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The principle of the Wave in the healing practice

To talk about the "wave" can be quite long. This principle lies in the famous "cannon" Shaolin blow that turns internal organs into a bloody mess. The walls of the legendary monastery, still bear the scars of fists warrior monks who once owned this lethal fighting technique, now it is almost forgotten. Legends about their exploits, talk still.

However, few people remember that the all-crushing wave is capable of creation. But still less than the current masters of battle know what it is, and how to get it. And it is not only and not so much lost during the years of the "cultural revolution" technologies and training techniques. Simply "wave" not very convenient for the Eastern man. He needs to spend more than one year to master it at a sufficient level. Much easier to use more appropriate methods, and the classical styles, for example, with the splendid technique of the legs and filigree acrobatics. Or, for example, the famous Taoist styles, practicing which do not need to constantly carry a huge burden on the physical and psychological level.

Distant from all these matters the reader may well be a legitimate question. Why then, Eastern people keep this ancient art, which for them that uncomfortable? The answer to this question is simple. The one who owns the original style, and owns all others. However, it's not just that. Ancient technology, it's the shortest, most natural and the most reliable way to achieve many of the goals and objectives sought by those who are on the path of the Warrior, Healer, Philosopher. No matter whom. They are most fully adapted to the laws of the universe and to those who, knowing these laws, created by them for their descendants, and then gave them to other people so they kept them. Because store, they can do much better than we know how. Personally, I have long had no doubt that all the ancient technologies of the East, is not that other, as part of the great knowledge of the Slavs, which once kept their power.

So what is a "wave"? Let's start with the fact that this is a slightly different view of man and the development and operation of its internal energy. Markedly different from those that offer us various schools of qigong or yoga. In any case, such systems are completed, complete the form, I have not met. Individual items, Yes. Are fairly common and everywhere: Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and even Japanese schools. But only just. As a rule, not large complexes consisting of several exercises specific and key bindings. However, it may, of course, where there is a more complete set, but what is not seen, not seen. So, what's the matter?

Let's start a bit from afar, but from the very beginning. What are the main ways of managing the internal energy of the person? If you think that those not so much:

1.Tension and relaxation of muscles.

2. Breath.

3. Mental focus.

4. Look.

Ideally, all four methods combined into one, unified whole. Here, perhaps, and all. 2; 3; and 4 the methods known widely enough. But what about 1? And most importantly, what it is and what it does. For sure, many will say that this method is well know, and will constantly use it. But still, I will take the liberty to bring his idea to the end.

At first glance it seems everything here is very simple. Blood moves energy, energy blood. The muscle is tense when it fills with blood, and therefore suitable energy. The muscle relaxes, and the blood drains from it and moves energy. The principle of operation is really simple. However, with the simple things, sometimes, it is possible to implement complicated processes. It all depends on how to use them. And you can use them in different ways. For example, to create and direct healing, or breaking internal wave energy...

As we know from many Eastern and other sources, that the internal energy is like water. Constantly, many streams it flows in the meridians, washing the internal organs, according to numerous vessels with blood. And this process is accelerating, slowing down, uninterrupted, as long as the person is alive. Different current of energy along their paths, together constitute a single flow, providing the life activity of man. And at the same time, each of them performs its own special function. A person who is able to manage their energy, can easily not only to control these flows and use them for different purposes, which are not included in their core, originally inherent nature, function: to create energy, a variety of tools to perform required tasks. One of the most such tools is that "wave".

Wave is a fully managed, unbreakable, strong power, artificially increasing incrementally since the onset of the initial momentum until the point of its release. To use this flow in combat practice in healing, as well as for disclosure of "internal reserves".

In operational practice, it can be used in two ways, namely, as breaking wave (destroying the enemy's internal organs) and the flow creating the body protection, and, as from physical and energy impact from outside (the famous "iron shirt"). In medical practice the "wave" can be used to normalize the processes in the body of the patient, destruction of parasites and harmful bacteria, correcting curvatures of the spine and even the bones, the early fusion of fractures, healing of wounds.

Omit is the use of fighting "waves", and revealing the inner resources of the body. This topics for individual articles. Further we will analyze only the healing use of "waves" and touch on those exercises that allow a person to learn to create, strengthen and guide the "wave".

In addition to the basic fourteen (twelve pairs and two pairs) of the energy meridians in the human body there are also so-called "muscle-tendon" meridians. The number of them twelve, and they, of course, included in the total Meridian system. Their main function is gathering energy from the main meridians and scattering it to the muscles and joints. In contrast to the primary meridians, muscle-tendon have a wider road, which runs superficially (in other words, relatively deep in the body). Because they borrow the energy from the main meridians, they are, in varying degrees, repeating their path, and even have similar names with them.
Now take a closer look at the process of creating "waves" and analyze what energy, what mechanisms are involved and what the result is.

Let's start with the muscle, because they give not only the original signal for the emergence of "waves", but also helps to regulate the current energies and direct its power.
The whole wave process, in terms of muscle work, is a consistent voltage and looks like. For clarity, you can imagine yourself with a tube of toothpaste. Presses the fingers at the base, then gradually her fingers, up to his neck and thus squeezing out all his pasta. The same thing happens with muscles.

It all starts with the tension of the internal muscles of the abdomen. Then strained pectoral muscle, shoulder muscle, deltoid, biceps, triceps and so on. Consistent until the voltage reaches the brush itself. It further continues depending on procedures for the use of "waves". If, for example, you are doing a finger massage, then subsequent voltage of the brush is transferred to the finger with which you press down on the point. In the future, the new sequential muscle tension on the same lines, you can amplify the wave. In this context the muscles are the original pumps that move the blood and internal energy, respectively. After all, as mentioned above: "the blood that moves the energy, the energy of the blood." However, if we consider this action from the standpoint of energy, meridians and chakras, this process is somewhat more complex and interesting.

