Putin's proposal

As I understand it, is the beginning of the history of rabies Putin and blunt-pressed Crimea shitomu not white thread and white ropes. So that even with the Kazakhs ohreneli Belarusians from soyuznichki.
Most likely going to implement the plan Urinals-2, and the split of Ukraine in the South-East (under the protectorate or even within the Russian Federation) and the Center-West. And all this was to occur in Kharkov at the Congress seems to February 24, if I remember correctly.
And something at the congress went wrong. Not so. Like all gathered. But whether Ham zassal at the last moment. Whether Hepa with dopa and the rest of the PR-vskim environment decided turn back. But the event did not take place. and threw Putin has not yet closed "window of opportunity" pressing at least Crimea. Putin has turned out, surprisingly easy, except for the global response. Here and South-East thoughtful.
Still wondering why thwart the plans of urinals-2? What went wrong?
And yes, here suggest that the Commonwealth can create Grilling two? Confederation or Unia Poland and Ukraine, as it was in the 16th century. With automatic entry into the territories of Ukraine into the EU and NATO :)
And that card has already begun to draw
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