Interesting facts about football
John Penalties
In 1891, an Irish expert on the rules of football John Penalties proposed to introduce a penalty kick for foul play, or play a hand, deliberately committed by a player of the defending team within its penalty area. The first such attack was made in the Irish Football League. Now, all over the world it is called a penalty.
Will the 39 facts. A source.
2. A red card for wedding
The famous German football player Hansi Muller, is exceptionally correct, in one of the matches suddenly entered the hassle with the judge, for which he was dismissed. Later it turned out that he did it intentionally, as the club refused him leave. And for the holidays, he had a good reason: he had to attend to ... his own wedding.
3. Unusual match
It took place in 1959 at the city stadium in Gelsenkirchen (Germany). The Administration set up a meeting and handball players at the same time. All four teams were on time, and between them broke fierce controversy - who should play. No one wanted to concede. All four teams took to the field and started the meeting. It was a strange game. The field floated about four dozen players, throwing two balls. "Despite the untold difficulties and both meetings were brought to an end," - said the city sports newspaper. Score from handball - 14: 2, the players - 4: 2. The losing team handball contested match, as it was a championship game. But the audience was delighted: they were able to visit the most original game of the season.
4. Assist drought
Goal drought collapsed at the turn of the 60s-70s in the field of a number of European countries that immediately affected the attendances. Concerning this problem, the English weekly described the initiative of the curious amateur club "Hendon", whose leadership has offered its fans downright revolutionary deal. It was proclaimed the slogan: "No goals - admission is free!". The essence of innovation is the following: if the match ends in a draw, tickets remain valid and the next match. And so long as the zero series is not interrupted.
5. "talented" scorer
Since early in the season, defender Roberto Vasquez, speaking in the 70 years of the Argentine club "Barik", scored in his own net seven goals, coach Hernando Aguirre decided to reclassify him in hot hitters. "Do not disappear as talent," - he commented on his decision. And it is necessary. In the next match, playing to a new position, Vazquez again managed to send the ball into his own net. There has patience of the coach came to an end, and with the player said goodbye.
6. Frost tiffozi
During a football match in Molfetta (Italy) due to the cold weather in the stands was only one spectator, which is quite expansive react to occurring on the game situation (apparently, the cold forced him to do so). After the game, both teams came to the podium, which was a cheerleader, and rewarded him with applause. For durability.
7. Penalty sleep
Most quarterback of the football team of the Italian city of Verona Bonitstsoni dreamed of that in one of the matches in the national championship he was instructed to execute a penalty kick. Finally a dream come true. Bonitstsoni scattered, struggling hit the ball ... and then woke up from a terrible pain. shot hit the back of the bed. The doctor has diagnosed - a broken finger. "This is a strange injury in the history of Italian football," - commented on this case, the President of the football club "Verona".
8. Life Saving judges handiwork ...
In the Spanish city of Segovia in the 60s-70s there was a pretty original tradition. When the local football team lost the match, the fans threw the referee into the river. Do not helped to end it any fines imposed on the club, or the disqualification of the stadium. Then the football authorities, actually admitted their impotence were appointed to matches in Segovia judges who know how to swim.
9. footballer husband gave his wife win the sweepstakes
During the meeting the English teams, "Sheffield Wednesday" - "Barnsley" victory went to "Sheffield" dobivshemusya success in the 92nd minute. The only goal was scored by left winger Chamberlain. The club gave him a premium of nine pounds. But his joy was short-lived. Arriving home, he learned that his wife, who was present at the meeting, made a bid in the football betting. In case of a tie she could get 6000 pounds.
10. Own a penalty
When the referee a football match in buxheim (Germany) has appointed a penalty kick, the players of the offending team does not want to accept the decision. They argued, pleaded with the judge to cancel the penalty, but he was adamant and he set the ball on the penalty spot. Then one of the defenders of the protest in the hearts hit the ball, and he flew into the net. The judge, as if nothing had happened, pointed to center field. In all likelihood, this was the only own goal scored from the penalty spot.
11. loyal fans "Gunners»
In 1959 in London he celebrated the anniversary of one John Smaydla. He was not a public figure or a famous athlete or a popular film actor, but simply a fan of London "Arsenal". However, the fan is slightly unusual. For 30 years Smaydl never missed a game their favorite team, whether in England or abroad. However, after the celebrations Smaydl admitted that the two games, he still had to miss. In 1933, he missed the game because it got lost in the fog. Even after 6 years he managed to catch only for the second half of the game "Arsenal" - "Blackpool", because on this day he married.
12. Shoot the match
