Justification Bezrukov
Sobsno Lew article Toko due pictures. On the justification and other sloeversy Bezrukov me tangle FSUs. A picture masterpiece. Cheb zalyu their text does not seem so boring.
Justification Bezrukov:
Yesterday, the actor Sergei Bezrukov was forty years. How time flies! And most importantly - why and where? It is better to be stopped, by golly.
About Bezrukov says few people seriously. Bezrukov not analyzed. Does that give the appearance of duty. And when he is spoken from the heart - it is usually stebutsya most ruthless manner; at some point, any mention Bezrukov was cause automatic response: "What, again, is he ?!" - even if the person Bezrukov hundred years have not seen. Altered and attributed Gaft old joke; now it is: not afraid to die, afraid that after death you play Bezrukov. And when it was: death is not terrible, it is terrible that you will bury Sergey Martinson. In another version - you'll have to bury George Tusuzov (he lived even more, ninety-four years). I think in different creative teams in the formula substitutes for their own longevity.
One way or another, willingly or unwillingly, to a greater or lesser extent, to the forty discredited almost everything. But among the actors more odious in the eyes of the public figure, I do not remember. Popovstvo Ohlobystina, subservience Mashkov, Dzhigurda crazy, disgusting Alexei Panin - everything that is not caused such a protracted and violent reactions such as the fact that Bezrukov "play all", he once again, everywhere, everywhere; "And it will play Bezrukov!" - Predict people to add the absurd. No one actor is not devoted as much fotozhab as dedicated Bezrukov after the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for living ". I recall, for clarity:
No one noticed that these fotozhabu committed substitution principle: a person Bezrukov in the face of the plastic Vysotsky could see only a person who knows very well Bezrukov. I, for example, it was clear who plays Vysotsky, even the trailer and the masses it was not obvious. But as soon as the word "Bezrukov" and "Vysotsky" stood near - dam burst.
It is, frankly, humiliation again and again claimed the public the idea that Bezrukov everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, because the public itself is this idea cultivated. Can we blame the audience? Alas, you can not. Triggering law snowball against him with the shovel scoop logic not trample.
And how nice everything began! Home - it is always better to end, but this gap can not be imagined. Poor Bezrukov.
Face cine Vysotsky was really good. Somehow it was trupovato. And the film was like a fake Christmas decorations (seemingly just as real, and no joy), but it is not the fault of Bezrukov; He, incidentally, is very precise "shot" plastic Vysotsky. It was high class. So the question "why Bezrukov again?" I want to answer: well, who? Take me to him, I want to see this man! You all have seen other local actors? Note, for example, Porechenkova he worked for many years attraction "speaker cabinet," but it is the actor of theater and cinema. Or look at Balueva and Menshikov; these two competing for a long time, one of them is more like a zombie, and without any prosthetics.
But the wonder is pointless and useless, because the grapes of wrath and sneered did not arise out of nowhere. What is extremely unpleasant to admit.
I have great affection and gratitude treat Bezrukov: he is part of my youth. This thing is unshakable. We have worked in the program "Dolls", which appeared on NTV. Doll's technology was as follows: first, of course, the script, then the voice, building decorations in the pavilion "Mosfilm", shooting a recorded soundtrack, editing, mixing. The shooting was the most physically difficult moment, there are people plowed. Scripting - most dreary, because you have to deal with the producer. Our producer, a man from a family of filmmakers, were maloobyasnimye gaps in education; if the script contained an allusion to the film, for example, "An Unfinished Piece ...", it was necessary to explain to him that this de iconic phrase (I am thirty-five years! .. Napoleon was a general! ..) and retell the content, all imbedded , prihlopa and antics (and here, they say, such Kalyagin: "Bah! .."). If the movie was the song - it ought to sing, dance - dance, if there was a pink horse - gallop in front of it on a pink horse, at the same time portraying spring echoing early. Slowly and sadly he cuts one producer and give or withhold good. In desperation, I noticed that he makes such a pause in his speech that during this time you can wash and dry his head.
