10 famous characters drawn from real people

Heroes of the famous books and movies we sometimes perceive as good friends, but still remember that the characters are fictional. And it's interesting to learn that writers for their creation was inspired by real people. They authors borrowed the appearance, habits and even your favorite words.
The editors of the Website have collected prototypes of famous heroes of films and books is just incredible that they lived actually.
"Absent-minded" Marshak — academician Ivan Heels

It turns out that "people scattered through the yard" from a poem by Samuil Marshak existed actually! They were famous eccentric academician Ivan Kablukov, who were famous for their impracticality and absent-mindedness. For example, instead of "chemistry and physics" Professor often told students, "chemist and physiognomy". And instead of the phrase "the bulb burst, and a piece of glass got in my eyes" he could have: "have no cannula, and a piece of my eye in the glass". The expression "Mindelstetten" meant "Mendeleev and Menshutkin," and the usual buzzwords Ivan was "not at all" and "I, that is, not me."
The Professor read the poem, and once he remembered brother Marshak, writer Ilyin, wagging a finger, "Your brother, of course, was aiming at me!" In the drafts Marshak is a variant of the beginning of the poem, in which the hero was directly named by the name of the prototype:
In Leningrad live
Ivan Heels.
He calls himself
Heel Ivanov.
Sources: Myron Petrovsky "Books of our childhood", "Moscow Komsomolets"
Dr. house — Dr. Thomas Bolty

Dr. Thomas Hurts, called "real house", is also different eccentricity. So he rushes to the patient, avoiding traffic jams on the rollers.
The creators of the series of Dr. house became interested in the history of doctor Thomas Bolty from new York, who treated the gallery owner, 40 years of suffering from migraines. The man walked a few dozen doctors who were giving him a lot of medicine for a headache. And Thomas Bolty caught because the patient can not tolerate egg yolk. He again carefully studied the tests and understand what the patient is 40 years of suffering from heavy metal poisoning. After treatment, the man forgot what a migraine. And this is not an isolated case, the talent and erudition allow Hurts to take on the most difficult cases. It is even called "medical detective."
The creators of the house was inspired by cases from the practice of Bolty and his somewhat eccentric behavior. He series not amused: "Yes, we have some similarities, but I don't like. I am totally against having to go over the heads, as house to make a diagnosis". But Hey, after this career of Dr. Bolty went up the hill, and now he is official physician office MTV.
Sources: HistoryTime, RealDoctorHouse
Dorian gray — the poet John gray

The English poet John gray, whom Wilde met in the late 80-ies of the XIX century, became the prototype of Dorian gray. The distinguished poet-decadent, intelligent, beautiful and ambitious, he inspired the writer of the image of the eternally young and beautiful Dorian gray. After the release of the famous novel many began to call John grey name hero, and the poet himself signed at least one of his letters Wilde "Dorian". Surprisingly, after 30 years, John gray has abandoned the Bohemian life, became a Catholic priest, and even got a ward.
Sources: The Man Who Was Dorian Gray, "Wikipedia"
Sherlock Holmes: Dr. Joseph bell

Sherlock Holmes have a lot in common with a Professor at the University of Edinburgh Joseph bell, whom Conan Doyle worked as an assistant in the hospital. The writer often recalled his teacher, talked about his eagle profile, inquisitive mind and an amazing intuition. Bell was tall and wiry, brusque in movements and Smoking a pipe.
He was able to pinpoint a profession and the nature of his patients and always encouraged students to use the deduction. He was invited to lecture strangers and asked students to say who they are and where. One day he brought in an audience of a man in a hat, and when no one was able to answer questions Bella explained that because he forgot to remove the hat, it's likely the last time he was in the army. There decided to stay in a headdress to salute. And because he had signs of fever, characteristic of the West Indies, arrived, apparently, this man from Barbados.
Sources: "School of life", "Historical truth"
James bond — "the king of spies" Sidney Reilly

