the National People's Congress (China's legislature is nominally the supreme state body of the country) to the obscene resembles a Chinese list of Forbes.
In 2012, the combined wealth of the richest 70 of its members was $ 90 billion. That is, each of them was little more than a billionaire. At the same time the status of all 660 members of the three branches of the US is $ 7, 5 billion.
All of the supreme power of the USA is poorer than the Chinese and seventy deputies. The US per capita GDP, however, higher in 5, 5 times, but we will explain this paradox at some later stage.
In parallel with Rosneft on China reoriented and Gazprom, and supplying gas to the same long-term contracts and cheaper than in Ukraine.
Russia's place in the European market already in a hurry to occupy Iran. That said April 30 at a meeting with French Deputy Oil Minister of Iran Ali Majed: "Iran is ready to export gas to Europe via Turkey or any other routes." Majed also noted that "the diversification of export routes is of great importance for Tehran" and stressed that "Europe also wants to diversify its gas suppliers».
What follows from this? Europe will not freeze. Igor will become even richer. Living standards will decline. China will bring more iPhones for the Americans, the Chinese and those that did not throw off the roof Foxconn'a, maybe even eat two bowls of rice. After this we all dreamed of shaking knees?
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