In the mid-70s in Argentina, tragic story during the match two Argentine teams "Juventud" and "Gral Caballero." 43 minutes into the match, the match referee Jose Leon Begudo player removed from the field "Juventud" Joaquin Masialya. When using the kulaks tried to challenge this decision, the arbitrator coolly pulled out a pistol and laid firmly undisciplined player. This story was continued: sitting on the podium athlete's brother shot dead judge.
13. 26 red cards
In the late 70s the Mexican team in the match referee showed Gonzalez 26 (!) Red cards. First, for rough play, he sent off a few players from both teams. Then, when the general brawl, and all remaining players. And when on the field ran coaches and team representatives, and then expelled from the field.
14. The joy of childbirth helped footballer
Initially, the game between the teams of the Swedish "Gothenburg" team and the city of Degerfors was sluggish, and none of the teams could not open an account. All that changed in an instant. Forward "Gothenburg" Johansson, who before the meeting had taken his wife to the hospital, reported the birth of his daughter. Johansson seemed to have changed. He immediately became a central figure in the field and in the remaining time, scoring four goals. "This is what can make the joy," - he said after the match referee, congratulating Johansson. "What is there joy, - said the footballer - I dreamed about a guy. Therefore, I am so damn angry and vented the evil on the opponent. "
15. The Belgian namesakes
In the match held at the beginning of the 70s in one of the Belgian cities, all participants (both teams and three judges) were the same last name: Van Loi. One team was made up of 89-year-old grandchildren, Joseph Van Loy, the other - the grandchildren of the younger brother of Joseph - Albert. Judges also appeared namesakes. The game ended with the score 5: 3 in favor of the grandchildren of Joseph. Despite the fact that the players were linked by family ties, the game does not differ correctness: the referee was obliged to remove the three players.
16. House arrest passionate fans
Sunday. The fire department of a small Italian town of Campos suddenly sounded the alarm. Duty instantly plunged into the car and rushed to the scene of the fire. However, having arrived, they saw no fire, no smoke. But in the house on the second floor, hysterically screaming, "Help! Fire! ". Now there was a staircase. Man was lowered to the ground. Do not thanking, and without any explanation rescuers, he ran away. During the arrest revealed that he is a passionate fan of Giovanni Kuidzaro, the day most interesting football match was locked his wife does not want her husband every Sunday left the house. And resourceful fan came up with a good way to get into the game.
17. Penalties head
It is an incredible penalty scored in August 1971 player of the team "Builder" from Poltava Alexander Valiant. However, we listen very Molodetsky. "I dispersed, bent his head and hit the stationary ball. Goal! The ball hit the bottom right corner of the goalkeeper, "- said the footballer. It is extremely difficult to imagine how this could happen, but do not believe the author of this unique goal, too, there is no reason.
18. Footballers robber
A crowd of drunken men burst into the night in an inn on the outskirts of a small Sicilian town. Strangers refreshments smashed glass and stole several bottles of wine. When frightened bar owner jumped out of bed and went down, uninvited guests gone. Removing the premises, the owner found a small bronze figure of a football player. It was easy to establish that it is using this figure was open the door of the inn. In the same figure the police managed to find themselves crooks. They turned out to be the local football club "Riatstsa" who last season were awarded a statuette for this ... good behavior.
19. The wife of the judge threatened
Renowned Portuguese football referee Jose Abendola suddenly began receiving anonymous letters, the authors of which threatened to beat and even kill him if he did not cease to appear on the pitch. Good manners fans know his own country, terrified referee went to the police. After the conducted investigation revealed that the letters sent ... the wife of a judge. "I could not get my husband to stay at home even on Sunday - she said to the police. - I had to go to the last resort ... ".
20. The arbitrator diplomat
The stadium of the Colombian city of Santa Marta ended the match the away team 'Unión Magdalena "with the club," Deportivo "and the bill still was not open. The situation grew tense in the stands, the referee was familiar with the temperament and customs of the local fans, not without reason, feared big trouble for themselves and the visitors. A few minutes before the whistle, he beckoned to the captains, and developed the following plan: the time will be extended to give owners the opportunity to score in the protocol will be entered as the score 0: 0. The symbolic goal flew into the gate, "Deportivo" for 92 minutes. Watch with stopwatch in the stadium was not, and the audience accompanied the judge and players with applause. When the morning they learned from the newspapers that the score remained the same, the referee diplomat was already far. How to react to what happened Colombian Football Federation? Given the danger threatening the judge, it endorsed his actions and approved the minutes of the match.
21. Rabbit-forward
In 1984, in a small Armenian town of Gyumri, in a meeting of teams and players of Gyumri Yerevan dairy factory to 80 minutes of the match the score was 0-0. But after deviated kick one player Gyumri ball slowly went over the line, but it is not clear where the hare jumped out on the field and away from the ball rolled into the goal. And the judge of the match there was nothing but to deduct a goal to the disgust of the players from Yerevan. Goal recorded in the striker from Gyumri, who touched the ball last.
