Since the early 90s in this country had the idea that a person aspiring to knowledge, to become involved in the Olympic Games later, according to the company, the teacher-loser, poor engineer or scientist to the poor.
1. The situation is simple - it is important not just knowledge, and ability to apply them.
2. In addition, we must be able to manage time. Spend it on something useful.
Thus, the collective image troechnika bully - a person who receives the maximum result instead invested forces, has a high efficiency. It does not get too much information, and uses the one that has. He breaks not at the expense of knowledge, and through the use of their communication skills. Learning to get out and get a minimum score even in circumstances where it is almost impossible.
So, the school teaches its most important: to find a way out of difficult situations and soberly realize that he wants out of life.
Excellence is almost constantly learning and as a result has a score higher, but lower efficiency. He gets a lot of different knowledge, is not particularly useful in the new reality. In addition, the lack of time for communication and constant encouragement from teachers makes it completely unsuitable for competition.