To begin, we note that the main striking force of this "wave" is the original qi (original qi, true qi, yuan-Chi, in General, you can name it anything). She serves as a core and guiding force for others involved in the process of energy. Rising from the second chakra (tribute to Tien, the Hara center, cinnabar fields, you can name someone like that), it can be reinforced in the chest chakra through breathing qi, and then gets to Fret or Lelia (depending on which side performs this action). There she is again amplified, and then fed into the hand and beyond. The chakras in this step, perform the function of transformers that increase the voltage. But that's not all.
In the process of the emergence, movement and strengthening "wave", actively take part of several manual muscle-tendon Meridian, namely: "bright Yang", "the great Yin" and "Yin", and "small Yin". The functions performed in this operation will vary depending on the purpose of the wave. Their main function is to transport the nourishing and protective qi in the vessels and muscles. These energies also are reinforcing the primordial qi, but not only that. Simply put, in the context of treatment, the original qi is enhanced through breathing, affects the point of the patient, changing its setting in accordance with the settings points of the healer. That is why he is a healer, should not have chronic diseases and be healthy. Otherwise, the positive effect from his massage, it will be very doubtful.

Nourishing qi healer, fueling the energy of the patient, at the time, as the protective qi, prevents the penetration of pathogenic (patient) patient's qi in the body of the doctor. It is the "wave" creates a powerful enough stream of all these energies, to guarantee a stable positive result. Simple finger pressure on points on the patient, not only the lack of effective procedure from the point of view of patient treatment, but can be fraught for the healer, as in this case, the shell of his protective qi, will any not strong enough, in the end, sick energy of the patient will impact on his health.

That is why those healers who practice massages and other contact methods for treatment (particularly associated with bloodletting), but were not involved in special exercises (simple hand washing and regular visits to the baths, there is definitely not enough), cleansing and strengthening of their qi, often seriously ill themselves, and then die early enough. Thumb massage the cleansing of vessels should be the prerogative of those healers who is constantly practicing at least basic systems of a similar exercise, without which, by the way, to get powerful enough without breaks, a wave, is simply impossible.

The fact that the strength of the wave depends not only on the magnitude and strength of internal energy of the patient, but also on a coherent, well-coordinated actions of its muscles, in the correct sequence. The slightest discrepancy in the stress and began to gain momentum wave can turn into a set of bi-directional impulses, some of which will certainly strike the body of the healer. In consequence, beneficial impact on his health. To avoid this, developed sets of special exercises and complexes.
For successful development of skills for the creation, enhancement and management of "waves" of energy is sufficient to learn and practice the primary series consisting of four basic exercises and one final. I'm deliberately not going to describe the system perform these exercises, so that no one is to enter into temptation to try to fulfill them yourself. They need to learn under the guidance of a mentor, for it is not proper implementation can bring the body enough significant damage, and quite quickly. I will describe only their effects on the body, in the context of creating "waves" and part of recreational values. I would also add that the process of the exercises use all the 12 muscle-tendon channels almost all types of qi and not only. But about all under the order. And so...

Common to all exercises the action is:

1. Consistent tension of certain muscle groups that are required to create waves of their synchronization.

2. Pumping these muscles with the aim of increasing the volume pumped through their blood and, hence, energies. Simply put, the more blood those muscles can pump, the more energy can pass through the musculo-tendon meridians.

3. All of them, significantly enhance human energy, increase strength, improve his reaction, produce a variety of useful reflexes.
Now, with regard to the individual characteristics of each exercise.

1 the Exercise.

First of all, it has a beneficial effect on the spine of the healer, gradually eliminating all existing bending or pinching. In addition, it makes the movable vertebrae, which subsequently prevents the possibility of occurrence of scoliosis, and makes any pinched, easily avoidable, and without any outside help. Because the spine is the Foundation of our entire body. And a man whose problem with him, never get enough powerful energy flows. Further, this activity normalizes (if you've had any failures) and strengthens the kidneys. This accordingly contributes to greater develop their nourishing qi and more accumulation of the primordial qi. The more and stronger the flow is initially the qi, the stronger will be the "wave" and consequently, the more effective its action. In addition, the amount of primordial qi, depend on many processes in the living organism, including the process of aging.

2. Exercise.

First of all, normalize lung function, and increases the number of respiratory qi in the body of the healer. In addition, it improves liver function, and therefore clearing the blood of toxins. Better purified the blood, among other things, better is pumped in the blood vessels, and therefore ultimately increases the permeability of the energies. In addition, it activates and develops the chakra Lada and Lelia.

3. Exercise.

Further strengthens the liver, improves functioning of intestines and stomach, and in addition, activates the energy in the Dan-tyane (the second lower chakra, cinnabar field), promotes a more rapid raise to the top, and exercise a more powerful impulse for creating waves.

4. Exercise.

It helps eliminate any congestion in the chest and activates the qi of breathing and pumping channels of its movement. Accordingly, this exercise improves the heart, blood vessels.

5. The Final Exercise.

Especially contributes to the pumping of the hands, pumping all the major muscle groups involved in the education and management of "wave" and, therefore, contributes to the "wave" and increased her energy.

Use of energy "waves" can be extremely effective not only in battle or in the treatment, but also in everyday life. It is a great universal tool to master which can be anyone, and quite quickly. The main thing that classes were regular, systematic, and most importantly was based on the correct methodology. In the management of the energies insignificant trifles does not happen. Every mistake or neglect can eventually lead to serious consequences. Therefore, practicing the exercises it is necessary to clearly understand what you're doing, and what result your actions will be. In this case, the positive effect is provided.


source: vl-club.com

Source: /users/1077