22. The judge made a draw
Prelyubopytny incident occurred in the mid-60s in a match of two Spanish teams - "Rioni" and "La Katina." Shortly after the beginning of the meeting the ball bounced off the leg judge, was in the net gate owners - club "Rioni". The referee, despite protests from the audience and players, a goal is scored. as time went on, the hosts managed to win back not because of what the situation on the stands and on the field is gradually heated. Judge feverishly contemplated plans to escape from the violence raging fans ... Suddenly three minutes before the end of the game the ball hit him in the head and a moment later appeared at the gate of the guests. Hero of the meeting in shock carried from the players of both teams.
23. Football archaeologist
During a friendly football match in the Italian town of Asti frontline local team Maschio without hitting the ball kovyrnul ground. So much so that seriously injured his leg. When examined the ground, they found the skeleton proved valuable historical findings. Maschio received a cash prize and the icon for "craving for archaeological research."
24. Football luggage for kangaroos
At the end of the 60s of Australian football club "Nokport" got mascot - kangaroo. The animal is always accompanied by a team so used to the players that allow you to store your bag in a variety of things. After one game there found four passports club players, a few bills, and ... empty bottles of beer. This is the fans used the gullibility of naive animal.
25. The most expensive game in life
An avid fan of Madrid "Real" Felix Gael could not get a ticket for the match "Real" team "Athletic" (Bilbao). In just a few minutes before the start of the match a man suddenly gave him his ticket. Delighted Gael in a burst of gratitude gave him a lottery ticket. A few days later a fan of "Real" has learned that the number of winning tickets has dropped in the amount of 300 thousand pesetas. However, he suffered a loss of firmness. - Sure, - he said - it was the most expensive game in my life.
26. Yes, sir!
In the Chilean city of Antofagasta at a football match there was a curious case. Team Played urban management and officers of the local garrison. The judge appointed a penalty in the gates of the army command. Suddenly one of the players of this team (rank - lieutenant) showed the judge unequivocal gesture - from the field! Judge dutifully retired, he served as a sergeant in the local garrison. Play the game, and the service department.
27. A just judge
The most fair judge - English football referee Melvin Sylvester. During the game, one team striker Richard Kerd repeatedly pushed referee sly and finally touched it quite sensitive. Angered by the referee can not cope with the emotions and the three workshops boxing blows overthrew the offender on the lawn, and then calmly showed himself a red card and left the field.
28. Suffered Rod
This happened in 1980 during a football match in the Romanian city of Timisoara between the local "Polytechnic" team and the Brazilian club "Atletico". One of the Brazilian forwards at high speed burst into the penalty area and the home team went one on one with the Romanian goalkeeper. Goalkeeper "Polytechnic" in a desperate leap jumped into the Brazilian leg, he jumped up and ran headlong into the goal post, which could not stand the shock, broken in half. The judge had to interrupt the match 20 minutes to the stadium workers replaced the "victim" post. The Brazilian striker, as if nothing had happened, continued to play.
29. The most ridiculous goal, the
So called goal scored by defender "Sparta" (Rotterdam) in the match against the Spanish "Barcelona" in 1973. Beating the ball from his goal, football sent him high into the air. The ball was picked up by the wind burst in the air and fell shapeless lump ... the gate of "Barcelona". The judge ordered Fores replace the ball and despite the protests of the players ... included a goal.
30. Fighting between judges
Before the next match in the Argentine town Pelvario the referee and his assistants were for some reason not in the spirit. Before entering the field for a long time, they "exchanged pleasantries." But the game began. Referee pointedly did not pay attention to the signals of the linesmen. Those, in turn, subjected to vociferous criticism of the actions of their colleagues. The end came at a time when the judge, despite the demands of his assistants, refused to cancel a goal scored from the explicit provisions of the "offside". Here slaves threw vivo Recording intractability heads and began to beat him. We had players from both teams to separate the fighters. Not without effort they have put on the order.
31. emergency Stadium
Passionate football fans from Naples Giovanni Mannini could not buy a ticket for the match, "Napoli" - "Roma". Prior to the beginning of the game - a few minutes. The situation is almost hopeless. But Mannini confirmed the well-known truth that says that there are no hopeless situations. Knowing that the nearest medical center is located under the stands of the stadium, he mimicked a heart attack. Immediately call an ambulance, which imports to the territory of the stadium.
In 1891, an Irish expert on the rules of football John Penalties proposed to introduce a penalty kick for foul play, or play a hand, deliberately committed by a player of the defending team within its penalty area. The first such attack was made in the Irish Football League. Now, all over the world it is called a penalty.
Will the 39 facts. A source.

