25 exercises that make any man happy:

1.Slushayte music. Music can affect mood. Often listen to what you like.
2. Keep a journal. You can sometimes give off a bit of time trying to sort out their thoughts and express them on paper.
3. Rejoice in the successes of others. Celebrating the success of others is sometimes more pleasant than a celebration of their own achievements.
4. Laugh. Make sure that every day you find a bit of time in order to laugh.
5. Forgive yourself. Each person tends to feel for anything guilt. Try to forgive yourself.
6. admired. Make sure that you do every day that brings you pleasure.
7. Take a break. Allow yourself a few moments to relax from the hectic pace of life and just be.
8. Spend time in nature. It does not matter whether it's a walk in the woods or just to smell a flower, take the time to connect with nature.
9. Treat yourself. Do something for yourself, just because you deserve it.
10. Be spontaneous. Let yourself sometimes act on a whim, just because you feel so.
11. Watch the sunset. Sunset - one of the most beautiful sights.
12. Spend time with children. Children's carefree attitude and zest for life extended to you.
13. Take care of creation. Try to draw a picture or write a story, no matter what it is it will be important for you to express yourself.
14. Play. Engage in your favorite game, it's sure to raise nastoenie.
15. Ask for help. If you need help, ask for it and you will get it kindly.
16. hugs. Physical contact only reinforces the connection we feel with others.
17. Dream. Immerse yourself in your imagination, do not be afraid to dream and fantasize.
18. Breathe deeply. Deep breathing relaxes the body and calms the mind.
19. Take a bath. Take time to relax and take a warm bath.
20. Spin in a happy environment. Your environment affects how you feel, so make sure you are in a happy environment.
21.Posadite tree. Landscaping - a great way to get closer to nature and reason to work physically.
22. nostalgic. Think of the most pleasant moments of your life, and you re good emotions flooding back.
23. Look forward to peace. Every second on earth someone falls in love, a new life, to meet the desires.
24. Complete unfinished. Make that long delayed.
25. Decide to be happy. You just have to want to be happy.
12 healthy snacks that will provide you with energy.
8 lessons of Buddha, for a happy and harmonious life.