Start each day with this text. And your life will find a new meaning!

Today woke up early in the morning, I suddenly realized (s) that today is the best day of my life! and discard all doubts, I decided (s), I have all day today is a holiday! Today I decided (s) that I will thank yourself for some amazing was my life: for all my victories and achievements, inspiration and blessing, and, of course, for all the difficulties that I had. After all, they did me stronger.
And this day I will live with my head held high and a happy heart. I will be grateful (-on) to God for all those simple things that surround me: in the morning dew, sun, clouds, trees, flowers and birds.
Today I'll be the (th) considerate man in the world. Today I will share my joy with people around me. Thanks to me today someone smile.
I will create something unusual and good for a complete stranger to me man. And gave the most sincere compliment to someone who somehow sad. I will tell the child that he - a very special man. And that the only one I love - how much I loved her and how much she (-one) means in my life. Today I stop to worry about what I do not have, and I will thank the Universe for all the magical things that surround me in this world. I know and remember that worry - it's just a waste of precious time. My faith in my own power and providence lead me to my goals.
And tonight, before you go to sleep, I will go outside and look up - on the endless sky, dotted with billions of stars. And reverently admiring the beauty of the stars and the silver disc of the moon, I will thank the universe for all the magic around. And late at night, resting his head on his pillow, I will be grateful (-on) world for the best day of my life. And I'll be going to bed to sleep a happy child who anxiously awaits tomorrow.
Because tomorrow will be the best day of my life!
Mature personality to Maslow
The seller of a small shop attached at the entrance classified "Kittens."