Glowing Ice Cream
British residents Charlie Harry Francis, is the founder of a company called Lick Me I'm Delicious, I presented a unique ice cream. New treats glows in the dark. Producers managed to achieve such an unusual effect due to the use in the process of creating a special type of protein that provides the jellyfish biolyuminestsentsiey.
It tells Charlie Harry Francis, they worked with a team of professionals from China, who identified the protein from the jellyfish body. In their products they are using a particular form of a protein that reacts with calcium. Thus the pH should be neutral. If all these conditions, the protein glows. In addition, the ice cream begins to glow if it a try. Company Lick Me I'm Delicious specializes in the production of products with a non-traditional flavor. They have ice cream flavored cheddar cheese, roast beef and more.
Source: novostiua.net/world/47976-britanskaya-kompaniya-vypustila-svetyascheesya-morozhenoe.html