Why C-lists are more successful than A-listers
The stereotype that every student needs to study diligently and receive only high marks is familiar to us since childhood. Parents often told us to listen to the teachers and do what the textbook says. If you do not study well, you can forget about a good job.
But does the status of an excellent student open all doors for a young person? Leaders of large institutions, successful businessmen and researchers believe that the opposite is true. Turns out, the sayingGood guys work for C.And the good guys on the state is reflected in real life. Is it a bad thing to be an excellent student? Let's figure it out.
Every year, criticism of the current education system is heard more and more. Many claim that schoolAnd its top graduates are completely unfit for real life. All they can do is follow instructions. Is that true? What is the difference between good and bad students?
Is it good to be an excellent student?
Researchers say that to succeed, a person needs not only knowledge. And succeedYou need to be able to establish contacts with people, take risks, find simple solutions, show persistence and character.
Life is multifaceted, and before a person it sets a lot of various tasks. Therefore, it is foolish to hope that excellent marks guarantee a good future for a child. Do not forget that it is the responsibility of the parents to guide the child through life.
Now you know, Why do high school students work for Cs?. And before you send your beloved child to do homework, make sure that he needs it.
Who were you in high school, a C or an A? How did that affect your fate?
But does the status of an excellent student open all doors for a young person? Leaders of large institutions, successful businessmen and researchers believe that the opposite is true. Turns out, the sayingGood guys work for C.And the good guys on the state is reflected in real life. Is it a bad thing to be an excellent student? Let's figure it out.

Every year, criticism of the current education system is heard more and more. Many claim that schoolAnd its top graduates are completely unfit for real life. All they can do is follow instructions. Is that true? What is the difference between good and bad students?

Is it good to be an excellent student?
- The good guys love theory, the bad guys love practice.
Centigrades do not want to solve equations or study theoretical material that they do not see as useful. They just don’t have the motivation to do this stupid thing. The three tries to understand the goal and straight-forward moves towards it, paying no attention to everything else. - Great people get used to doing things right.
For an excellent student, a mistake is a terrible blow, which entails a low mark, subsequent sitting behind books and re-submission. For a C-list, a mistake is a familiar event that serves as a guide to the right option. A bad student does not strive for perfection at once, because he knows that the main thing is to try, then every time it will turn out better.
DepositPhotos - Great people are afraid to take risks.
Getting used to doing everything right, an excellent student gets used to a sense of security. He knows: do as it says in the textbook, and you will get the highest grades. But in life there is no textbook that will answer any questions, and here you need to take responsibility, get out and take risks. And here the risky Cs have the advantage.
DepositPhotos - Threes are more sociable
Excellent people are confident in their knowledge. They think they have everything they need to solve the problem alone. Centiles understand that they do not know much, so they are constantly looking for specialists and establish contact with them. Even at school, in order to get tolerable grades, the C-list has to negotiate with teachers, explain to the headmaster or find contact with excellent students and good students to write off.
DepositPhotos - Triples find easier ways
They do not know the book templates, so the three-year-olds approach solving problems based on their life experience. Because of this, their solutions look original and quite simple. The ability to find such answers will be useful in adulthood. - Three people like to dream about the future.
While excellent students are busy with the present, because they study diligently and delve into every word of the teacher, C-lists make plans for life. A bad student imagines his future, imagines what he will have and do. This helps them to get to know themselves and their needs better, so their chances of making the right life choices increase.
Researchers say that to succeed, a person needs not only knowledge. And succeedYou need to be able to establish contacts with people, take risks, find simple solutions, show persistence and character.
Life is multifaceted, and before a person it sets a lot of various tasks. Therefore, it is foolish to hope that excellent marks guarantee a good future for a child. Do not forget that it is the responsibility of the parents to guide the child through life.
Now you know, Why do high school students work for Cs?. And before you send your beloved child to do homework, make sure that he needs it.
Who were you in high school, a C or an A? How did that affect your fate?