Within 36 hours

Every woman knows the excitement after the first date: I liked it? Will the last first date? Do not be long tormented by doubts. Learn to be followed if a second date for the first, you can for 36 hours. According to a survey dating site Match.com, 36 hours - this is the period during which the usually called back to offer a new date or just confirm their sympathy. If your date has passed on Saturday night, the call or SMS is to wait until about 11.48 on Monday. If this deadline came and you do not call, the chances of re-appointment is significantly reduced. Previously, there was a rule 3 days-that is, it was believed that the call from his passion is to wait for three days after the meeting. However, as the survey shows, this rule is no longer running. It was typical of the times when there were no mobile phones. Now that everyone has a cell phone, 3 days - this is too much food for thought. "The great thing about the rule of 36 hours or a day and a half is that now do not need three days tormented by doubts. If half of the day passed without a call, you can put a cross on the relationship and find a new partner, "- says Kate Taylor (Kate Taylor), an expert on relations site Match.com. Many people ask the question - who should be the first to call back after the meeting? Traditional notions of gender roles are still valid. 22 percent of women said they did not call themselves and are waiting for a call from a man. Only 5 percent of men believe that the first call after a date to be a woman. Wanting second date, men behave more aggressively than women. 31 percent of men admitted that after the first failure several times trying to take a second date, and only after the third refusal of surrender. 28 percent of women said they cease all attempts to continue the relationship after the first failure.
Source: mirfactov.com/