After going through the thorns, you're rewarded stars on voice acting. This part of the process has been very pleasant and fruitful. Four actor came out of their houses after the performances and breathed in the script, watered-down command of life; Our directors are not too eager to control them, the main thing was - to stop in time. Bezrukov was the heart and soul of dubbing. I do not remember a case that it is even pretty exhausted, had in any way given to the suspended or not completely. Oh, if you knew what it was a wonderful, kind, nezanoschivy, generous in relation to the partners, tireless and funny guy! Bezrukov was already a star "Snuff-boxes', and it was, of course, it is clear that even a little bit - and the popularity of the theater grow into something more substantial that will hoo. No he, incidentally, is not jealous because you can not envy the natural phenomenon. Many times and in different ways by different people repeated the words atom Tabakov about the sun, which Bezrukov if swallowed (and since light) were then absolutely true, although now seem almost vulgar.
With one bound Bezrukov enchanting episode. Actors, it must be said, sometimes substantially improved scenario (for example, branded a saying of General Lebed, God rest his soul, "he has fallen - Press!", Was invented by an actor Vasya Stonozhenko). Once we recorded New Year's program; in the New Year's program was a minimum and a maximum policy songs, dances bullying. In that program the characters sailed on the "Titanic." Actors come up with additional through-line: wandering Zhirinovsky, who is looking for a toilet on the ship. And instead, to ask him direction, all Zhirinovsky lecture that in the sea, they say, should say "figurehead." Zhirinovsky goes back and forth, he wants to write (or have cocoa) and suffering. The director agreed to the story, and it was recorded without cribs, in the manner of improvisation. The final moment of writing Bezrukov and Sasha Gruzdev, who voiced Luzhkov; They stood in front of the microphones and the rest of us, watching them through the window by the sound engineer. Bezrukov, Zhirinovsky, and as agreed and asked: "Excuse me, but where is this ... as it is ... BBQ!" Gruzdev boomed: "What?" - "I wanted to ask ... where is your ... as it is ... hookah!" - "Who?" - "Well, this where you? .. Well, to-to-to-ak it ...»
And we look - before desperately Seryoga playing! With such bitterness, he repeated "how to ...", as if suffering wanting urgently to the toilet man brought him to the true heights of the spirit; Then he blushed, tears flowed over his face: "Well, to-to-how to, well ..." It was endlessly funny and wildly; Gruzdev could hardly stand by inserting a series of what-to-their short "who?" And "what?". The scene became an epic, a real Shakespearean theater, and we're betting, described it from sinking into the role or not. Before we did not immediately realized that Bezrukov forgot the word "latrine" and the last effort clung to his character, so never once came out of the way, especially since his character could not remember the word "latrine". This is called - successfully matched. Remembering the magic word, he snapped it with a groan of relief, almost snesya microphone. The program, of course, came only a small fraction of the methane. But how Bezrukov laughing at you! I then had to pressure producer (I do not remember, though, than crushed, perhaps just knee) and actors entered in the titers and more as the authors of the script, which, however, was not supported by money.
As is customary to write "from the personal archive of the author." Those who do not Bezrukov - actor Boris Shuvalov and Alexander Gruzdev, and the girl - me. With me very well treated, because I was the smallest.
Bezrukov, by the way, has a brilliant voice, for example, in "Dandelion Wine", he voiced Smoktunovsky, who himself did not have time to voice. Untrained person will believe that the voice is Smoktunovsky.
For Seryozha came to the car his dad, Vitaly, and when the voice was delayed (the actors had to sit in the studio all the way until the sound engineer is not cleaned up post and will drive it into the required time frame; if it detects random noise, creaking, sneeze, not a tone or some kind of gibberish, replica pereozvuchivalis), Vitaly waited patiently walked the yard, glow in the dark lighted cigarette. He loved the Son, and Serge paid him undisguised affection. And he called Batey. They were so sincerely attached to each other, it seemed almost a fantasy. Sometimes, of course, that the fathers of boundless love children. But the children were so fond of their fathers ... are capable of is only a very pure filial soul.
"Brigade" shot the viewer right in the forehead, and was blown away; "Plot" zapolirovat impression mantle covering his army of housewives who missed "a movie about gangsters." There has not been possible to break forward and upward, because the glory was - nationwide, reliable, and nothing could spoil the experience (as it seemed).