2. A red card for wedding
The famous German football player Hansi Muller, is exceptionally correct, in one of the matches suddenly entered the hassle with the judge, for which he was dismissed. Later it turned out that he did it intentionally, as the club refused him leave. And for the holidays, he had a good reason: he had to attend to ... his own wedding.

3. Unusual match
It took place in 1959 at the city stadium in Gelsenkirchen (Germany). The Administration set up a meeting and handball players at the same time. All four teams were on time, and between them broke fierce controversy - who should play. No one wanted to concede. All four teams took to the field and started the meeting. It was a strange game. The field floated about four dozen players, throwing two balls. "Despite the untold difficulties and both meetings were brought to an end," - said the city sports newspaper. Score from handball - 14: 2, the players - 4: 2. The losing team handball contested match, as it was a championship game. But the audience was delighted: they were able to visit the most original game of the season.

4. Assist drought
Goal drought collapsed at the turn of the 60s-70s in the field of a number of European countries that immediately affected the attendances. Concerning this problem, the English weekly described the initiative of the curious amateur club "Hendon", whose leadership has offered its fans downright revolutionary deal. It was proclaimed the slogan: "No goals - admission is free!". The essence of innovation is the following: if the match ends in a draw, tickets remain valid and the next match. And so long as the zero series is not interrupted.

5. "talented" scorer
Since early in the season, defender Roberto Vasquez, speaking in the 70 years of the Argentine club "Barik", scored in his own net seven goals, coach Hernando Aguirre decided to reclassify him in hot hitters. "Do not disappear as talent," - he commented on his decision. And it is necessary. In the next match, playing to a new position, Vazquez again managed to send the ball into his own net. There has patience of the coach came to an end, and with the player said goodbye.

