How the world was 50 years ago (50 photos)
50 years ago the world was very different. Continued the space race - the irreconcilable rivalry in space exploration between the US and the USSR, and during the Cuban missile crisis of humanity was on the verge of a third world war involving nuclear weapons and for the first time in its history, was on the verge of self-destruction.
1. Aerial view of the Space needle and the surrounding Seattle in 1962. Exhibition of the 21st century, also called the World's Fair in Seattle, held from April 21 to October 21, 1962. This year, in honor of the 50th anniversary of this event, the Space needle again painted in its original golden color. (AP Photo)
2. The 35th US President John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy arrived in New York on Broadway show "How to succeed in business without much effort." His presidency will break next year November 22, 1963 in Dallas (Texas): Kennedy was fatally wounded by a shot from a rifle while riding in a presidential motorcade. (Photo: AP)
3. Dr. John Mauchly, the inventor of the original portable electronic computers in Washington November 2, 1962, with one of his inventions size of a suitcase after a meeting of the American Institute of Industrial Engineering. Then he worked on the pocket version, which he said could replace a shopping list for homemakers and care of filling them by hand. He said that in ten years all will walk with its own pocket computer. (AP Photo / Byron Rollins)
4. Rebuilt Car Donald Campbell «Bluebird», in which he attempts to break the world record for land speed on Lake Erie, Australia, in the spring of 1963, first presented at the Goodwood track 14 July 1962 in England. In 1964, Campbell set a world record in the 648, 73 km / h. (AP Photo / Str / BIL)
5. Fashion show from designer Renato Balestra. Rome, Italy, January 11, 1962. (Photo by Mario Torrisi | AP)
6. South Vietnamese soldier with a gun interrogates two suspects vetkonskih guerrillas in a swampy area in the region south of the delta. Prisoners were searched, tied up and interrogated before take other prisoners. (AP Photo / Horst Faas)
7. South Vietnamese government troops from the Second Battalion of sleep in US plane on the way back to the capital of the province of Ca Mau. (AP Photo / Horst Faas)
8. A member of the crew runs from crashed helicopter CH-21 Shawnee near the village of Ca Mau in the southern part of South Vietnam 11 December 1962. Two helicopters crashed without any damage during a government raid on vetkongskuyu territory. Both helicopters were destroyed, so they do not fall into the hands of enemies. (AP Photo / Horst Faas)
9. This is not the theater lobby, this abattoir near the city of Darmstadt, West Germany, November 29, 1962. Factory, located nearby, was commissioned for an Arab ruler, but she did not have a suitable size room to build a huge chandelier, consisting of 200,000 items. It was decided to raise the chandelier in a slaughterhouse. (Photo Lindlar | AP)
10. Two students of the Medical Faculty (left and center) listen to his professor, studying the model of the human body, in Kabul in 1962. (AFP / Getty Images)
11. Some coffee shops in Algeria, June 17, 1962. (Photo FARENC | AFP | Getty Images)
12. The Algerian War of France is one of the most famous anti-colonial wars. Photo: European settlers were killed in Algeria, March 26, 1962. (Photo: AP)
13. Racing the Isle of Man in the UK, 6 June 1962. (Photo: AP)
14. The British Crown Colony of Hong Kong, which is under the sovereignty of Great Britain, but is not part of it. Right on the water, in the harbor of living in these shacks around 130 000 people. (Photo by Harry Koundakjian | AP)
15. The daughter of US President John F. Kennedy Caroline riding his pony Macaroni in the southern part of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo)
16. The Cuban Missile Crisis was extremely tense confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States regarding the placement of the Soviet Union nuclear missiles in Cuba in October 1962. This was our response to the publication in 1961 by the United States in Turkey's medium-range missiles that could reach Moscow. Cuban missile crisis lasted 13 days and almost turned into a third world war. October 22, 1962, US President Kennedy addressed the nation, announcing the presence in Cuba of Soviet "offensive weapons". Was introduced by the blockade of Cuba. (Photo by Getty Images)
17. The crisis began October 14, 1962, when the spy plane during one of the regular flyby Cuba discovered near the village of San Cristobal Soviet medium-range missiles R-12. (Photo DOD | AP)
18. The Cuban Missile Crisis was completed the dismantling of Soviet missiles, loading them on ships and withdrawal from the territory of Cuba. It took 3 weeks. In turn, President Kennedy November 20, 1662 gave the order to end the blockade of Cuba. A few months later from Turkey have been withdrawn and American missiles. Photo: removal of Soviet missiles from Cuba under the supervision of the UN, November 9, 1962. (Photo by AFP | Getty Images)
19. The Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro, in June 1962. (Photo: AP)
20. In preparation for the invasion of Cuba began redeployment of US troops in Florida. in the photo: a rocket launcher in the city of Key West, aimed at Cuba, Florida, October 27, 1962. (Photo: AP)
21. Americans are seriously preparing for military action. For example, a cylinder of water, photographed at the headquarters of the civil defense. It includes 66 liters and it can provide people with drinking water for 5 to 14 days. (Photo: AP)
22. Father Louis Manuel Padilla holds a wounded hand of government, a shot in the streets of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, during a bloody uprising against President Betancourt in June 1962. More than 200 people were killed before the uprising failed to quell. This picture brought a Pulitzer Prize photographer Hector Rondon. (AP Photo / Hector Rondon)
23. Geisha ready to party with businessmen July 19, 1962. (Photo: AP)