Besides love for his son, Vitaly Bezrukov, there is another - and fiery! - Passion: love for Sergei Yesenin, in whose honor and was named a son. Esenina Bezrukov Jr. successfully played in the theater and even received the State Prize; but it was not enough. We had more and a serial incarnation, and not simple, but with the idea that Yesenin was killed. We can say, father's hand sawed off the branch on which sat a son, because it is in this series began to disintegrate, and the book by Vitaly Bezrukov about Yesenin with a portrait of Sergei Bezrukov on the cover was so beyond taste, that all who saw, not forgotten and not forgiven.
Sergei was under two powerful influences - one can say two fathers: the father and the mother Tabakov. I can not imagine how he trusted both (he obviously distrusted both), despite the fact that these two are in the spirit of each other is not transferred, not even hello. What is deeply logical, because it is difficult to imagine a more different approaches to the profession than Vitaly Bezrukov and Oleg Tabakov. Tabakov - it aktёrstvo clean, happy, Vitaly - ideological, or even ideological, with the implementation of the plan to seize territory by the adored son. It seems that the invisible world has won the battle a father. Love is blind and love evil.
For the role of the Phantom Esenina, which raised a Vitaly Bezrukov, he prepared Sergei; Vitaly managed to play himself Esenina only once, in the late sixties, in the television production of the opera Agafonnikov "Anna Snegina" where the party Esenina sang tenor Mischevsky. We can not accept that focus on senior Bezrukov Esenina were reasonable - if only because that Yesenin he really was very similar, and in the Soviet version of the opera was quite convincing:
After the series "Yesenin", which was led by native Bezrukov dad (Vitaly co-wrote), it was not the same, and more and more it became not so. "Yesenin" father and son have something to prove. It was, I remember the euphoria about the "youth interested Yesenin"; All right, Russia has revived to a new life, put out the light. Began a parody of the theme of love Bezrukov to Birches and Osinki. For no apparent reason in the speeches of Sergey were unheard of before intonation teacher of life; "My friends," he said, sitting in front of a lone interviewer; "For dear ..." "Unfortunately ..."; and sometimes it so happened, swing, and that the only think - where you leap, boy? - And the boy had ridden in a roundabout way back. Sudden teaching the audience, too, I could not forgive and makes fun began. When Bezrukov played Pushkin, this has been seen as a slap in the face of public taste.
And, of course, in Yeshua, "Master and Margarita". Played Christ bastard! Most oborzel!
And do not throw a stone in a viewer who does not believe, as Stanislavsky. In the space Tabakov Bezrukov remained all the same great theater actor, and everything else - a game he was getting heavy. Of course, not horror, the horror, but tiring. No, no and yes melknёt familiar ingenuity (say, in the silly sequel "Irony of Fate ..." his character was the only living person), but then - again healthy. Two actor's school came into conflict. What is especially disappointing, Bezrukov and here and there, laid out on the full program, just lecturing, he is different. It was not in the lead roles. The point has already been in the game. The winning method is illustrated by Vitaly Bezrukov his chips, he came up playing in Schiller's "The Robbers" Karl Moor. When Charles spoke of innocent victims of the child, he slipped baby shirt (and it scared screaming about the creatures of the crocodiles); as advocated shirts vest small Seryozhi that Vitaly could stradanut really. And this brutal focus can imagine repeated every performance. That is deliberately provoking a real rupture of the aorta, the psyche spurs illegal hold: Seryozhenka killed. Sometimes the soul wide open, and sometimes - in the game baby's undershirt (I give terminology in drama). Aktёrstvo not tolerate such authenticity: it is known, that if pull out drunk on stage, the audience he did not seem convincing; convince the public only sober actor playing a drunk. A surveillance camera captured the living life, really lose cinema. And if for a long time to hang on the cross, not the fact that suffering, like Christ, will give full penetration into the image.
The emotional and nervous spending - not the measure of art; Bezrukov squanders itself incredible, but at the same time the viewer sees the actor presses and presses on the same key internal and Pushkin, Yesenin, Kappel shouting the same cry.
Evil people say that it would be necessary to play Bezrukov Bezrukov, and it will be the apotheosis. By the way, there is some reason. Role Bezrukov - the golden role, and cast the way - it's complicated, but fascinating story. Someday, when the department wheat from the chaff, somebody will shoot a film about a talented Bezrukov, sunny boy, a good soul, and tell the viewer (as one homeless man, whose eyes on the broken bottle of cognac): "This b ... tragedy ... ».
