Heavy loads better moderate protect the heart

Short, intense sessions of exercise better protect against the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease than long sessions with moderate load.
Body's ability to metabolize fat that came from fatty foods, serves as a marker of whether a person is prone to the development of cardiovascular ailments in the future. The faster the fat is cleared from the blood after a meal corresponding to the less risk of such diseases - for example, atherosclerosis, which is characterized by the deposition of fatty plaques in blood vessels.
In the current study by specialists from the University of Aberdeen (UK) asked participants to perform a 2, 5-minute intense exercise, consisting of five races for half a minute with the highest possible voltage and four minute rest after each sprint throw.
It was found that the level of fat in the blood of subjects after short-FizKult session and subsequent reception of fatty foods declined by 33% when compared with the figures after the meal, but without exercise. If the load before the meal was moderate (for example, a half-hour walking tour), the concentration of fat in the blood fell by only 11%.
Now experts are trying to figure out how long the beneficial effects of high-intensity short fizzanyaty and how often a person must exercise so as to protect against cardiovascular afflictions. According to preliminary estimates, short intensive exercise sessions are needed almost every day, and only then be able to keep the heart and blood vessels healthy.
The study is published in the journal Clinical Science.
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