24. Three NASA employee in special suits prepare to board the ship "Apollo" April 6, 1962. This conceptual model was 3, 9 m wide and 3 to 6 m in height and is the most easy piloted device ever created for a flight to orbit and landing on the moon. (AP Photo)
25. In the room with the pyramids of foam that absorbs radio energy, engineer Charles A. Haas model examines an experimental satellite "Telstar" in the laboratory in Hillside, New Jersey, in February 1962. (AP Photo)
26. Almost a year later the first US astronaut to orbit the space flight, was John Glenn. February 20, 1962 he was on the "Mercury-6" three times circled the globe. (Photo by AFP | Getty Images)
27. Start the ship with astronaut John Glenn on board, 20 February 1962. (Photo: AP)
28. In December 1962 smog (smoke and poisonous mixture of exhaust gases with fog) enveloped London. In the days, many residents of the capital of Great Britain for the first time wearing masks - breathe exhaust gases car, mixed with the heavy humid air was dangerous. The death toll was more than 100 people. (Photo: AP)
29. In the photo - one of 60,000 Chinese refugees illegally arrived in Hong Kong from China in May 1962. They are asking for food, holding his hands out of the truck. May 28 Hong Kong authorities drove them back to China. (AFP / Getty Images)
30. Bunk London buses circle around the statue of Prince Albert in London, including smog night December 6th, 1962. Strong smog from Carbs heating and combustion gasoline engines, claimed in 1962 more than 100 people. (AP Photo)
31. Demonstration of parents of children out of school in Glenfield Montclair, New Jersey. They tried to improve the quality of education for students at the school, in which 90% of African-Americans. August 22, 1962 the Board of Directors decided to divide the school 182 students among the three other schools in the wealthy suburb. (AP Photo)
32. Work cleans toilet sign in Montgomery Municipal Airport January 5, 1962 on the orders of the Federal Court prohibiting segregation. However, the city authorities have postponed plans to remove furniture from the waiting room and close the toilets and fountains. They said that they will close, and a restaurant at the airport, if it is a joint decision. (AP Photo)
33. White and African-American girl riding on a hill in the Thomas J. school. Semmes in New Orleans during the crisis of February 7, 1962. That day at school was the second day of the joint sessions of white and black children. (AP Photo / Jim Bourdier)
34. African-American and white girls are looking at the sign in an integrated community of Long Island in New York in April 1962. The inscription on the sign: "Negroes! This area could be another ghetto. Your "family" is to buy a house in another area. " Such signs detractors tried to prevent the growth of the number of blacks in integrated neighborhoods. (AP Photo)
35. US Marshal James McShane (left) and another unknown Marshal escorted James Meredith (center with a suitcase) in the campus of the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi, October 2, 1962. Meredith became the first black student at the university. (AP Photo)
36. President John F. Kennedy and his daughter Caroline on a yacht in Massachusetts. (AP Photo)
37. The airport building in New York (now International Airport. John F. Kennedy), May 29, 1962. (Photo: AP)
38. In the summer of 1945, Germany was divided into four zones of occupation (USSR, USA, UK, France). In the photo: the Berlin Wall in Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany, February 15, 1962. Left - the American sector of the wall on the right - the Russian sector. (Photo: AP)
39. Dying Peter Fechter carry GDR border guards shot him when he tried to climb over the Berlin Wall, 17 August 1962. Fechter 50 minutes spent on neutral ground before he was taken away to the hospital, where he died shortly after admission. (AP Photo)
40. Aerial view of the new baseball stadium being built team «Los Angeles Dodgers» near Los Angeles, March 7, 1962. (AP Photo)
41. Fans and teammates ran to congratulate Wilt Chamberlain of «Philadelphia Warriors» in Hershey, Pennsylvania, after he earned 100 points per game in the victorious match against «New York Knickerbockers» March 2, 1962. After 50 years, his record has not been broken. (AP Photo / Paul Vathis)
42. A meeting of the winter in Trafalgar Square in London, England, February 25, 1962. Organized by the British anti-war movement. (Photo by Laurence Harris | AP)
43. A nuclear explosion at the site in Nevada. As part of "Operation Dominic" was conducted more than 100 nuclear tests in Nevada and the Pacific Ocean in 1962. (U.S. Department of Defense)
44. For the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle was built the most recognizable landmarks in the northwest Pacific coast of the United States - the Space Needle (Space Needle) height of 184 meters. By the shot hit the monorail and urban road: in 1962 there were no traffic jams. (Photo: AP)
45. Celebrating Halloween Anaheyme, California, October 20, 1962. Almost all the inhabitants of the town gathered at the parade. (AP Photo)
46. The South African police beat women with batons in Durban, April 17, 1962, after the woman set fire to the beer tent in protest against the police action against the brewery. (AP Photo)
47. It is the smallest TV in the world at that time, only 4 centimeters in width. Japanese made and shown at the International Exhibition in Milan, Italy, April 21, 1962. (Photo: AP)
48. The German soldier carries a woman to safety in Hamburg, rescuing it from flooding by using inflatable boats army, February 17, 1962. (AP Photo)
49. Mongolia, in March 1962. (Photo by Igor Oganesoff | AP)
50. US First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, May 11, 1962, Washington, DC. (Photo Photo Courtesy of Kennedy Library Archives | Newsmakers)
1. Aerial view of the Space needle and the surrounding Seattle in 1962. Exhibition of the 21st century, also called the World's Fair in Seattle, held from April 21 to October 21, 1962. This year, in honor of the 50th anniversary of this event, the Space needle again painted in its original golden color. (AP Photo)

