3-year-old child from China weighs 60 pounds (12 photos)
A giant three-year child from China weighs 59.87 pounds and eats lunch by 3 huge plates of rice.
When the baby Hao (Lu Hao) was born, it weighed only 2.6 kilograms, but as soon as he was three months, he began to gain weight with frightening speed.
"He has a good appetite, it can easily eat for just three large plates of rice and drink a liter of milk, - says the father Liu Yuncheng (Lu Yuncheng). - And I was really scared, because I'm one and a plate of barely eat ".
Since then, Hao as one year old, the parents tried to put him on a strict diet, but their efforts were in vain: "He fell into hysteria, began to destroy everything around and cry loudly if we do not let him eat. The same thing happened when we tried to feed him some vegetables "- says mother Hao Chen Yong (Chen Yuan).
Despite the best efforts of parents, last year Hao scored another 22 kilos of pure fat, "We tried everything, diet, outdoor games, aerobics and even swimming, but nothing helps. Our baby is growing by leaps and bounds, and every day it becomes more and more ", - complains the father.
Hao kid has grown to such an extent that his mother Chen Yong is simply not able to take their "crumbs" on his hands: "My husband somehow, but to cope with this difficult task, but I just can not get on your hands or Hao just put him on his lap. Because of this, he was even more crying and capricious "- says the unhappy mother.
More than anything, Hao does not like to walk, so the task of transporting it entirely lie on the shoulders of his father
Despite his fearsome appearance Hao very peaceful kid who just loves other children: "He loves children and because of this we have a lot of problems, for example, it can easily take on the hands of his peers and start playing with him like a rag doll "- says the mother giant.
Hao goes to kindergarten, or rather his back drove the motorcycle on his mother.
"Hao hates walking, so all our hiking in kindergarten ended with the fact that he sat down on the sidewalk and waited until I call for a taxi. So we had to borrow money from relatives and buy a motorcycle with a sidecar, "- says Chen Yong.
Wu Hao a lot of toys, but the favorite - it's Superman, who is his idol: "Superman can fly and ass kicking bad guys. When I grow up, you too will become a superhero, "- says a giant baby. But when Hao asked if he wanted to just fly like Superman, he sadly replied: "No, I'm too heavy to fly, so I'll just kicking ass".
To push Hao in sports, his parents built a miniature baseball field in the backyard of his home, which Hao did not manage to pull, and every day take him to the river. "Hao float on your favorite inflatable ring as a military destroyer" - laughing baby's father.
But, exercise more appetite child who after swim requires a double portion of rice.
"We're taking him to the survey in three hospitals. In one, we were told that the reason for his gluttony is a tumor in the head, but the diagnosis has not been confirmed, - says Lu Yuncheng. - All other figures in his normal, so doctors stupid shrug and say it's age. Now the question of reducing its weight is worth more than ever, because if it will go on and on gaining weight, his heart just would not stand, and he will die ".
So the parents are worried about the fact that if Hao did not lose weight, then in the future it will be subjected to ridicule by classmates. "I'm not even afraid for his son, and for those bullies who will call him. Hao is very good, but it short temper and he does not forgive the offense, - says father Hao, rubbing his head. - One day, he whacked me with a spoon, then I moved away a couple of days. Now, my wife and I live in a hope that one day Hao stop gaining weight and start losing weight. "

When the baby Hao (Lu Hao) was born, it weighed only 2.6 kilograms, but as soon as he was three months, he began to gain weight with frightening speed.

"He has a good appetite, it can easily eat for just three large plates of rice and drink a liter of milk, - says the father Liu Yuncheng (Lu Yuncheng). - And I was really scared, because I'm one and a plate of barely eat ".

Since then, Hao as one year old, the parents tried to put him on a strict diet, but their efforts were in vain: "He fell into hysteria, began to destroy everything around and cry loudly if we do not let him eat. The same thing happened when we tried to feed him some vegetables "- says mother Hao Chen Yong (Chen Yuan).

Despite the best efforts of parents, last year Hao scored another 22 kilos of pure fat, "We tried everything, diet, outdoor games, aerobics and even swimming, but nothing helps. Our baby is growing by leaps and bounds, and every day it becomes more and more ", - complains the father.

Hao kid has grown to such an extent that his mother Chen Yong is simply not able to take their "crumbs" on his hands: "My husband somehow, but to cope with this difficult task, but I just can not get on your hands or Hao just put him on his lap. Because of this, he was even more crying and capricious "- says the unhappy mother.

More than anything, Hao does not like to walk, so the task of transporting it entirely lie on the shoulders of his father

Despite his fearsome appearance Hao very peaceful kid who just loves other children: "He loves children and because of this we have a lot of problems, for example, it can easily take on the hands of his peers and start playing with him like a rag doll "- says the mother giant.

Hao goes to kindergarten, or rather his back drove the motorcycle on his mother.

"Hao hates walking, so all our hiking in kindergarten ended with the fact that he sat down on the sidewalk and waited until I call for a taxi. So we had to borrow money from relatives and buy a motorcycle with a sidecar, "- says Chen Yong.

Wu Hao a lot of toys, but the favorite - it's Superman, who is his idol: "Superman can fly and ass kicking bad guys. When I grow up, you too will become a superhero, "- says a giant baby. But when Hao asked if he wanted to just fly like Superman, he sadly replied: "No, I'm too heavy to fly, so I'll just kicking ass".

To push Hao in sports, his parents built a miniature baseball field in the backyard of his home, which Hao did not manage to pull, and every day take him to the river. "Hao float on your favorite inflatable ring as a military destroyer" - laughing baby's father.
But, exercise more appetite child who after swim requires a double portion of rice.
"We're taking him to the survey in three hospitals. In one, we were told that the reason for his gluttony is a tumor in the head, but the diagnosis has not been confirmed, - says Lu Yuncheng. - All other figures in his normal, so doctors stupid shrug and say it's age. Now the question of reducing its weight is worth more than ever, because if it will go on and on gaining weight, his heart just would not stand, and he will die ".

So the parents are worried about the fact that if Hao did not lose weight, then in the future it will be subjected to ridicule by classmates. "I'm not even afraid for his son, and for those bullies who will call him. Hao is very good, but it short temper and he does not forgive the offense, - says father Hao, rubbing his head. - One day, he whacked me with a spoon, then I moved away a couple of days. Now, my wife and I live in a hope that one day Hao stop gaining weight and start losing weight. "