4 masks for faster hair growth

If you dream of long hair, but the patience to wait for their growth you do not, do not despair. We offer you an effective homemade mask for fast hair growth that will strengthen their structure and fill each hair shine and elasticity.
Onion mask
You will need the onions and honey. First sodium onion on a fine grater, and then the resulting slurry is mixed with honey is based on one part honey - four pieces of onion. Rub this mixture into the roots. And hold it on the hair is not less than 40 minutes, and then wash off with warm water. Do not use after the procedure shampoo.
Nettle broth
You will need 100 grams of nettle (leaf), 6% vinegar (500 grams) and 0, 5 liters of water. Cook nettle leaves about half an hour in the water mixed with vinegar. By using this mask for hair ten consecutive days without using the shampoo you will notice how fast your hair will start to grow.
Mask of onion and cognac
You will need cognac, onion and burdock root. Bow pass through the juicer. Parallel to make a decoction of burdock. Then take the brandy and mix it with onions and broth burdock root in the ratio of 1: 4: 6 and mix well. This mask is necessary consecutive week rub into the scalp. After applying the mask, leave on hair for an hour and then wash off with warm water.
The mask of aloe juice and brandy
You will need aloe juice, brandy, honey and one egg yolk. Equal proportions of ingredients. They need to mix thoroughly until smooth. Mask must be applied to the entire length of damp hair. Top put on a shower cap and wrap head in a towel. Hike hour and then wash off the mask.
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