Why all this way and not another? And because
Zadolbala panic in the posts my friends. I no longer columnist "Tyzhden" and therefore your analytics can teach where I want and what I want to scale. Message that "Dmitry Kalinchuk crazy" no surprise. A silent no longer can - the facts are so obvious and glaring that I do not understand why no one notices?
So the points.
1. Question. Why our troops did not immediately have been withdrawn from the Crimea?
Because of Ukraine together with the command of the US are preparing a military operation to liberate the Crimea. Look for the Old about moving our troops until March 11. Read the statements that, until that day did the representatives of the US and NATO. Ask maneuvers the aircraft carrier group led by the aircraft carrier "George Bush" and statements by Turkish politicians.
All obvious. US aircraft had as NATO in Libya, make us "sky", ie plant a Russian aircraft over the Crimea (legally - our territories), the rest had to make Ukrainian mechanized and airmobile brigade.
Officially, we would have crushed the revolt of separatists - Moscow denied the presence of its troops in the Crimea.
Deployment of our military forces should have ended on March 11. Next - the war. Chances were outstanding - we're actually ahead of Moscow in the deployment, plus our in / h were already in the Crimea - behind the Muscovites.
2. Why is this operation did not take place?
Because Moscow rattled nuclear weapons and hinted that it was ready to break into the eastern regions of Ukraine. The world was on the brink of World War III. She does not want neither the West nor me. I see that we got. Now that the war is not only between us and Moscow, and between Moscow and the West that Moscow relish spat in the snout. But I do not want that as a result of this confrontation, Ukraine has turned into a moonscape, covered nuclear ashes.
Another reason - the West is always and everywhere pursues its own economic interests. Misbehavior Russia - awesome excuse to push public opinion and the opposition in their own countries. Under the brand of "Moscow is coming," Europe and the United States now decide a number of problems of its own, would muzzle Ecology and levnyukam and terminate contracts for the purchase of Russian gas. The process is already underway.
3. Why is our military do not give clear orders to withdraw from the Crimea?
Yes, because our only trump card now - it telekartinku on European screens where our military "die, but do not give up." Because aksёnovtsy terrorists Hamas hide behind women and children, and the very first woman and child killed by Ukrainian bullets will become a nuclear weapon for Moscow players in Europe. Because while the European viewer sees Ukrainian military who do not shoot, and Ukrainian ensign killed Muscovites, European levota (fed Moscow) word across can not say. Because, while we - offended, and Moscow - the aggressor, Merkel, Obama and Cameron free hand. And they are happy to suppress Moscow economically - it suits them. They - the recession. They already do this - gently, without harm to themselves, taking into account all the effects of far-sighted. But God forbid we become resentful of a party of armed conflict and the entire pro-Russian muck EU zaoret that this is purely a Russian-Ukrainian market, they say that there Europe to climb? Remember how it was with Georgia in 2008 - m!
Therefore, the European journalist in Crimea should be amazed and touched to transmit reports, after which ordinary Europeans roar. Therefore, our military must do what they do. It is cruel. But no more cruel than to order tankman wound on eighteen tracks a couple of dozen boys.
Just try to say that the military in plain text! Good luck!
4. Why were not evacuated a military family?
Dear, as you have seen the organization sent to work in shifts of employees of the company into the next area? Zamorochishsya! In my eyes only the preparation of the process by which contributed to such an operation rather big budget, lasted a month.
Of course, the Ministry of Defense shall carry on such a case the relevant plans, people and money. And it is not enough of them? To remind you that the current leaders of the Ministry of Defense entered the office right at the beginning of the Russian invasion, and before them four years there hosted yanuchary?
I am convinced - in the structure of MO was neither appropriate evacuation plans military families or budgets under it or the people who would have done the dirty work. Plus - there was no awareness of what our country should do.
You know how it works every large organization? Even in a private company, if there is no department in charge of a particular task - no action. And this is - Ministry bureaucracy with all its shortcomings.
Who is to blame in this situation? Banda Yanukovych.
Friend, we have the words of Taras "at vognі okradenimi zbudili." We were not ready for war with Russia, and it is a war at all. We can not butt heads with Moscow on equal terms on their own - we crush aviation. It has long been worth it to understand. Want to fight - you are welcome to the Crimea in the village of Crimean Tatars and to the cells there the Ukrainian parties. Do not rejoice illusions - the first shelling of the ten hot (but not disciplined) patriots, eight turns into quivering cowards. In any country. Read the memoirs of the Ukrainian military since the first liberation revolutions - they are all described in detail and in detail.
Want to help his state - operate and transfer money to the troops. Work on the rear, ie, on taxes - without them there is no army.
