Serbian house on the water
Over the past 45 years, this little house stood the gusty wind, heavy rain, numerous floods, cold winter and hot summer. Balancing on a rock in the middle of the Drina River near the Serbian town Badzhina Basta, this place has become very attractive for visitors.
The idea for this house came in 1968, when one day a group of young swimmers decided to organize for themselves a place to rest in the middle of the river. At first they just stayed on the rock, but soon they wanted a more convenient and comfortable environment. Gradually the rock were first board. A year later, one of the swimmers presented a project to build a real one-room house.
Construction materials were transported in boats and canoes, and large parts floated downstream. This home is a unique oasis of nature separated from civilization. Over the years the house stood almost all the forces of nature, both favorable and not. In the video you can see the opposition of powerful floods the house.
The idea for this house came in 1968, when one day a group of young swimmers decided to organize for themselves a place to rest in the middle of the river. At first they just stayed on the rock, but soon they wanted a more convenient and comfortable environment. Gradually the rock were first board. A year later, one of the swimmers presented a project to build a real one-room house.
Construction materials were transported in boats and canoes, and large parts floated downstream. This home is a unique oasis of nature separated from civilization. Over the years the house stood almost all the forces of nature, both favorable and not. In the video you can see the opposition of powerful floods the house.