On the other hand, in forty years, life has just begun. There have been cases. So, maybe there is no tragedy. But enough already hurt Serge! To blame vest.
Justification Bezrukov:
Yesterday, the actor Sergei Bezrukov was forty years. How time flies! And most importantly - why and where? It is better to be stopped, by golly.
About Bezrukov says few people seriously. Bezrukov not analyzed. Does that give the appearance of duty. And when he is spoken from the heart - it is usually stebutsya most ruthless manner; at some point, any mention Bezrukov was cause automatic response: "What, again, is he ?!" - even if the person Bezrukov hundred years have not seen. Altered and attributed Gaft old joke; now it is: not afraid to die, afraid that after death you play Bezrukov. And when it was: death is not terrible, it is terrible that you will bury Sergey Martinson. In another version - you'll have to bury George Tusuzov (he lived even more, ninety-four years). I think in different creative teams in the formula substitutes for their own longevity.

One way or another, willingly or unwillingly, to a greater or lesser extent, to the forty discredited almost everything. But among the actors more odious in the eyes of the public figure, I do not remember. Popovstvo Ohlobystina, subservience Mashkov, Dzhigurda crazy, disgusting Alexei Panin - everything that is not caused such a protracted and violent reactions such as the fact that Bezrukov "play all", he once again, everywhere, everywhere; "And it will play Bezrukov!" - Predict people to add the absurd. No one actor is not devoted as much fotozhab as dedicated Bezrukov after the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for living ". I recall, for clarity:
No one noticed that these fotozhabu committed substitution principle: a person Bezrukov in the face of the plastic Vysotsky could see only a person who knows very well Bezrukov. I, for example, it was clear who plays Vysotsky, even the trailer and the masses it was not obvious. But as soon as the word "Bezrukov" and "Vysotsky" stood near - dam burst.
It is, frankly, humiliation again and again claimed the public the idea that Bezrukov everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, because the public itself is this idea cultivated. Can we blame the audience? Alas, you can not. Triggering law snowball against him with the shovel scoop logic not trample.

And how nice everything began! Home - it is always better to end, but this gap can not be imagined. Poor Bezrukov.
Face cine Vysotsky was really good. Somehow it was trupovato. And the film was like a fake Christmas decorations (seemingly just as real, and no joy), but it is not the fault of Bezrukov; He, incidentally, is very precise "shot" plastic Vysotsky. It was high class. So the question "why Bezrukov again?" I want to answer: well, who? Take me to him, I want to see this man! You all have seen other local actors? Note, for example, Porechenkova he worked for many years attraction "speaker cabinet," but it is the actor of theater and cinema. Or look at Balueva and Menshikov; these two competing for a long time, one of them is more like a zombie, and without any prosthetics.
But the wonder is pointless and useless, because the grapes of wrath and sneered did not arise out of nowhere. What is extremely unpleasant to admit.
I have great affection and gratitude treat Bezrukov: he is part of my youth. This thing is unshakable. We have worked in the program "Dolls", which appeared on NTV. Doll's technology was as follows: first, of course, the script, then the voice, building decorations in the pavilion "Mosfilm", shooting a recorded soundtrack, editing, mixing. The shooting was the most physically difficult moment, there are people plowed. Scripting - most dreary, because you have to deal with the producer. Our producer, a man from a family of filmmakers, were maloobyasnimye gaps in education; if the script contained an allusion to the film, for example, "An Unfinished Piece ...", it was necessary to explain to him that this de iconic phrase (I am thirty-five years! .. Napoleon was a general! ..) and retell the content, all imbedded , prihlopa and antics (and here, they say, such Kalyagin: "Bah! .."). If the movie was the song - it ought to sing, dance - dance, if there was a pink horse - gallop in front of it on a pink horse, at the same time portraying spring echoing early. Slowly and sadly he cuts one producer and give or withhold good. In desperation, I noticed that he makes such a pause in his speech that during this time you can wash and dry his head.

