Telecommunications operators and providers of Ukraine. Some statistics

Not so long ago we set out to implement a personalized e-mail and paper mail to all operators and providers of Ukraine with information about their SAP «UserSide» . In Ukraine, the regulatory authority in the field of communication is "Natsionalna front fee, scho zdіysnyuє Reigning regulyuvannya in sferі zv'yazku that іnformatizatsії" or abbreviated NKRZІ («National Commission exercising the state regulation in the field of communication and information" - NKRZI) i >.
On the official website there are different registers, including the need for us to "Register of operators and providers of telecommunications» (a reference to it will be at the end of the article) i>. This xls-file with the data of the enterprises - operators. It contains the name, contact details, the types of the licensed activity, the area of business. Register is updated after each meeting NKRZI. Actually to send us just needed the names of companies and their addresses.
However, during the processing of a document having very specific ideas about the systematization of this document and implementation of a statistical cutoff of communication operators of Ukraine.
As of 25.02.2014g. 3938 was the registry entries. One record - corresponds to one company. If a company has several licenses in the field of telecom (several facilities or areas of activity) i>, then it will just be appended to the current record on the enterprise.
Among them:
82 record companies excluded 1620 records do not have guidance on targeting and site work and for the account were of little use. The data on these enterprises are likely to have been made when the register was still another form, and not meant specifics. A very long time.
For the treatment of left 2236 entries.
Although, according to the administrative division of Ukraine, in the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol special status - I have them included in the Kiev region Crimea and respectively - for ease of display data.
During the processing of information was noticed that quite often one legal address has two entries - two different license holders. As a rule - to optimize the taxation of telecommunications operators are licensed on a legal person and over the (Director / Founder) i> on the SAP-FL (a business entity - an individual. In Russia - an individual entrepreneur) i>. Sometimes registered companies with similar names or members of the founding families - entrepreneurs, etc. The absolute record - 51 enterprise in the same address. I will not say where.
The following table shows the distribution of carriers in the regions of Ukraine. It takes into account only those companies that operate only in this territorial area. Showing separately the company that they work for the region as a whole or only in a certain city / region.