Golden Laws of Life.

1. Principle of the mirror. Before you judge others, you should pay attention to yourself.
2. The principle of pain. Offended man himself inflicts insult others.
3. Principle of the top of the road. We are moving to a higher level, when we start to treat others better than they treat us.
4. The principle of the boomerang. When we help others, we help ourselves.
5. The principle of the hammer. Never use a hammer to kill a mosquito on his forehead interlocutor.
6. The principle of exchange. Rather than put the other in place, we have to put yourself in their place.
7. The principle of learning. Every person we meet has the potential to have something to teach.
8. Principle of charisma. People are showing interest in the person who is interested in them.
9. The principle of confrontation. You must first take care of people and then join with them in confrontation.
10. The principle of a stone cliff. Trust - is the foundation of any relationship.
11. The principle of lift. In the course of the relationship, we can lift people up or lower down.
12. The principle of the situation. Never let the situation means to you is greater than the relationship.
13. The principle of accessibility. Ease in the relationship with oneself helps others feel at ease with us.
14. The principle of the trench. When preparing for battle, dig a trench for himself, so that it will fit one.
15. The principle of agriculture. All relationships need to be cultivated.
16. The principle of 101 percent. Find the 1 percent, with which we agree, and to send him 100 percent of our efforts.
17. The principle of patience. Travel together with other always have slower than traveling alone.
18. The principle of the celebration. The true test of the relationship is not just about how we are true friends when they fail, but how much we rejoice when they succeed.
19. The principle of friendship. Ceteris paribus people will want to work with those who are like them; ceteris unequal conditions they will still do it.
20. The principle of cooperation. Working together increases the likelihood of the joint victory.
21. The principle of satisfaction. In the remarkable relationship between the parties for fun enough just to be together.