Burning tires under the General Staff you would rejoice Moscow. She just need pictures of the mess in Ukraine and rebellion in our capital.
Dmitro Vovnyanko Your text to link ...
So the points.
1. Question. Why our troops did not immediately have been withdrawn from the Crimea?
Because of Ukraine together with the command of the US are preparing a military operation to liberate the Crimea. Look for the Old about moving our troops until March 11. Read the statements that, until that day did the representatives of the US and NATO. Ask maneuvers the aircraft carrier group led by the aircraft carrier "George Bush" and statements by Turkish politicians.
All obvious. US aircraft had as NATO in Libya, make us "sky", ie plant a Russian aircraft over the Crimea (legally - our territories), the rest had to make Ukrainian mechanized and airmobile brigade.
Officially, we would have crushed the revolt of separatists - Moscow denied the presence of its troops in the Crimea.
Deployment of our military forces should have ended on March 11. Next - the war. Chances were outstanding - we're actually ahead of Moscow in the deployment, plus our in / h were already in the Crimea - behind the Muscovites.
2. Why is this operation did not take place?
Because Moscow rattled nuclear weapons and hinted that it was ready to break into the eastern regions of Ukraine. The world was on the brink of World War III. She does not want neither the West nor me. I see that we got. Now that the war is not only between us and Moscow, and between Moscow and the West that Moscow relish spat in the snout. But I do not want that as a result of this confrontation, Ukraine has turned into a moonscape, covered nuclear ashes.
Another reason - the West is always and everywhere pursues its own economic interests. Misbehavior Russia - awesome excuse to push public opinion and the opposition in their own countries. Under the brand of "Moscow is coming," Europe and the United States now decide a number of problems of its own, would muzzle Ecology and levnyukam and terminate contracts for the purchase of Russian gas. The process is already underway.
3. Why is our military do not give clear orders to withdraw from the Crimea?
Yes, because our only trump card now - it telekartinku on European screens where our military "die, but do not give up." Because aksёnovtsy terrorists Hamas hide behind women and children, and the very first woman and child killed by Ukrainian bullets will become a nuclear weapon for Moscow players in Europe. Because while the European viewer sees Ukrainian military who do not shoot, and Ukrainian ensign killed Muscovites, European levota (fed Moscow) word across can not say. Because, while we - offended, and Moscow - the aggressor, Merkel, Obama and Cameron free hand. And they are happy to suppress Moscow economically - it suits them. They - the recession. They already do this - gently, without harm to themselves, taking into account all the effects of far-sighted. But God forbid we become resentful of a party of armed conflict and the entire pro-Russian muck EU zaoret that this is purely a Russian-Ukrainian market, they say that there Europe to climb? Remember how it was with Georgia in 2008 - m!
Therefore, the European journalist in Crimea should be amazed and touched to transmit reports, after which ordinary Europeans roar. Therefore, our military must do what they do. It is cruel. But no more cruel than to order tankman wound on eighteen tracks a couple of dozen boys.
Just try to say that the military in plain text! Good luck!
4. Why were not evacuated a military family?
Dear, as you have seen the organization sent to work in shifts of employees of the company into the next area? Zamorochishsya! In my eyes only the preparation of the process by which contributed to such an operation rather big budget, lasted a month.
Of course, the Ministry of Defense shall carry on such a case the relevant plans, people and money. And it is not enough of them? To remind you that the current leaders of the Ministry of Defense entered the office right at the beginning of the Russian invasion, and before them four years there hosted yanuchary?
I am convinced - in the structure of MO was neither appropriate evacuation plans military families or budgets under it or the people who would have done the dirty work. Plus - there was no awareness of what our country should do.
You know how it works every large organization? Even in a private company, if there is no department in charge of a particular task - no action. And this is - Ministry bureaucracy with all its shortcomings.
Who is to blame in this situation? Banda Yanukovych.
Friend, we have the words of Taras "at vognі okradenimi zbudili." We were not ready for war with Russia, and it is a war at all. We can not butt heads with Moscow on equal terms on their own - we crush aviation. It has long been worth it to understand. Want to fight - you are welcome to the Crimea in the village of Crimean Tatars and to the cells there the Ukrainian parties. Do not rejoice illusions - the first shelling of the ten hot (but not disciplined) patriots, eight turns into quivering cowards. In any country. Read the memoirs of the Ukrainian military since the first liberation revolutions - they are all described in detail and in detail.
Want to help his state - operate and transfer money to the troops. Work on the rear, ie, on taxes - without them there is no army.
Burning tires under the General Staff you would rejoice Moscow. She just need pictures of the mess in Ukraine and rebellion in our capital.
Dmitro Vovnyanko Your text to link ...