2. The 35th US President John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy arrived in New York on Broadway show "How to succeed in business without much effort." His presidency will break next year November 22, 1963 in Dallas (Texas): Kennedy was fatally wounded by a shot from a rifle while riding in a presidential motorcade. (Photo: AP)

3. Dr. John Mauchly, the inventor of the original portable electronic computers in Washington November 2, 1962, with one of his inventions size of a suitcase after a meeting of the American Institute of Industrial Engineering. Then he worked on the pocket version, which he said could replace a shopping list for homemakers and care of filling them by hand. He said that in ten years all will walk with its own pocket computer. (AP Photo / Byron Rollins)

4. Rebuilt Car Donald Campbell «Bluebird», in which he attempts to break the world record for land speed on Lake Erie, Australia, in the spring of 1963, first presented at the Goodwood track 14 July 1962 in England. In 1964, Campbell set a world record in the 648, 73 km / h. (AP Photo / Str / BIL)

5. Fashion show from designer Renato Balestra. Rome, Italy, January 11, 1962. (Photo by Mario Torrisi | AP)

6. South Vietnamese soldier with a gun interrogates two suspects vetkonskih guerrillas in a swampy area in the region south of the delta. Prisoners were searched, tied up and interrogated before take other prisoners. (AP Photo / Horst Faas)

7. South Vietnamese government troops from the Second Battalion of sleep in US plane on the way back to the capital of the province of Ca Mau. (AP Photo / Horst Faas)

8. A member of the crew runs from crashed helicopter CH-21 Shawnee near the village of Ca Mau in the southern part of South Vietnam 11 December 1962. Two helicopters crashed without any damage during a government raid on vetkongskuyu territory. Both helicopters were destroyed, so they do not fall into the hands of enemies. (AP Photo / Horst Faas)

