Quotes Depp
Johnny Depp - one of the best actors of our time. He does not strive to be perfect, he wants to be himself. He chooses roles that are close to him, very different in their structure. He comes to every role very seriously and is laid out on a hundred, that is admired. Movies with Depp can be called masterpieces, but fame and recognition is not what you want an actor - he's just doing what he likes.
If I ever say 'I am a serious actor', hit me.
Life is strange and bizarre way.
Each good is evil and evil in every good there.
Life is not to live, to feel that you live.
There are so many beautiful things that sometimes I think that I do not belong here.
Your favorite liquor I do not drink, but only as a sniff - cologne.
In a circle of beautiful girls, I lose the power of speech.
The world of women's rights. Compared to them, we men are just wimps.
Women - stronger than men. For them, there is no nonsense - only thing: life, children, freedom. They do not see the point of eternal life - they keep it in children and that's enough. They did not conquer the world - and so it belongs, because they are able to create new life. They are easy to sacrifice themselves for the sake of us men. And we must simply adore ...
Light in the window can be a beacon of hope.
Fatherhood gave me more strength, more prospects, calmness and confidence - and deprived me of sleep.
Children are very funny, when you get to the fundamental things. Remember, the daughter of the village in front of me and says, "Dad, I need to ask you a question." And she is four, you know. "I have three of them. The first is whether God is afraid of dogs? & Quot; I had to think about. "No, - I say. - Do not fear. " And she says: "Okay. And he found the dinosaurs? & Quot; - "I think he found." And then she says, "And he has a maid? & Quot; But I do not know how to answer this question.
I'm doing in a variety of films for children, because I want to give them positive. On the TV show severed hands and feet due to terrorist attacks and war, and the children need love and happiness. When they grow up, the world breaks off you. A miracle that we can still smile.
Care for children is like for drunken friends: they also fall, laugh, cry ...
Family - is the most important thing in the world. If you do not have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family - is the strongest bond of all your life.
I'm allergic to stencil film. If I have to say the words that are repeated many other characters to me many times, I get sick.
Largely to blame for power. And the rest, too.
I'm a big fan of revenge. This feeling - one of those that we do not want to admit even to themselves, but secretly it gnaws at us all.
Russian - normal guys. Skiing, walking around the city, throw parties, drink vodka. But who does not drink it?
I really liked Russia, especially people. They have an open, sincere and a little cuckoo - just my style!
Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.
My body - my journal, and my tattoos - my story.
I think all countries. And we should celebrate their individuality, without embarrassment or shame her.
People cry not because they are weak. They cry because they have been strong for too long ...
Too easy to blame other people and circumstances in the past for your own self-hatred.
To be alone with my thoughts - a very dangerous thing ... but very useful!
Inside me there is no competition. I would not say that is faithful to someone or something. I'm true to himself.
I do not know anything about life, but I want to live a damn.
To be honest, I always rely on luck.
You can close your eyes to the fact that you do not want to see. But you can not close the heart that does not want to feel.
Much love, obviously, is to trust in the joy of each other, to respect each other's personal lives and in respect of professional choice.
If you love two people at once, select the second ... Because if you really loved the first one, you would not have fallen in love in the second.
America is stupid - stupid as to innocent puppy who tries to bite someone pobolnee.
Happiness money can not buy. But you can buy a yacht that whisk you up to it.
I read a lot. Probably because I have not read anything in childhood. I dropped out of school early. Reading - salvation for me.
All become religious when board the plane.
Do not be afraid of enemies, fear friends. Devoted friends, not enemies !!!
Enjoy the taste - it is more than to have the mind.
I think I have enough for my life photographed by paparazzi, and now I'm going to talk with Brad and Angelina and pull the whole hog.
There are four issues that are of value in life ... What is sacred? What is the spiritual power? What is worth living and that deserves to die?
I tried to stay in constant turmoil, simply because of the expression of the person who left it.
You - this is what you're doing. You - it's your choice. One in whom to turn themselves.
I do not understand this game, I do not understand this city, Hollywood. I do not understand their rules, I only know one thing - I do not like.
It's hard to live in peace with your soul, when around this screaming confusion, but despite the across-pretense, hard work and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.
If I ever say 'I am a serious actor', hit me.