After going through the thorns, you're rewarded stars on voice acting. This part of the process has been very pleasant and fruitful. Four actor came out of their houses after the performances and breathed in the script, watered-down command of life; Our directors are not too eager to control them, the main thing was - to stop in time. Bezrukov was the heart and soul of dubbing. I do not remember a case that it is even pretty exhausted, had in any way given to the suspended or not completely. Oh, if you knew what it was a wonderful, kind, nezanoschivy, generous in relation to the partners, tireless and funny guy! Bezrukov was already a star "Snuff-boxes', and it was, of course, it is clear that even a little bit - and the popularity of the theater grow into something more substantial that will hoo. No he, incidentally, is not jealous because you can not envy the natural phenomenon. Many times and in different ways by different people repeated the words atom Tabakov about the sun, which Bezrukov if swallowed (and since light) were then absolutely true, although now seem almost vulgar.
With one bound Bezrukov enchanting episode. Actors, it must be said, sometimes substantially improved scenario (for example, branded a saying of General Lebed, God rest his soul, "he has fallen - Press!", Was invented by an actor Vasya Stonozhenko). Once we recorded New Year's program; in the New Year's program was a minimum and a maximum policy songs, dances bullying. In that program the characters sailed on the "Titanic." Actors come up with additional through-line: wandering Zhirinovsky, who is looking for a toilet on the ship. And instead, to ask him direction, all Zhirinovsky lecture that in the sea, they say, should say "figurehead." Zhirinovsky goes back and forth, he wants to write (or have cocoa) and suffering. The director agreed to the story, and it was recorded without cribs, in the manner of improvisation. The final moment of writing Bezrukov and Sasha Gruzdev, who voiced Luzhkov; They stood in front of the microphones and the rest of us, watching them through the window by the sound engineer. Bezrukov, Zhirinovsky, and as agreed and asked: "Excuse me, but where is this ... as it is ... BBQ!" Gruzdev boomed: "What?" - "I wanted to ask ... where is your ... as it is ... hookah!" - "Who?" - "Well, this where you? .. Well, to-to-to-ak it ...»
And we look - before desperately Seryoga playing! With such bitterness, he repeated "how to ...", as if suffering wanting urgently to the toilet man brought him to the true heights of the spirit; Then he blushed, tears flowed over his face: "Well, to-to-how to, well ..." It was endlessly funny and wildly; Gruzdev could hardly stand by inserting a series of what-to-their short "who?" And "what?". The scene became an epic, a real Shakespearean theater, and we're betting, described it from sinking into the role or not. Before we did not immediately realized that Bezrukov forgot the word "latrine" and the last effort clung to his character, so never once came out of the way, especially since his character could not remember the word "latrine". This is called - successfully matched. Remembering the magic word, he snapped it with a groan of relief, almost snesya microphone. The program, of course, came only a small fraction of the methane. But how Bezrukov laughing at you! I then had to pressure producer (I do not remember, though, than crushed, perhaps just knee) and actors entered in the titers and more as the authors of the script, which, however, was not supported by money.
As is customary to write "from the personal archive of the author." Those who do not Bezrukov - actor Boris Shuvalov and Alexander Gruzdev, and the girl - me. With me very well treated, because I was the smallest.

Bezrukov, by the way, has a brilliant voice, for example, in "Dandelion Wine", he voiced Smoktunovsky, who himself did not have time to voice. Untrained person will believe that the voice is Smoktunovsky.
For Seryozha came to the car his dad, Vitaly, and when the voice was delayed (the actors had to sit in the studio all the way until the sound engineer is not cleaned up post and will drive it into the required time frame; if it detects random noise, creaking, sneeze, not a tone or some kind of gibberish, replica pereozvuchivalis), Vitaly waited patiently walked the yard, glow in the dark lighted cigarette. He loved the Son, and Serge paid him undisguised affection. And he called Batey. They were so sincerely attached to each other, it seemed almost a fantasy. Sometimes, of course, that the fathers of boundless love children. But the children were so fond of their fathers ... are capable of is only a very pure filial soul.
"Brigade" shot the viewer right in the forehead, and was blown away; "Plot" zapolirovat impression mantle covering his army of housewives who missed "a movie about gangsters." There has not been possible to break forward and upward, because the glory was - nationwide, reliable, and nothing could spoil the experience (as it seemed).
Besides love for his son, Vitaly Bezrukov, there is another - and fiery! - Passion: love for Sergei Yesenin, in whose honor and was named a son. Esenina Bezrukov Jr. successfully played in the theater and even received the State Prize; but it was not enough. We had more and a serial incarnation, and not simple, but with the idea that Yesenin was killed. We can say, father's hand sawed off the branch on which sat a son, because it is in this series began to disintegrate, and the book by Vitaly Bezrukov about Yesenin with a portrait of Sergei Bezrukov on the cover was so beyond taste, that all who saw, not forgotten and not forgiven.