9. This is not the theater lobby, this abattoir near the city of Darmstadt, West Germany, November 29, 1962. Factory, located nearby, was commissioned for an Arab ruler, but she did not have a suitable size room to build a huge chandelier, consisting of 200,000 items. It was decided to raise the chandelier in a slaughterhouse. (Photo Lindlar | AP)

10. Two students of the Medical Faculty (left and center) listen to his professor, studying the model of the human body, in Kabul in 1962. (AFP / Getty Images)

11. Some coffee shops in Algeria, June 17, 1962. (Photo FARENC | AFP | Getty Images)

12. The Algerian War of France is one of the most famous anti-colonial wars. Photo: European settlers were killed in Algeria, March 26, 1962. (Photo: AP)

13. Racing the Isle of Man in the UK, 6 June 1962. (Photo: AP)

14. The British Crown Colony of Hong Kong, which is under the sovereignty of Great Britain, but is not part of it. Right on the water, in the harbor of living in these shacks around 130 000 people. (Photo by Harry Koundakjian | AP)

15. The daughter of US President John F. Kennedy Caroline riding his pony Macaroni in the southern part of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo)

16. The Cuban Missile Crisis was extremely tense confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States regarding the placement of the Soviet Union nuclear missiles in Cuba in October 1962. This was our response to the publication in 1961 by the United States in Turkey's medium-range missiles that could reach Moscow. Cuban missile crisis lasted 13 days and almost turned into a third world war. October 22, 1962, US President Kennedy addressed the nation, announcing the presence in Cuba of Soviet "offensive weapons". Was introduced by the blockade of Cuba. (Photo by Getty Images)

17. The crisis began October 14, 1962, when the spy plane during one of the regular flyby Cuba discovered near the village of San Cristobal Soviet medium-range missiles R-12. (Photo DOD | AP)

18. The Cuban Missile Crisis was completed the dismantling of Soviet missiles, loading them on ships and withdrawal from the territory of Cuba. It took 3 weeks. In turn, President Kennedy November 20, 1662 gave the order to end the blockade of Cuba. A few months later from Turkey have been withdrawn and American missiles. Photo: removal of Soviet missiles from Cuba under the supervision of the UN, November 9, 1962. (Photo by AFP | Getty Images)

19. The Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro, in June 1962. (Photo: AP)

20. In preparation for the invasion of Cuba began redeployment of US troops in Florida. in the photo: a rocket launcher in the city of Key West, aimed at Cuba, Florida, October 27, 1962. (Photo: AP)

21. Americans are seriously preparing for military action. For example, a cylinder of water, photographed at the headquarters of the civil defense. It includes 66 liters and it can provide people with drinking water for 5 to 14 days. (Photo: AP)

22. Father Louis Manuel Padilla holds a wounded hand of government, a shot in the streets of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, during a bloody uprising against President Betancourt in June 1962. More than 200 people were killed before the uprising failed to quell. This picture brought a Pulitzer Prize photographer Hector Rondon. (AP Photo / Hector Rondon)

23. Geisha ready to party with businessmen July 19, 1962. (Photo: AP)

24. Three NASA employee in special suits prepare to board the ship "Apollo" April 6, 1962. This conceptual model was 3, 9 m wide and 3 to 6 m in height and is the most easy piloted device ever created for a flight to orbit and landing on the moon. (AP Photo)

25. In the room with the pyramids of foam that absorbs radio energy, engineer Charles A. Haas model examines an experimental satellite "Telstar" in the laboratory in Hillside, New Jersey, in February 1962. (AP Photo)

26. Almost a year later the first US astronaut to orbit the space flight, was John Glenn. February 20, 1962 he was on the "Mercury-6" three times circled the globe. (Photo by AFP | Getty Images)

27. Start the ship with astronaut John Glenn on board, 20 February 1962. (Photo: AP)

28. In December 1962 smog (smoke and poisonous mixture of exhaust gases with fog) enveloped London. In the days, many residents of the capital of Great Britain for the first time wearing masks - breathe exhaust gases car, mixed with the heavy humid air was dangerous. The death toll was more than 100 people. (Photo: AP)

