Farewell and hygienic
Irina Karatsuba
Ended, thank God, five years of my work in two radio projects Sergei Dorenko ("Russian News Service" and "Moscow speaking"). Yesterday the mouth of his deputy, I announced a "rupture of our relationship."
The reason is clear - a new stage of Russian foreign (it is internal) policy. Stage, about which I Dorenko rinsed brains past two months, various petty idiocy like "our country is at war, to criticize the government now - it's a knife in the back", "yes, I would have ironed everything to Lviv" etc. etc. I forbade to say on the air the word "Putin" (yes!). Forbidden to speak also about whatsoever after 1999. That's the way.
With that program I taught history, not about the present, not only parallels and echoes impossible any normal person understands. And I really them, roll call, do not abuse, but such is the terrible force of historical narrative, nothing to be done. Klyuchevskii said that the story reminds him of a magic lantern that shines from the past to the future. You will start about oprichnina - en rumochnaia here in Tver, and Sechin with "Rosneft" will get out, pah-pah. Only vedesh in any Postysheva other Christmas tree and performer of the Holodomor as Medina formed, God forgive me, with kulturkoy in the service of the great Russian ...
That's how interesting our life is accelerating: in the first four and a half years, from 2009 to 2013th, Dorenko censored me once. So, I would say, funny, childish. We were sitting in the studio warm company with his father Gleb Yakunin Volkova and Lena, talk about the theology of anti-communism, Podrabinek letter "veterans" are analyzing. How runs the studio zamglavreda, removes my microphone away and speaketh so gently, but with a sense of: "Er, he called in a rage, said again Podrabinek upomyanesh - closes the program." Oh, and continued to talk further, without mentioning the name in vain, and that? The text also read it further. Personally, I'm still in the existential bewilderment abide by the long-standing case.
Throughout history and with white ribbons, and with punk prayer is not threatened by anything. But in the Crimea and the current orgy of bloody suicide militias samooborontsev broke. Patience is exhausted, by the way, after my Saturday's program about the concept of Russophobia, its history and current status. So, hit the target!
Fearing that all there fifth columns overwhelm his patriotic shestopalatny project called "Moscow speaking" 94, 8 PM. "Attention attention! Says Germany! ". In its pure form, by the way, the Russian domestic Kremlin National Socialism with militaristic color. One slogan which is - "General Mobilization!".
With all possible russkonatsistskoy lies, demagoguery primitive, half-witted "experts" and nihilists-leading. As they say, work for you, our dear listeners, and you have not yet fully become pigs, grunting uncertainly, so we have to Starikov, ironstone-Emelyanovo will try to iron your Smart to Lviv. Alexander Herzen wrote that the great revolutions are not made raznuzdyvaniem evil passions, but for Homo Putinensis our govoritmoskovskoe gnoilische fit in just right. In fat, in order of size.
In general, for reasons of hygiene had me a long time to go away and stop playing endless "Baba Yaga in the rear of the enemy", but could not tear myself away from the microphone. I confess, brothers and sisters, I confess. She pulled its educational project as she could.
And Sergei Leonidovich should still say thank you for having given me the opportunity to speak. Educate and not corrupt. As that same Basmanny "teacher of the department with the mobile."
Thank you - and God forbid you, my dear former colleague, to live up to the very Nuremberg 2.0, which according to you is crying. Cries for many esters your long ago crossed the line separating a lack of professionalism of the criminal offense - crime information a la Julius Streicher & Co.
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Ended, thank God, five years of my work in two radio projects Sergei Dorenko ("Russian News Service" and "Moscow speaking"). Yesterday the mouth of his deputy, I announced a "rupture of our relationship."
The reason is clear - a new stage of Russian foreign (it is internal) policy. Stage, about which I Dorenko rinsed brains past two months, various petty idiocy like "our country is at war, to criticize the government now - it's a knife in the back", "yes, I would have ironed everything to Lviv" etc. etc. I forbade to say on the air the word "Putin" (yes!). Forbidden to speak also about whatsoever after 1999. That's the way.
With that program I taught history, not about the present, not only parallels and echoes impossible any normal person understands. And I really them, roll call, do not abuse, but such is the terrible force of historical narrative, nothing to be done. Klyuchevskii said that the story reminds him of a magic lantern that shines from the past to the future. You will start about oprichnina - en rumochnaia here in Tver, and Sechin with "Rosneft" will get out, pah-pah. Only vedesh in any Postysheva other Christmas tree and performer of the Holodomor as Medina formed, God forgive me, with kulturkoy in the service of the great Russian ...
That's how interesting our life is accelerating: in the first four and a half years, from 2009 to 2013th, Dorenko censored me once. So, I would say, funny, childish. We were sitting in the studio warm company with his father Gleb Yakunin Volkova and Lena, talk about the theology of anti-communism, Podrabinek letter "veterans" are analyzing. How runs the studio zamglavreda, removes my microphone away and speaketh so gently, but with a sense of: "Er, he called in a rage, said again Podrabinek upomyanesh - closes the program." Oh, and continued to talk further, without mentioning the name in vain, and that? The text also read it further. Personally, I'm still in the existential bewilderment abide by the long-standing case.
Throughout history and with white ribbons, and with punk prayer is not threatened by anything. But in the Crimea and the current orgy of bloody suicide militias samooborontsev broke. Patience is exhausted, by the way, after my Saturday's program about the concept of Russophobia, its history and current status. So, hit the target!
Fearing that all there fifth columns overwhelm his patriotic shestopalatny project called "Moscow speaking" 94, 8 PM. "Attention attention! Says Germany! ". In its pure form, by the way, the Russian domestic Kremlin National Socialism with militaristic color. One slogan which is - "General Mobilization!".
With all possible russkonatsistskoy lies, demagoguery primitive, half-witted "experts" and nihilists-leading. As they say, work for you, our dear listeners, and you have not yet fully become pigs, grunting uncertainly, so we have to Starikov, ironstone-Emelyanovo will try to iron your Smart to Lviv. Alexander Herzen wrote that the great revolutions are not made raznuzdyvaniem evil passions, but for Homo Putinensis our govoritmoskovskoe gnoilische fit in just right. In fat, in order of size.
In general, for reasons of hygiene had me a long time to go away and stop playing endless "Baba Yaga in the rear of the enemy", but could not tear myself away from the microphone. I confess, brothers and sisters, I confess. She pulled its educational project as she could.
And Sergei Leonidovich should still say thank you for having given me the opportunity to speak. Educate and not corrupt. As that same Basmanny "teacher of the department with the mobile."
Thank you - and God forbid you, my dear former colleague, to live up to the very Nuremberg 2.0, which according to you is crying. Cries for many esters your long ago crossed the line separating a lack of professionalism of the criminal offense - crime information a la Julius Streicher & Co.
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