Life is strange and bizarre way.
Each good is evil and evil in every good there.
Life is not to live, to feel that you live.

There are so many beautiful things that sometimes I think that I do not belong here.
Your favorite liquor I do not drink, but only as a sniff - cologne.

In a circle of beautiful girls, I lose the power of speech.
The world of women's rights. Compared to them, we men are just wimps.
Women - stronger than men. For them, there is no nonsense - only thing: life, children, freedom. They do not see the point of eternal life - they keep it in children and that's enough. They did not conquer the world - and so it belongs, because they are able to create new life. They are easy to sacrifice themselves for the sake of us men. And we must simply adore ...

Light in the window can be a beacon of hope.
Fatherhood gave me more strength, more prospects, calmness and confidence - and deprived me of sleep.

Children are very funny, when you get to the fundamental things. Remember, the daughter of the village in front of me and says, "Dad, I need to ask you a question." And she is four, you know. "I have three of them. The first is whether God is afraid of dogs? & Quot; I had to think about. "No, - I say. - Do not fear. " And she says: "Okay. And he found the dinosaurs? & Quot; - "I think he found." And then she says, "And he has a maid? & Quot; But I do not know how to answer this question.
I'm doing in a variety of films for children, because I want to give them positive. On the TV show severed hands and feet due to terrorist attacks and war, and the children need love and happiness. When they grow up, the world breaks off you. A miracle that we can still smile.

Care for children is like for drunken friends: they also fall, laugh, cry ...
Family - is the most important thing in the world. If you do not have a family, consider that you have nothing. Family - is the strongest bond of all your life.

I'm allergic to stencil film. If I have to say the words that are repeated many other characters to me many times, I get sick.
Largely to blame for power. And the rest, too.
I'm a big fan of revenge. This feeling - one of those that we do not want to admit even to themselves, but secretly it gnaws at us all.

Russian - normal guys. Skiing, walking around the city, throw parties, drink vodka. But who does not drink it?
I really liked Russia, especially people. They have an open, sincere and a little cuckoo - just my style!

Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.
My body - my journal, and my tattoos - my story.

I think all countries. And we should celebrate their individuality, without embarrassment or shame her.
People cry not because they are weak. They cry because they have been strong for too long ...

Too easy to blame other people and circumstances in the past for your own self-hatred.
To be alone with my thoughts - a very dangerous thing ... but very useful!
Inside me there is no competition. I would not say that is faithful to someone or something. I'm true to himself.

I do not know anything about life, but I want to live a damn.
To be honest, I always rely on luck.
You can close your eyes to the fact that you do not want to see. But you can not close the heart that does not want to feel.

Much love, obviously, is to trust in the joy of each other, to respect each other's personal lives and in respect of professional choice.
If you love two people at once, select the second ... Because if you really loved the first one, you would not have fallen in love in the second.

America is stupid - stupid as to innocent puppy who tries to bite someone pobolnee.
Happiness money can not buy. But you can buy a yacht that whisk you up to it.
I read a lot. Probably because I have not read anything in childhood. I dropped out of school early. Reading - salvation for me.

All become religious when board the plane.
Do not be afraid of enemies, fear friends. Devoted friends, not enemies !!!
Enjoy the taste - it is more than to have the mind.

I think I have enough for my life photographed by paparazzi, and now I'm going to talk with Brad and Angelina and pull the whole hog.
There are four issues that are of value in life ... What is sacred? What is the spiritual power? What is worth living and that deserves to die?
I tried to stay in constant turmoil, simply because of the expression of the person who left it.

You - this is what you're doing. You - it's your choice. One in whom to turn themselves.
I do not understand this game, I do not understand this city, Hollywood. I do not understand their rules, I only know one thing - I do not like.

It's hard to live in peace with your soul, when around this screaming confusion, but despite the across-pretense, hard work and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.