29. In the photo - one of 60,000 Chinese refugees illegally arrived in Hong Kong from China in May 1962. They are asking for food, holding his hands out of the truck. May 28 Hong Kong authorities drove them back to China. (AFP / Getty Images)

30. Bunk London buses circle around the statue of Prince Albert in London, including smog night December 6th, 1962. Strong smog from Carbs heating and combustion gasoline engines, claimed in 1962 more than 100 people. (AP Photo)

31. Demonstration of parents of children out of school in Glenfield Montclair, New Jersey. They tried to improve the quality of education for students at the school, in which 90% of African-Americans. August 22, 1962 the Board of Directors decided to divide the school 182 students among the three other schools in the wealthy suburb. (AP Photo)

32. Work cleans toilet sign in Montgomery Municipal Airport January 5, 1962 on the orders of the Federal Court prohibiting segregation. However, the city authorities have postponed plans to remove furniture from the waiting room and close the toilets and fountains. They said that they will close, and a restaurant at the airport, if it is a joint decision. (AP Photo)

33. White and African-American girl riding on a hill in the Thomas J. school. Semmes in New Orleans during the crisis of February 7, 1962. That day at school was the second day of the joint sessions of white and black children. (AP Photo / Jim Bourdier)

34. African-American and white girls are looking at the sign in an integrated community of Long Island in New York in April 1962. The inscription on the sign: "Negroes! This area could be another ghetto. Your "family" is to buy a house in another area. " Such signs detractors tried to prevent the growth of the number of blacks in integrated neighborhoods. (AP Photo)

35. US Marshal James McShane (left) and another unknown Marshal escorted James Meredith (center with a suitcase) in the campus of the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi, October 2, 1962. Meredith became the first black student at the university. (AP Photo)

36. President John F. Kennedy and his daughter Caroline on a yacht in Massachusetts. (AP Photo)

37. The airport building in New York (now International Airport. John F. Kennedy), May 29, 1962. (Photo: AP)

38. In the summer of 1945, Germany was divided into four zones of occupation (USSR, USA, UK, France). In the photo: the Berlin Wall in Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany, February 15, 1962. Left - the American sector of the wall on the right - the Russian sector. (Photo: AP)

39. Dying Peter Fechter carry GDR border guards shot him when he tried to climb over the Berlin Wall, 17 August 1962. Fechter 50 minutes spent on neutral ground before he was taken away to the hospital, where he died shortly after admission. (AP Photo)

40. Aerial view of the new baseball stadium being built team «Los Angeles Dodgers» near Los Angeles, March 7, 1962. (AP Photo)

41. Fans and teammates ran to congratulate Wilt Chamberlain of «Philadelphia Warriors» in Hershey, Pennsylvania, after he earned 100 points per game in the victorious match against «New York Knickerbockers» March 2, 1962. After 50 years, his record has not been broken. (AP Photo / Paul Vathis)

42. A meeting of the winter in Trafalgar Square in London, England, February 25, 1962. Organized by the British anti-war movement. (Photo by Laurence Harris | AP)

43. A nuclear explosion at the site in Nevada. As part of "Operation Dominic" was conducted more than 100 nuclear tests in Nevada and the Pacific Ocean in 1962. (U.S. Department of Defense)

44. For the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle was built the most recognizable landmarks in the northwest Pacific coast of the United States - the Space Needle (Space Needle) height of 184 meters. By the shot hit the monorail and urban road: in 1962 there were no traffic jams. (Photo: AP)

45. Celebrating Halloween Anaheyme, California, October 20, 1962. Almost all the inhabitants of the town gathered at the parade. (AP Photo)

46. The South African police beat women with batons in Durban, April 17, 1962, after the woman set fire to the beer tent in protest against the police action against the brewery. (AP Photo)

47. It is the smallest TV in the world at that time, only 4 centimeters in width. Japanese made and shown at the International Exhibition in Milan, Italy, April 21, 1962. (Photo: AP)

48. The German soldier carries a woman to safety in Hamburg, rescuing it from flooding by using inflatable boats army, February 17, 1962. (AP Photo)

49. Mongolia, in March 1962. (Photo by Igor Oganesoff | AP)

50. US First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, May 11, 1962, Washington, DC. (Photo Photo Courtesy of Kennedy Library Archives | Newsmakers)