6. Frost tiffozi
During a football match in Molfetta (Italy) due to the cold weather in the stands was only one spectator, which is quite expansive react to occurring on the game situation (apparently, the cold forced him to do so). After the game, both teams came to the podium, which was a cheerleader, and rewarded him with applause. For durability.

7. Penalty sleep
Most quarterback of the football team of the Italian city of Verona Bonitstsoni dreamed of that in one of the matches in the national championship he was instructed to execute a penalty kick. Finally a dream come true. Bonitstsoni scattered, struggling hit the ball ... and then woke up from a terrible pain. shot hit the back of the bed. The doctor has diagnosed - a broken finger. "This is a strange injury in the history of Italian football," - commented on this case, the President of the football club "Verona".

8. Life Saving judges handiwork ...
In the Spanish city of Segovia in the 60s-70s there was a pretty original tradition. When the local football team lost the match, the fans threw the referee into the river. Do not helped to end it any fines imposed on the club, or the disqualification of the stadium. Then the football authorities, actually admitted their impotence were appointed to matches in Segovia judges who know how to swim.

9. footballer husband gave his wife win the sweepstakes
During the meeting the English teams, "Sheffield Wednesday" - "Barnsley" victory went to "Sheffield" dobivshemusya success in the 92nd minute. The only goal was scored by left winger Chamberlain. The club gave him a premium of nine pounds. But his joy was short-lived. Arriving home, he learned that his wife, who was present at the meeting, made a bid in the football betting. In case of a tie she could get 6000 pounds.

10. Own a penalty
When the referee a football match in buxheim (Germany) has appointed a penalty kick, the players of the offending team does not want to accept the decision. They argued, pleaded with the judge to cancel the penalty, but he was adamant and he set the ball on the penalty spot. Then one of the defenders of the protest in the hearts hit the ball, and he flew into the net. The judge, as if nothing had happened, pointed to center field. In all likelihood, this was the only own goal scored from the penalty spot.

11. loyal fans "Gunners»
In 1959 in London he celebrated the anniversary of one John Smaydla. He was not a public figure or a famous athlete or a popular film actor, but simply a fan of London "Arsenal". However, the fan is slightly unusual. For 30 years Smaydl never missed a game their favorite team, whether in England or abroad. However, after the celebrations Smaydl admitted that the two games, he still had to miss. In 1933, he missed the game because it got lost in the fog. Even after 6 years he managed to catch only for the second half of the game "Arsenal" - "Blackpool", because on this day he married.

12. Shoot the match
In the mid-70s in Argentina, tragic story during the match two Argentine teams "Juventud" and "Gral Caballero." 43 minutes into the match, the match referee Jose Leon Begudo player removed from the field "Juventud" Joaquin Masialya. When using the kulaks tried to challenge this decision, the arbitrator coolly pulled out a pistol and laid firmly undisciplined player. This story was continued: sitting on the podium athlete's brother shot dead judge.

13. 26 red cards
In the late 70s the Mexican team in the match referee showed Gonzalez 26 (!) Red cards. First, for rough play, he sent off a few players from both teams. Then, when the general brawl, and all remaining players. And when on the field ran coaches and team representatives, and then expelled from the field.

14. The joy of childbirth helped footballer
Initially, the game between the teams of the Swedish "Gothenburg" team and the city of Degerfors was sluggish, and none of the teams could not open an account. All that changed in an instant. Forward "Gothenburg" Johansson, who before the meeting had taken his wife to the hospital, reported the birth of his daughter. Johansson seemed to have changed. He immediately became a central figure in the field and in the remaining time, scoring four goals. "This is what can make the joy," - he said after the match referee, congratulating Johansson. "What is there joy, - said the footballer - I dreamed about a guy. Therefore, I am so damn angry and vented the evil on the opponent. "

15. The Belgian namesakes
In the match held at the beginning of the 70s in one of the Belgian cities, all participants (both teams and three judges) were the same last name: Van Loi. One team was made up of 89-year-old grandchildren, Joseph Van Loy, the other - the grandchildren of the younger brother of Joseph - Albert. Judges also appeared namesakes. The game ended with the score 5: 3 in favor of the grandchildren of Joseph. Despite the fact that the players were linked by family ties, the game does not differ correctness: the referee was obliged to remove the three players.

