Risk of high heels

most dangerous of all invented by man heels - of course, the studs. These maloudobnye, but extremely beautiful heels became popular in the 30s of the last century, but then they were seen as parade output form of footwear. Now, sandals or boots with heels can be seen anywhere. Walking to heel, in addition to everything else, and traumatic. Dislocation of the feet - one of the most common injuries of the fall - are no exception. According to statistics, every tenth woman wears studs more than three days a week, and about one-third of these women are falling. In this case, the consequences are very different - from the banal to the ejected bruises and broken joints. In Britain, for example, one enterprising girl was even able to prove in court that she fell precisely because of the studs, in Russia there is no shoe factory to pay you for something you stumble, just would not, therefore, can still worth thinking about their own health?

Among the most common diseases that threaten an avid lover of heels - corns on the feet, cross flat, arthritis (joint inflammation), arthritis (joint deformation), edema, thrombosis, varicose veins. And some women are generally contraindicated in the heel, especially for pregnant women, because the body weight each day gradually added, and shifted the center of gravity. Should not wear shoes with heels teenage girls whose body is in a stage of intensive growth. Also not recommended such footwear for women who suffer from diseases of the feet, for example, flat feet or varicose veins. High-heeled shoes is not suitable for women whose work involves the active movement and large burden on their feet. Such shoes have to be avoided and those women whose weight at 12 pounds or more greater than optimum.

But all are, just abandon the elegant, attracting men shoes looks too not worth it. High heels can be is 2-3 hours 2-3 times a week, alternating it with the shoes below the - in height from 2 to 5 cm. Make life easier for your legs to help special insoles, insoles, shock-absorbing walking, as well as properly fitted the size of shoe, close or too loose can cause serious diseases. Be sure to give the feet rest, no longer walk barefoot, massage, use special creams for tired feet.
Source: mirfactov.com/