About prototype James bond debate, and the largely collective (former intelligence officer Ian Fleming gave the character and own features). But many agree that the character is very similar to the "king of the spies", British spy and adventurer Russian-born Sidney Reilly.
Incredibly erudite, he spoke seven languages, loved to play politics and manipulate people, adored by women and spun numerous novels. Reilly, thank you for one trusted him surgery and was known for being able to find a way out from almost any position. He was able to instantly transform into a completely different personality. By the way, it's great "heritage" in Russia: his track record even preparing for the attempt on Lenin.
Sources: "AIF", the book by Robin Bruce Lockhart "Sidney Reilly: the spy-the legend of the XX century"
Peter Pan — Michael Davis

A wonderful book about the writer of Peter pan James Barry was inspired by the son of writer friends, Sylvia and Arthur Davis. With Davis he had known for a long time, was friends with all of their five sons, but four-year-old Michael (a brilliant boy, as they say) was the prototype of Peter pan. With that, he went off traits and even nightmares that have plagued high-spirited and brave, but sensitive child. By the way, the sculpture of Peter pan in Kensington gardens — the face of Michael.
Sources: DailyMail
Christopher Robin — Christopher Robin Milne

Christopher Robin books about Winnie-the-Pooh Alan Milne is the writer's son, who was named Christopher Robin. In childhood relationships with parents was — the mother was occupied only by himself, his father — his creativity, a lot of the time he spent with his nanny. Later, he wrote: "there were two things that marred my life and I had to escape: the glory of my father and "Christopher Robin"". The child grew into a very kind, nervous and shy. "At the same time the prototype for Christopher Robin and Piglet," then it will say psychologists. Favorite toy boy had a Teddy bear that his father gave him on the first day of birth. And bear, as you may have guessed, is the best friend of Robin's Winnie-the-Pooh.
Sources: BBC News, Independent
"The wolf of wall street" broker Jordan Belfort

On the left, Jordan Belfort, and this is about his biography we learn from successful Hollywood movie. Life was raised by a stockbroker to the top and dropped in the dirt. First, he plunged into the good life, and later almost 2 years went to jail for fraud on the securities market. After the liberation of Belfort with ease found use for his talents: he wrote 2 books about his life and began to hold seminars as a speaker-motivator. The main rules of success in his version are: "Act with limitless faith in yourself then people will believe you. Act as if you already achieved tremendous success, and then you really will succeed!"
Sources: HistoryTime, Forbes
Anna Karenina — Maria, daughter of Pushkin

Leo Tolstoy never hid the surprising origin of his heroines, whose prototype was Maria Hartung, nee Pushkina. Beloved daughter of the "sun of Russian poetry" was very similar to his great father and the life she was destined to very difficult.
Looking at the portrait of Mary, we can understand looked like Anna Karenina in the view of Leo Tolstoy. Arab and curls of the hair, and the unexpected lightness stout, but of fine figure, intelligent face — all this was typical of Hartung. Her fate was difficult and, perhaps, a premonition of future tragedy Tolstoy reflected in her beautiful face.
Sources: HistoryTime, the magazine "Ogonek"
Bender — Osip Shor

The fate of the prototype of Ostap Bender is not less remarkable than the history of "the great schemer". Osip Shor was a man of many talents: played football, was well versed in law, worked for several years in the criminal investigation and visited many scrapes, out of which came through artistry and creativity mixed with audacity.
His dream was to go to Brazil or Argentina, therefore, Osip began to dress, wearing bright clothing, a white captain's hat and, of course, a scarf. Writers and signature phrases he borrowed, for example "My dad is morecompany". It was the first Scam of the shore — to avoid conscription into the army, he decided to impersonate a Turk and forged documents.
The antics of the adventurer Joseph were innumerable: in 1918-1919, in Odessa, to get a livelihood, he was presented to the artist, the chess grandmaster, representative of the underground anti-Soviet organization, then sold to bandits place in Paradise. And one day he asked Ilf and Petrov of money — "image" (and then admitted that it was a joke). About these events, tells in his book "my Diamond crown" Valentin Kataev.
Sources: "Russian planet", "Wikipedia"
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