16. House arrest passionate fans
Sunday. The fire department of a small Italian town of Campos suddenly sounded the alarm. Duty instantly plunged into the car and rushed to the scene of the fire. However, having arrived, they saw no fire, no smoke. But in the house on the second floor, hysterically screaming, "Help! Fire! ". Now there was a staircase. Man was lowered to the ground. Do not thanking, and without any explanation rescuers, he ran away. During the arrest revealed that he is a passionate fan of Giovanni Kuidzaro, the day most interesting football match was locked his wife does not want her husband every Sunday left the house. And resourceful fan came up with a good way to get into the game.

17. Penalties head
It is an incredible penalty scored in August 1971 player of the team "Builder" from Poltava Alexander Valiant. However, we listen very Molodetsky. "I dispersed, bent his head and hit the stationary ball. Goal! The ball hit the bottom right corner of the goalkeeper, "- said the footballer. It is extremely difficult to imagine how this could happen, but do not believe the author of this unique goal, too, there is no reason.

18. Footballers robber
A crowd of drunken men burst into the night in an inn on the outskirts of a small Sicilian town. Strangers refreshments smashed glass and stole several bottles of wine. When frightened bar owner jumped out of bed and went down, uninvited guests gone. Removing the premises, the owner found a small bronze figure of a football player. It was easy to establish that it is using this figure was open the door of the inn. In the same figure the police managed to find themselves crooks. They turned out to be the local football club "Riatstsa" who last season were awarded a statuette for this ... good behavior.

19. The wife of the judge threatened
Renowned Portuguese football referee Jose Abendola suddenly began receiving anonymous letters, the authors of which threatened to beat and even kill him if he did not cease to appear on the pitch. Good manners fans know his own country, terrified referee went to the police. After the conducted investigation revealed that the letters sent ... the wife of a judge. "I could not get my husband to stay at home even on Sunday - she said to the police. - I had to go to the last resort ... ".

20. The arbitrator diplomat
The stadium of the Colombian city of Santa Marta ended the match the away team 'Unión Magdalena "with the club," Deportivo "and the bill still was not open. The situation grew tense in the stands, the referee was familiar with the temperament and customs of the local fans, not without reason, feared big trouble for themselves and the visitors. A few minutes before the whistle, he beckoned to the captains, and developed the following plan: the time will be extended to give owners the opportunity to score in the protocol will be entered as the score 0: 0. The symbolic goal flew into the gate, "Deportivo" for 92 minutes. Watch with stopwatch in the stadium was not, and the audience accompanied the judge and players with applause. When the morning they learned from the newspapers that the score remained the same, the referee diplomat was already far. How to react to what happened Colombian Football Federation? Given the danger threatening the judge, it endorsed his actions and approved the minutes of the match.

21. Rabbit-forward
In 1984, in a small Armenian town of Gyumri, in a meeting of teams and players of Gyumri Yerevan dairy factory to 80 minutes of the match the score was 0-0. But after deviated kick one player Gyumri ball slowly went over the line, but it is not clear where the hare jumped out on the field and away from the ball rolled into the goal. And the judge of the match there was nothing but to deduct a goal to the disgust of the players from Yerevan. Goal recorded in the striker from Gyumri, who touched the ball last.

22. The judge made a draw
Prelyubopytny incident occurred in the mid-60s in a match of two Spanish teams - "Rioni" and "La Katina." Shortly after the beginning of the meeting the ball bounced off the leg judge, was in the net gate owners - club "Rioni". The referee, despite protests from the audience and players, a goal is scored. as time went on, the hosts managed to win back not because of what the situation on the stands and on the field is gradually heated. Judge feverishly contemplated plans to escape from the violence raging fans ... Suddenly three minutes before the end of the game the ball hit him in the head and a moment later appeared at the gate of the guests. Hero of the meeting in shock carried from the players of both teams.