Sergei was under two powerful influences - one can say two fathers: the father and the mother Tabakov. I can not imagine how he trusted both (he obviously distrusted both), despite the fact that these two are in the spirit of each other is not transferred, not even hello. What is deeply logical, because it is difficult to imagine a more different approaches to the profession than Vitaly Bezrukov and Oleg Tabakov. Tabakov - it aktёrstvo clean, happy, Vitaly - ideological, or even ideological, with the implementation of the plan to seize territory by the adored son. It seems that the invisible world has won the battle a father. Love is blind and love evil.
For the role of the Phantom Esenina, which raised a Vitaly Bezrukov, he prepared Sergei; Vitaly managed to play himself Esenina only once, in the late sixties, in the television production of the opera Agafonnikov "Anna Snegina" where the party Esenina sang tenor Mischevsky. We can not accept that focus on senior Bezrukov Esenina were reasonable - if only because that Yesenin he really was very similar, and in the Soviet version of the opera was quite convincing:

After the series "Yesenin", which was led by native Bezrukov dad (Vitaly co-wrote), it was not the same, and more and more it became not so. "Yesenin" father and son have something to prove. It was, I remember the euphoria about the "youth interested Yesenin"; All right, Russia has revived to a new life, put out the light. Began a parody of the theme of love Bezrukov to Birches and Osinki. For no apparent reason in the speeches of Sergey were unheard of before intonation teacher of life; "My friends," he said, sitting in front of a lone interviewer; "For dear ..." "Unfortunately ..."; and sometimes it so happened, swing, and that the only think - where you leap, boy? - And the boy had ridden in a roundabout way back. Sudden teaching the audience, too, I could not forgive and makes fun began. When Bezrukov played Pushkin, this has been seen as a slap in the face of public taste.
And, of course, in Yeshua, "Master and Margarita". Played Christ bastard! Most oborzel!
And do not throw a stone in a viewer who does not believe, as Stanislavsky. In the space Tabakov Bezrukov remained all the same great theater actor, and everything else - a game he was getting heavy. Of course, not horror, the horror, but tiring. No, no and yes melknёt familiar ingenuity (say, in the silly sequel "Irony of Fate ..." his character was the only living person), but then - again healthy. Two actor's school came into conflict. What is especially disappointing, Bezrukov and here and there, laid out on the full program, just lecturing, he is different. It was not in the lead roles. The point has already been in the game. The winning method is illustrated by Vitaly Bezrukov his chips, he came up playing in Schiller's "The Robbers" Karl Moor. When Charles spoke of innocent victims of the child, he slipped baby shirt (and it scared screaming about the creatures of the crocodiles); as advocated shirts vest small Seryozhi that Vitaly could stradanut really. And this brutal focus can imagine repeated every performance. That is deliberately provoking a real rupture of the aorta, the psyche spurs illegal hold: Seryozhenka killed. Sometimes the soul wide open, and sometimes - in the game baby's undershirt (I give terminology in drama). Aktёrstvo not tolerate such authenticity: it is known, that if pull out drunk on stage, the audience he did not seem convincing; convince the public only sober actor playing a drunk. A surveillance camera captured the living life, really lose cinema. And if for a long time to hang on the cross, not the fact that suffering, like Christ, will give full penetration into the image.
The emotional and nervous spending - not the measure of art; Bezrukov squanders itself incredible, but at the same time the viewer sees the actor presses and presses on the same key internal and Pushkin, Yesenin, Kappel shouting the same cry.
Evil people say that it would be necessary to play Bezrukov Bezrukov, and it will be the apotheosis. By the way, there is some reason. Role Bezrukov - the golden role, and cast the way - it's complicated, but fascinating story. Someday, when the department wheat from the chaff, somebody will shoot a film about a talented Bezrukov, sunny boy, a good soul, and tell the viewer (as one homeless man, whose eyes on the broken bottle of cognac): "This b ... tragedy ... ».
On the other hand, in forty years, life has just begun. There have been cases. So, maybe there is no tragedy. But enough already hurt Serge! To blame vest.