23. Football archaeologist
During a friendly football match in the Italian town of Asti frontline local team Maschio without hitting the ball kovyrnul ground. So much so that seriously injured his leg. When examined the ground, they found the skeleton proved valuable historical findings. Maschio received a cash prize and the icon for "craving for archaeological research."

24. Football luggage for kangaroos
At the end of the 60s of Australian football club "Nokport" got mascot - kangaroo. The animal is always accompanied by a team so used to the players that allow you to store your bag in a variety of things. After one game there found four passports club players, a few bills, and ... empty bottles of beer. This is the fans used the gullibility of naive animal.

25. The most expensive game in life
An avid fan of Madrid "Real" Felix Gael could not get a ticket for the match "Real" team "Athletic" (Bilbao). In just a few minutes before the start of the match a man suddenly gave him his ticket. Delighted Gael in a burst of gratitude gave him a lottery ticket. A few days later a fan of "Real" has learned that the number of winning tickets has dropped in the amount of 300 thousand pesetas. However, he suffered a loss of firmness. - Sure, - he said - it was the most expensive game in my life.

26. Yes, sir!
In the Chilean city of Antofagasta at a football match there was a curious case. Team Played urban management and officers of the local garrison. The judge appointed a penalty in the gates of the army command. Suddenly one of the players of this team (rank - lieutenant) showed the judge unequivocal gesture - from the field! Judge dutifully retired, he served as a sergeant in the local garrison. Play the game, and the service department.

27. A just judge
The most fair judge - English football referee Melvin Sylvester. During the game, one team striker Richard Kerd repeatedly pushed referee sly and finally touched it quite sensitive. Angered by the referee can not cope with the emotions and the three workshops boxing blows overthrew the offender on the lawn, and then calmly showed himself a red card and left the field.

28. Suffered Rod
This happened in 1980 during a football match in the Romanian city of Timisoara between the local "Polytechnic" team and the Brazilian club "Atletico". One of the Brazilian forwards at high speed burst into the penalty area and the home team went one on one with the Romanian goalkeeper. Goalkeeper "Polytechnic" in a desperate leap jumped into the Brazilian leg, he jumped up and ran headlong into the goal post, which could not stand the shock, broken in half. The judge had to interrupt the match 20 minutes to the stadium workers replaced the "victim" post. The Brazilian striker, as if nothing had happened, continued to play.

29. The most ridiculous goal, the
So called goal scored by defender "Sparta" (Rotterdam) in the match against the Spanish "Barcelona" in 1973. Beating the ball from his goal, football sent him high into the air. The ball was picked up by the wind burst in the air and fell shapeless lump ... the gate of "Barcelona". The judge ordered Fores replace the ball and despite the protests of the players ... included a goal.

30. Fighting between judges
Before the next match in the Argentine town Pelvario the referee and his assistants were for some reason not in the spirit. Before entering the field for a long time, they "exchanged pleasantries." But the game began. Referee pointedly did not pay attention to the signals of the linesmen. Those, in turn, subjected to vociferous criticism of the actions of their colleagues. The end came at a time when the judge, despite the demands of his assistants, refused to cancel a goal scored from the explicit provisions of the "offside". Here slaves threw vivo Recording intractability heads and began to beat him. We had players from both teams to separate the fighters. Not without effort they have put on the order.

31. emergency Stadium
Passionate football fans from Naples Giovanni Mannini could not buy a ticket for the match, "Napoli" - "Roma". Prior to the beginning of the game - a few minutes. The situation is almost hopeless. But Mannini confirmed the well-known truth that says that there are no hopeless situations. Knowing that the nearest medical center is located under the stands of the stadium, he mimicked a heart attack. Immediately call an ambulance, which imports to the territory of the stadium.